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There are many people who have been incited to Nicole's departure for the Alekmar Sword Kingdom.

Among them were the two of them who were badly damaged. One was Elliot and the other was the cloud.

Elliot lost his technique of pursuing Maxwell, who disappeared from Raum to accompany Nicole, and was at the bottom of his disappointment.

Besides, this time, it was determined that there was a problem with perimeter protection, and I should have been able to take a vacation in Raum for more than six months, but I was halved. Even the rest of it, depending on the circumstances, could be undone.

I understand that Elliot herself is straining the bellies she has left behind for coming to Raum, so I couldn't resist this claim, and I just had to accept it with a promise.

And the other one who was damaged was the cloud.

Originally bullied child. The position had been greatly improved by the food frequently inserted as an adventurer apprentice.

No one bullies the cloud in an orphanage right now.

Because if you imitate like that and the cloud bends its navel, you may not be able to eat the delicious meat.

If that happens... the object of the bullying changes from 'We cloud ourselves' to 'From other people who can no longer eat meat to ourselves'.

Cloud seems to have found a good companion, but it is unclear whether we will find such a convenient person for ourselves.

Those who were bullying also understood the extent to which they were aware of the danger of moving the status quo poorly beyond being.

By the way, Nicole's recent busy appearance of standing around caused the supply of meat to the orphanage to be cut off.

As it is, the cloud is in danger of falling into its original position.

"That's why I want to go hunting soon."

In the dining room at Adventurer's Support School, the cloud was sighing heavily.

This school is basically off-limits to outsiders. And the cloud doesn't have the financial power to just enroll.

But here comes a fellow who says Michelle. In that respect, I'm not going to cut and throw away with outsiders all the same.

For that reason, the cloud used the dining room here from time to time.

"Even so, it's a sorcery school event. Nicole didn't mess with Cloud, did she?

Sitting across from the cloud, Michelle rinses the fruit water with a flush.

I can understand what Cloud is trying to say, but Nicole has Nicole's situation. I don't like the boy in front of me taking that lightly.

"No, of course I know what's going on over there. But look... I'm a half demon."

"Uh, yeah."

Michelle grasped what Cloud was trying to say in one word.

Semi-demon. the socially vulnerable common to the nation in this world. An unacknowledged being with high magical and physical qualities.

That is why it is the powerful adventurers who can find their place.

But it also means you can only get jobs that are always dangerous and neighboring.

Semi-demons often suffer abusive death at a young age, or then throw themselves on adventure and lose their lives in too immature a state.

Still, adventurers are their only means of winning a thousand bucks. Reid, who has now climbed to six heroes, embodies his glory.

The cloud is also one who admires its glory.

But in order to do so, you must at least have the strength to live alone.

For him, hunting was a means of ensuring his own safety, as well as training for heights.

That is at the convenience of Nicole, the master, who frequently interrupts. You'll even want to be stupid.

"No, not even me. You're grateful to Nicole, aren't you? Look, there's a chance he'd have been bullied to death if he'd stayed that way."


"What supports my position now is the food for hunting. I didn't mean it."

"... Ma, come on. So you and I are going hunting?

"Uh, just the two of us?

"What, dissatisfied?

Michelle also knows the boundaries of the cloud. So I can also understand why he's in a hurry.

If so, I tried to suggest this offer.

"I have gifts too, and weak enemies should be able to hunt enough for us alone, right?

"I was wondering if you were okay?

"When you have a strong enemy, you can use a silver bow (third eye)."

"But if you use that, Michelle won't be able to move, will she?

"I can do enough to take you down. Even a mountain snake was a blow!

"I still don't believe that."

The cloud, of course, knows Michelle's skill.

But it's hard to believe how many gift holders you've defeated enough monsters to have to deal with in the military.

Even more suspicious because we have not even brought back the material of that evidence.

"Uh, you don't believe me, that face!

"No, he said he believed it. Because that's what Nicole said."

"Are you saying my words are unbelievable?

"No way! You're one of us."

"Then it's not a problem."


I don't think he was well guided, but in fact, Michelle's offensive power was far beyond her age.

If the original shield cloud draws its enemies, Michelle will most likely have them.

Nor was her suggestion unjustifiable.

"Right. So what do you say we go hunting tomorrow morning?


Thus Michelle and Cloud set foot in the adventure of going hunting together.

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