With permission from the cloud, I returned my heels to the college.

Even though I left the house early in the morning, via the church, it gets quite a long way.

Hurry up and go to school, or you'll be late. The weakness of my body is already well known, so I'm convinced even if it's a little late.

"With that said, Nicole was amazing too, wasn't she?


But that leg, Michelle's words stop.

Same as always, Nico smiling. I can't feel the back there. But I was wary of the words that came out of my mouth.

"'Cause, you see, I didn't retreat at all to the five adult opponents, and the one who attacked me said Bissy with a wire"

"I didn't see it because I was fainting..."


I sweat sloppily at that word.

I haven't shown them how to fight with yarn directly in front of them. Exceptionally, he shows it to the cloud, but he thinks I'm dropping the level to match the Michelles.

In the first place, I can't get to the very thought of putting yarn around my body to aid muscle strength, etc. So even if I used it sneakingly, I haven't found out before.

In front of them, they only showed it to the point of using yarn for the means of movement at best, but there is no escape in terms of this one.

He used yarn to attack, and instead of a sword, he was attacked with yarn, which he freely used to show in battle.

"You were like Master Reid, weren't you?

"Ugh, yeah... the..."

There's no sign of pursuing Michelle. But they're both important associates of mine, and I'm also thinking about going on a journey as a party after I graduate from the School of Magic.

I wonder if it would only be detrimental to keep my abilities quiet from such a companion.

Not long ago, Michelle was young, too, so there was a chance she'd accidentally tell someone, but wouldn't she be all right now?

You don't even have to talk about me being Reid's reincarnation. How about I just let you know that I have a gift for yarn?

"Uh... I wasn't talking to you..."


"Actually, I have another gift."

"What, then both of them!?

Michelle knows I have an interfering magic gift, too.

The speed of mastering the technique is faster, but because of problems with liberation and control, the progress of that skill was not very good as a gift holder.

Currently, however, the problem disappeared with the medication of a female Trician doctor, and she was successfully mastering interferometric magic. I'm already working on intermediate level magic, and other students recognize me as a subtle genius.

It is judged to be subtle because of the system of interference. Interferometric magic, which has many users and does not have a very large effect, is not given much credit.

Anyway, when there are other gifts, the story changes.

"Look, you said it during Michelle's shooting gift, right? When I was told I had two gifts, I kept my mouth shut because I thought I'd be in trouble."

"But then, Nicole, you were three. I've been thinking about that ever since."

"Ugh, yeah. And the ability to manipulate yarn was plain..."

"That's not true. 'Cause that's when you took out one of your enemies with yarn!

"Oh, yeah?

Michelle is laughing innocently as usual. Originally she has no personality to think deeply about things.

I'm sure he's just talking about what he came up with this time.

So if you convince her to some extent and accept that there is no need to say anything else, there will be no leakage to others because it is about her all the way.

"But look, you can't tell anyone because just having two gifts could be a lot of trouble, okay?

"Oh well... right, okay!

"Nicole, you had two gifts. That's the daughter of six heroes."

"Eh, heh..."

Three to be exact, but don't tell me this. Exactly three gift holders have only been confirmed by a few people in this world.

If they find out I have a third, that's what makes me no less noisy than the Lyells.

"Well, then Nicole was flying the yarn sometimes because she had a gift."

"Because, of course, daily training is indispensable, right? That move is a gift of training."

"Oh well... Nicole's working really hard too if you say so. I can't lose, either."

"Yes, yes. There are as many examples of gift taking being defeated by ordinary people as there are. Don't be chronic."

"Ugh, is that about my behavior this time?

"Of course."

This incident, it all started with the chronic minds of the two of us. We were both dead if we took one wrong step. We need to get down there.

Of course, Maria scolds me right after the incident, so I guess she remembers her liver, but saying a child is fast growing and easy to forget at the same time.

Every time this happens, you have to keep an eye on it and engrave a lesson in your head.

"And Michelle."

"Ugh, it's a yab snake."

"You know exactly what I mean?

I laid my hands on my hips, my eyes sharpened and made me angry. Regardless, the intimidation is not a big deal, as there is no intention of killing.

But for Michelle, who values friendship, being scolded by her friends should mean a lot.

Advice, she nodded greatly and indicated her willingness to accept.

"Ha, I'll be careful next time."

"All right, then. But I'm gonna stick with you in the future, so be prepared, okay?


"If I don't say it again and again, I forget when I have to. Is that true?



This is what I was told by Scattered Maria and Cortina in my lifetime.

In the end, the pernicious habit of being too arbitrary did not heal until death.

The vice has a glimpse into the cloud as well as me. I ended up grieving Cortina, but I don't want him to step on the same footing as me.

That's why I decided to keep my mouth shut as long as I was persistent.

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