Donovan Stra-Salwa.

Stra territory, a grain of Crain Stra-Salwa border uncle. Its character is a father concession, a mass of voter thought. Essentially sarcastic and arrogant.

But the witchcraft arm is first-class, and even though it belongs to the elementary part, it can already use intermediate fire-based witchcraft.

Currently the finest student in elementary school. A student two years older than me... who got tangled up with me on an on-campus tour.

A chunk of that electorate is sitting in front of me, rubbing my forehead against the floor and begging for help.

I'm one of the most famous daughters in the world, but I don't have nobility.

I mean, from his point of view, it's just civilians. From his point of view, such as crawling on the floor toward me, it should be an unforgivable outfit.

It's in the midst of crowd control, too.

It would be extrapolating to know how humiliating the act would provoke in him.

"Please, no, please, Master Nicole! Please, help me!

"Hey, hey..."

"You're the only one I can count on anymore! Please, please...!

"Wait, I don't know the details for now, but look up."

"No, until I get a good reply, never. I'd like to help you by exposing yourself to shame. That's the only sincerity you can show me right now!

"Okay! Already figured it out, let's just change the place!?

Too much attention as it is.

My school life is remarkable. When I was a powerless child, I was coming out of my goal of living my training days plain and steady.

Yet if they imitated me like this, I would stand (...) rumored to be unawares.

Anyway, let's move to an invisible location as soon as possible, and then we'll hear more about it.

After hearing my words, Donovan finally looked up.

Change places...... but this is a public school of magic.

You can't have a place where I personally can block the eyes of others.

Moreover, most classrooms have windows that allow you to peek inside through hallways and courtyards.

The dining room, for example, is out of the question. Even the music room, famous for its absence, is equipped with windows.

Besides, the music room is totally unsuitable for a secret conversation because somehow when I go inside, the spectators get together.

As a result, I took Donovan to a sermon room, also known as the Student Guidance Office.

chairs and desks to interact with students. It's not just that, it's also equipped with sofas and tables to meet with parents.

There are even facilities to brew tea so that you can hold it to a minimum just in case it gets longer.

In the meantime, I spoke to Cortina and decided to borrow it.

Cortina also declined here because the other party, knowing he was an official of the Salwa family, initially demanded accompaniment, but Donovan was hard against it.

I still said, 'If you don't listen to me, I'm going to be Maxwell's resident apprentice!' Apparently, the word worked.

That's why Cortina is waiting outside the door. The students were pushing outside the hallways and windows, but this was dealt with by pulling curtains and blocking sight.

With Cortina in front of the door, students don't have to worry about hearing.

Cortina will eavesdrop on you, but because you can't eavesdrop on her to any other student even though she has one.

Donovan sits on the sofa for reception and snuggles quietly.

Before that he brews and serves tea for now and sits on the couch across the street. If we were to talk, moisture to dampen the tongue would be a must.

I have a problem with my usual attitude here, so I switch on lady mode.

Align your feet and flush diagonally, stretching your pissilli and spine to carry the tea to your mouth beyond. The slightly clearer attitude also includes the everyday imitation of Retina.

"Nku. So, what the hell is all this fuss about, Senior?

"Oh... well, I did something I was sorry about before school"

"That was three years ago, so I don't particularly care"

"Well... the..."

"You don't have to worry if you listen, do you? Dr. Cortina's stuck to the door, but he's not the kind of person who leaks the story."

"Isn't that pointless avoiding people!?

"Thanks to the teacher over there, the other students don't lean in."


So you convinced me, Donovan makes a sip of tea too. This could be a behavior specific to something that speaks out.

I have heard the subject questioned say that when revealing something, a person always speaks of moisture once.

"The six-heroes have been in Stra territory lately - no, do you know that people are visiting? No, are you there?

"You don't have to force me to use reverence, do you? Yeah, I hear you got involved in the kidnapping of His Majesty Elliot and headed for that investigation."

"That's right. Or they suspect my father was involved in that case."

"Neither Chairman Maxwell, nor Dr. Cortina, move without a doubt."

I'm going to argue with Donovan a little bit.

Donovan waved in a panic and denied my attitude, which also appeared to be a damaging wind.

"No, I'm never going to blame you two! Well, troubling things are just related..."

"What is the trouble?

I couldn't grasp the guidelines, so I put on my ankle and asked for more details.

To that question, Donovan drips his neck, as he cruises again.

But he turned to me like he had made up his mind and told me this in a strong tone.

"Me - no, I've become Lord of Stra territory this time."


To Donovan's proclamation, it was only this time that I leaned my neck in earnest.

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