This itinerary will last three nights and four days and as a student of this age it will be quite a long journey.

Nevertheless, if you are on foot, it is extremely convenient to transfer magic because it takes a month to get back and forth in this period.

I also know why countries use this magic to sharpen their nerves.

For students other than me, the School of Magic itself had a pretty floating atmosphere, as it was more like a tourist trip.

Retina was also pulling me out to pick out clothes for the trip.

"Why are you wearing clothes?

"It's your first land to go, isn't it? We need to head out in decent clothes so we can't get licked."

"It's a uniform during an event, and it's athletic clothes when you sleep, right?

"Free time is also possible for personal clothing, right?

"I was meant to be in uniform that time..."

"I won't forgive you or Dr. Cortina for that!

I was pulled out shopping at this rate and had feathers running around the city.

As usual, Retina's mother, Eliza, is not following.

I guess that's all I'm trusted with.

"Is Mr. Eliza still leaving today?

"Your mother is invited to Duke Aini's Tea Party today."

"The Duke."

In this Raum, the Duke is also a title given to royal relatives.

In other words, it is a sign that he is a companion to Maxwell's blood and a heavy town in the country.

If you're invited to someone like that, you can't say no unless there's some kind of circumstance.

"Oh, these shoes are adorable!

Retina ignored my admiration and was obsessed with shoes.

But you even take your shoes...?

"Are you even going to change your shoes over there? You're gonna have a lot of baggage, aren't you?

"Yay, if it's any better!

It's cold sweaty.

Remember the amount of luggage assumed, letina dangling and sweating.

Given her costume, she would bring in more than three costume cases for a three-night trip.

"Exactly. You think that makes Maxwell angry, too?

"... let's say clothes will be worn another time"

Retina, a big fan of the Six Heroes, gave up lightly in one word.

I'm a part of this, but I don't feel comfortable.

Time went by like that and it was the day of departure.

It should be noted that in the meantime, Maxwell had desperately avoided pursuing Cortina. But I don't know about disappearing with metastatic magic every time I see your face.

Even that Cortina seemed unable to chase Maxwell, who disappeared into disgrace, and couldn't seem to pursue it.

And the day of departure. Nearly three hundred people have gathered in the college's campus since the early morning to prepare for departure.

This time the destination is different for each school year, so you can't use the Adventurer Alliance Transfer Magic Formation.

So the magic will be used by Maxwell.

They use the magic of [Portal Gate] to expand the range and send hundreds of people to their destinations at once.

To be honest, it's an ordinarily inconceivable wastage of magic, such as further expanding the range of high-altitude magic.

And I've done it three times, so I can wonder how powerful Maxwell's magic is.

"That's exciting! I have never been to the kingdom of the sword of Alekmar."

"It's quite different from the climate because it's in the south."

"Oh, has Mr. Nicole visited?

"Ugh, the... I just heard the story"

"Oh, Lord Lyell and Maria would have visited."

"Let's make that happen"

In fact, we were driven out by the evil dragon exorcism in the north, so we never visited the Alexmar Sword Kingdom in the south. It's simply that I grew up in the region.

Cortina and I, who were active in this regard, are certain, but I do not know if Maria, from the Holy Tree Country of Forneus in the centre of the continent, has had any experience visiting. Lyell is also from the South, but he is far from the Sword Kingdom because he comes from a country located in the Southwest. Probably never visited.

But I guess Maxwell has visited that metastatic magic can be used.

Because the condition "I have visited the destination" exists in the activation condition of the metastatic magic.

A more tense retina than usual, but if you look closely, the beret may be decorated with a brooch that mimics flowers.

Apparently, they're getting as stylish as they can get.

Yeah, I'm in my usual uniform, my usual disappointing boots. Ka is on top of the beret in the prescribed uniform.

I also minimise my luggage, so few of the students around me jumped through.

"See, at the end of the day, four years. I'm coming with you to Alekmar."

"Yeah, yeah!?

Just before we left, Maxwell dropped the bomb statement. But I wasn't surprised because I heard it beforehand. This is also for a reason.

We're staying in Maleva, the capital of the Alekmar Sword Kingdom.

The destination to fix your armor is for a blacksmith who hides in the mountains a few hours away from it.

But my strength makes me anxious to do mountain climbing alone.

The idea is to relieve that anxiety by accompanying Maxwell, who can use metastatic magic there.

"Hey, Maxwell. I'm not listening to you, am I?

"Because I kept it to myself. Of course not."

"You've been running away from me and shit, you! And the convenience of the inn?

"I don't know, if we go back to Raum, we'll have a problem"

"... Oh, you did"

Maxwell, who can use metastatic magic, can return to Raum to rest if he has to.

I don't need to be forced to stay in Mareva.

"This is why the metastatic magic... flies all over the place as you please"

"Even I want to breathe once in a while. Use your old bones."

"Well, Nicole's magic training for the director's job. Even the security guys are busy these days, and I know you're tired. Come on. Students get nervous."

"Does the Lord say that? The same six heroes."

"I'm fine. Because students are used to it."

Indeed, Cortina sees it from day to day as a teacher, so she has less respect for the Six Heroes.

Students also have respect, but anxiety exists to treat teachers.

"That's not why I hope you're enjoying yourself without worrying about me."

"Don't be impotent!

President of the Board, it is impossible to say not to be nervous accompanied by six heroes Maxwell.

Looking around, the students and even the faculty still face tension.

That's when I realized something.

"That, what about Dr. Elliot?

There's no sign of Elliot among the faculty. Of course, there was no sign of Priscilla.

"Oh, he's coming with us today. Look, there's something going on here, right? Stretching your legs out of the sight of your escort is a bit."

"I see..."

Besides Priscilla, there are Elliot's escorts in this city.

But when you travel to the Alekmar Sword Kingdom, the escorts can't follow you.

Therefore, it seems that this companionship was to be matched. This is a shame for me, too.

Because there was also the possibility that they would sneak up on it and make it impossible to repair it.

"That's it, I don't feel sorry for you, but... Is it the only way"

Elliot is coming to this raum by pushing him pretty hard.

On top of that, it was just impossible to accompany him on a quick trip.

That's how we traveled to the Alekmar Sword Kingdom in Maxwell's magic.

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