I kept my head down until the man disappeared. He had faster legs than expected and instantly disappeared across the street.

Maybe he uses the magic of cargo handling (cargo), just like Maxwell used to. That magic belongs to the manipulative system and is not so high-ranking. Originally developed magic for workers, the ease of use seems to be cut off...... I can't use it, so I'm not sure.

Whatever it was, it was so fast that I wasn't convinced otherwise.

Look at me sweating and bowing to a disappearing man, Michelle has a nibbling grin.

"Mm, what?

"No, Nicole's actually pretty dodgy?

"Rude. That's bad he was hiding out there."

"Well, he's right, it's his freedom to rest anywhere outside the city, isn't it? But why, more importantly, in a place like that..."

Retina is tilting her neck small.

Surely she's right, the shady grass of a tree on the side of the street is as if she's avoiding the eyes.

The outfit was too light for being outside the city. I wore a sword for once, except for that, you can say it's like being a villager there.

The intention of not wanting to stand out appears seeping into its appearance and behavior.

"Letina's right, that's definitely weird. What were you doing?

"Hey, Nicole. This is it?

Cloud was getting Letina's word and was exploring the grass. I pulled a small envelope out of it.

"Was it someone's drop earlier?

"Maybe. Because we have to chase them and deliver them."

"But it's not sealed, is it? Normally, this kind of thing usually has a seal on it, right?

Cloud showing the back of the crease here. There, as he put it, was in an unsealed state. Now you can look inside all you want.

That's why it's against manners to see it on your own.

Before he could say that, the cloud was taking the contents out of the envelope.

"Ah, idiot!

"What, 'the formation was found. Target is as guided. The warrior will be on his way over there'?


I listened to the readout of the cloud and I was stiff for a moment.

In this raum, I often refer to Cortina when it comes to military teachers. The word "target" doesn't feel good either.

What is induction in the first place...

"Wait, induction?

Formation...... that rocky underground, the magic formations that were depicted are not that big.

In the first place, the floor was soil peeled out, not rock beds, so it should be easy to erase the magic formation if you plow the ground a little.

Yet the magic formations were left round. It was weathered in a week's time, but it was also possible for Maxwell to read where he was going.

No, isn't it weird in the first place that you missed Den more than that? Deng had an abnormal evolution in terms of intelligence, but his physical abilities were no different from those of a normal orga.

And even though the species Auga is excellent in muscle strength, it is not so good in agility.

If you care about that, you have unlimited chances of getting away with it. If you use laborious metastatic magic, in view of the danger of being attacked during the ritual, you should definitely keep it in check.

And if you can muster a level of talent that can use transfer magic, it should be easy enough to defeat Auga.

Even so, Deng had been missed.

"What if it was... the Maxwells?


Retina leaks her amazement at my words.

If they hear you've set the heroes in a trap, you can't stay calm.

"What do you mean?!?

"Wait a minute. 'Cause I'm thinking now."

Yeah, that trail is obviously weird. It was so blatant that it could be said that it was obvious.

If it's also intentional to let Deng get away with it, what do you think?

If the Auga comes out, we'll get a request for a crusade. It's not usually a conversational thing. And after the crusade, I should have looked for that address to see if there were any other shooting leaks. Because if Auga's companions and children exist, the crisis will continue even further.

Then that magic formation would one day have become a thing to be found.

And if the adventurer discovers the unidentified magic formation, it will soon reach Maxwell's ear even.

If Maxwell knew about Crain's trends in the neighborhood, he would be able to instantly figure out what the trail was.

I think I analyzed the subtly unscrambled destination and grabbed my tail. This is also a natural flow.

Yes, the inability to identify the destination of the transfer also contributes to increasing the authenticity. But even though it can't be identified, the destination is narrowed down to two places: Comb or Lilith.

Then it is easy to imagine the six heroes who follow them coming there.

But why are you imitating such a hassle?

The answer is simple. To ambush us all over the crippled city. Because the whole city will considerably limit our abilities.

Whatever Lyell or Gaddles is, Maxwell or Maria can't use great magic all over the city.

If you want to use massive magic, it involves unrelated citizens. If Cortina can also command people, their power will be drastically reduced.

Maxwell of maximum power is brought into a situation where he is forced to use small-scale magic without refusal.

And Cortina is a soldier who attacks his enemies with measures. Conversely, substantial combat power is the lowest of my people.

Bring it into turmoil all over the city and she will turn it into the easiest prey to target.

If you want to receive this information...

"Aim... Cortina!

Six heroes killed. If you were to aim for it, you would choose Cortina first.

And the failure to target the two cities also means that we will be separated there.

In fact, now the five of us are splitting up and looking into the city. I don't know where my enemies are, but if they're going to split into two hands, you can deal with up to three, the smallest and the two.

Given the convenience of the force, it is Lyell or Gaddles who have a good escort capability that accompanies Cortina. Both are avant-garde positions.

The most dangerous person, Maxwell, who uses a wide variety of magic, is less likely to be with Cortina for the convenience of numbers.

In fact, Maria is leaving a message at Cortina's house, all the more so that Cortina and Maxwell should be acting separately.

"Not good...... I need to let you know soon!

It's evening. Cortina is called to Maxwell after noon, from which she is self-taught.

I mean, she should be moving to Comb or Lilith right now.

Failure to tell them quickly what they were after could have made it too late.

"Michelle, Retina! I'll be right back!

"What, already...?

"Yeah...... no, me - yeah, because I'm just going home first! Come back later."

"That's good... what's going on?

"Explain later!

Cloud was suddenly in a hurry. He was surprised at me, but that's even a waste of time to explain.

And if you keep up with the heavily equipped cloud or the pace of Retina, who doesn't like exercising, your return to the city will be that late.

My agility is different among the four of us. To let you know as soon as possible, the other three get stuck on their feet.

Luckily this is along the street. There will be no danger, as safety is ensured to some extent.

I snapped a letter from the cloud and ran back to Raum's capital.

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