A few days have passed since Cloud fought the slave traders.

Fortunately, there are not many sequelae left, and I am relieved that there seems to be no obstacle to the adventurer's life. How can I say Maria, if she is wounded in the spirit, she cannot be healed. Many adventurers suffer deep wounds to their hearts caused by deep hands and retire because they are unable to move back to normal.

In Cortina's house, instead of her being away, Maria was partitioned.

This also means looking at the severely injured cloud.

When I asked Maria how she was feeling worried, she said to herself, "There's no way I'm going to leave you with any sequelae. Stop doubting your mom because you're worried about your boyfriend, 'he scolded me.

There's so much wrong, I protested strongly, but somehow I got flushed with a meaningful smile: 'Yes, sir'.

Hi. I have a verse that misrepresents my relationship with the cloud.

The three of us, Maxwell and Lyell and Cortina... no, probably Gaddles too, but we're leaving the city now.

Perhaps we are on our way to investigate the Salwa border uncle in Stra territory.

Even though Maxwell's metamorphosis magic exists, it is a dark part of your local nobility. It's just not possible to put things away in a few days.

If I were on active duty, I'd have Maxwell forward me, and I'd have all the people involved assassinated and shown it to me by the end of the day, but that's not the case with the Lyells.

These are the ones who can only attack positively, for better or worse. Let's hope for Cortina's wickedness.

Even that day I visited the cloud and went to see how he was.

A corner of the world tree church of the largest faction in this world is used as an orphanage, where a dozen children live.

It's the Church Sister who manages it, but this sight has to remind me of when I died.

I visit every day after the injury, but every time I see what the church looks like, the feeling of flurri and spine trembling runs.

This. Maybe the pre-reincarnation death experience was eroding me like a trauma.

"You don't have to worry so much anymore. Trust my magic more."

Maria still misunderstands me like that. You think I trembled worried about the cloud injury.

I've said this many times already, so it's a pain in the ass to correct this.

"I'm not."

"Yes, sir. Yes, you did."

"Ugh, here comes the frustration"

"Yes, sir. Look, let's hurry."

This is also a conversation we've had many times. I've already given up solving my misunderstandings, so I'll keep it flowing and step inside the premises.

Even though it was only morning, there were children in the front yard coming out and playing. They see us, they stop the play.

Uncomfortable with the orphanage, me with a clear appearance, and the youthful Maria.

Children in the orphanage sending a frightened gaze to both of us. This was also a sight every time.

Scratching those children, one woman comes here.

She's the Sister who's partitioning this church.

Soft and friendly atmosphere as if you were a housewife there. But to say that I will be entrusted with the Church in this Raum would be quite a position.

"Welcome, Dear Maria. Are you still in the cloud today?

"Yes. How is he?

"He said his right arm is still slightly numb, but he doesn't seem to have any movement problems."

"Do you still have paralysis… you have to be a little careful"

"Best wishes. There's a lot going on with that kid, but he's a really good kid... and I'm worried about him."

"I understand. Especially him..."


Semi-demon. That's why he was being unfairly bullied.

If you remain handicapped in your arms, Daesung as an adventurer will also be in danger. That way, I can see as much as a big shadow in his future.

"Cloud, are you depressed?

"No, you're swinging your sword as soon as you jump to undo it. Don't worry there."

Even if I say Sister, I'm a woman of my age who's already told me if I can reach sixty.

She smiles gently at me when she just turns ten like that. It's not like Maria. A smile that makes me ho.

Such an old song girlfriend treats the younger Maria and me politely, so this one scares me more.

"Don't force me, I'll stop you"

"Right. It could certainly be a little too tense."

"Well, I'm in my usual room - okay?

"Yeah, I don't mind. That's the room I used to treat my injured child."

"Okay. Nicole, he's bringing Cloud in there."

"Mm, okay."

I run out of Maria's place and head to the church backyard.

It's a place where vegetable gardens are built and the kids don't come very close.

But it's more convenient than waving a dangerous blade where the little ones don't lean in. Probably the cloud will be there.

Go around the quarters and go for the backyard. There was a cloud figure waving his sword naked in his upper body.

"Cloud, annoying"

"Master, are you still here today?

When I party with Michelle and the others, it's the cloud that calls me by name, but when they're together, they call me Master.

They say this is an old habit. Besides, if you don't call your name when you're partying, you may not be able to work together.

Cloud was waving his sword as he blew tons of sweat out of his fleshy thin, thin - boyish body, good or bad. But the body is definitely starting to have muscles on it. The power may be better than mine in previous life.

It's summer, but it's hot air.

"Yeah, my mom's here, too. He said to come to the infirmary later."

"Master, if you're kind of with Maria, the tone is weird"


When I'm with Maria, I have to be aware that I'm her daughter. In playing that, it becomes necessary to call it a childish tone.

I've been going through it 'me' since I met Cloud, so I guess that makes me feel uncomfortable.

"But she looks fine, above all."

"I'm still a little paralyzed. Is this going to heal?

"Mom can't fix it. No injuries."

Big enough injury to cut a thousand arms. Even if that's just how it works normally, I can see how wonderful Maria's magic is.

Seeing how the bare gestures were earlier didn't seem to have enough after-effects to worry about.

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