Thanks to Ast's intrusion, Maxwell managed to escape the pursuit safely.

We decided to escape into Maxwell's mansion, falsely adjusting Ast's gear.

Regardless, the pretext was also true, so neither did Maria or Cortina doubt it.

Pushing Ast's back together with Maxwell, he dispersed one foot from the storage yard, but Cloud and Finia are going to do some more archaic work, apparently.

After fleeing into the shithole and Maxwell's mansion, close the windows to completely block sight from the outside world.

I was doing everything I could to detect the signs and make sure there were no observers.

"All right, nobody's here, huh?

"Well, there aren't as many people trying to peek into this mansion as there were before."

"Why so far...... oh well. You kept it a secret."

"I can't believe you're just one of my daughters. That's not what I said."

"It won't be something you can hide through forever."

Ast groans sarcastically with Bosoli, but there were no more signs of interference here.

It is this man who gives precedence to his interests before that. Quickly, spread the package and remove the new armor (gauntlet) from the larger box.

"This is the newly adjusted armor. The exterior has been successfully lightened while leveraging the bones of evil dragons provided by Reid"

"Ho ho?

Last time it was black glowing metal, but this time the armor had a strange feeling that it was not a metal with a zalari hand feel.

The color is the same black, but there is no gloss, and it looks like a matte black material that does not reflect light. The surface was engraved with geometric texts not with white... but with lines that melted silver.

"A previous Reid would have supported his own weight with one finger, but you'd be overburdened now, wouldn't you? So I'm armored to the finger so that I can withstand the strain from the outside."

Last time I saw it, the armor was up to the back of my hand, and from there to my fingertips, it was to the point where it had a tube that released threads, but this time it was covered in armor exactly to my fingertips.

And the palm side of the hand was a glove made of black membranous matter. The pattern is also engraved there in silver.

"The gloves are made from the skin membrane of the Wings of the Evil Dragon. By its very nature, the flames can withstand the friction of misrillic threads, besides not passing even semi-productive magic."


"It was a material with a high coefficient of friction, so it would also be an aid when holding a sword or something"

It is true that the material of the zalari gloves is not slippery and may be easy to hold a sword.

Conversely, tricky movements, such as when changing hands, can get in the way. This must be the part where you need to get used to it.

"I put a fang-based hook on the pinky side of both wrists. It should be easier to bring this into combat if you make fun of the enemy's clothes"

"Ho ho."

When you are told to do your gaze at that area, there is indeed a projection about a centimeter inside the wrist.

When I touched it with my fingers, it felt harder than I imagined. Looks tougher than a lousy iron, but if you think about it, Evil Dragon even had his armor chewed up. It would also be natural to be hard.

"Of course it involves clothing, but it is also strong enough to support the body. In other words, if it was a flat wall with fangs, it would be possible to feed it and stick it to the wall."

"Holy shit!?

It's quite interesting to stick without yarn on the wall.

I just ran over to the wall and hooked up the hook and pulled my body up to show it.

It was gruesome, but I can definitely support my body. I was able to climb the wall as I slouched by hooking my hands alternately to the wall.

Besides, you can support your body with one arm. This is likely to widen the scope of the strategy.

"What the hell, Nicole!? The walls will be scratched!

"No way. It's all dirty, that's all right."

"I'd have to re-paste the wallpaper!

"Right there."

But it's enough to know that you can support your body. I jump to the floor and go back to Ast.

Ast seemed relieved to see how I was doing.

"Mm-hmm. I knew it was okay for once calculations, but you were just anxious until I saw that it was actually okay"

"You haven't tried it!

"My daughter-in-law would have been just the right size physically, but now she's away."

"Oh, you got away with it"


Was this topic forbidden, I can turn a jittery gaze.

Still, is my wife just the right size, just like me? Is this guy really a lollicon...?

"Fair enough. The built-in amount of yarn is about 100 meters in a single bottle. That's five for each arm. It will suffice as a quantity."

"Hmm, a little less?

"The overall armor size is smaller than before. It's gonna be really short."

"Oh, I see"

"And this is the biggest change, but the text on its exterior is a reinforced magic activation line."

"Enhanced magic?

Probably about the silver geometry painted on the exterior.

Is this the magic formation? But I feel a little different from what I know.

"Simply flush magic to activate the Enhanced Grant (Enchant) technique. However, it does not build a magic formation on its own, so the effect is very limited. The effect is three minutes, only for myself. You can't call anyone else."

"Thank you very much."

If you just need to shed magic, you can do it in an instant. In previous battles, there have been many occasions when we have to rely on the reinforcement of threads without being able to draw formations.

If that burden is eliminated, it can be a sufficient weapon.

"After that, those gloves are removable. And the pattern depicted on the back of the glove contains the magic of transfer of goods (sports). So you can call this armor and put it on."

"That would be nice! Will you no longer have to hide it?"

"Only when it's in this box can I call it in. I can't put it back."

"No, no, it's enough, 'cause. How many times have we had trouble without weapons?"

Pomp and pound the crate Ast brought to you. Similar texts were inscribed inside the box. Perhaps that's the magic team that lets you handle goods transfers (sports).

That was the case in the Matheus battle earlier, but my abilities themselves are too peaky to be maximized unless it's the armor that planted this yarn.

That's why it's so big to wear gloves and if you shed magic, you can call out your hand armor.

"That's a good job. Thank you."

"I've had enough of my hobbies run this time, too. Mutual."

That's why I shook Ast's hand disappointingly.

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