At least Elliot doesn't have the means to reach me. That leads to not having to worry about being pushed.

Which means you don't have to worry about finding out if it's my disguise.

"That's not a bad thing to think about, is it?

"As it turns out, no. Well, if you think you're in the lead, it's not bad."

Maxwell makes a sip of tea from the teacup he had on his large office desk.

The aroma drifting from the cup was really aromatic and seemed delicious.

Tea for me, too.

"I don't know, is it rough today?

"I just had a thought..."

It was yesterday that I remembered recently when I was acting strangely and renewed my resolve.

The determination did not last a day, and he fell into the feather of plunging a man in. No, it's not a decision I made myself.

As if washing away those acts, I was more aware of men than usual in my own tricks today.

"Honestly, I've forgotten my beginnings, so I'd like to live like a man for a while"

"Then the first hand must have felt good, huh? Then it's good to fold."

"I know that... I feel heavy"

While Maxwell advises so, he waters from a water drain to a heat-resistant pot and uses magic to boil the water.

He took the tea leaves out of the drawer, poured them into a cup, and behaved like tea to me. Or steam it. You're such a mess, Grandpa.

In the meantime, I'll find a small plate of tea and serve his secret cookies there.

Apparently a rare thing with black tea leaves in the dough.

"Fair enough. Do you think you can do it quickly?"

"No, wait. It might not be a bad idea to twitch a little here."

"Which one is it!?

"He's not a runner. You need time to get your thoughts up, don't you?

"Is that what you say?

"Cortina did. For more than twenty years, it's mostly mellow."

"I hope so... no, okay?

Sure, since reincarnation, Cortina's tricks have things she never had in her lifetime.

I was even stunned to see if it was rather a long way over there.

If that is the fruit of the act of taking time, it could certainly be effective.

"But you're not gonna be around for that long, are you? Me, you know, growing up?

"Don't grow up much...... no excuse me. That's irrelevant. I'll have trouble leaving you alone for years and catching up with the Lord after his transformation."

I'm ten now. The figure after the transformation is mid to late teens. It can be described as the difference in appearance that can be made because it is a growing up.

Conversely, in five more years, I'll catch up with that look.

In that case, this time the sagging will be attributed to blisters.

"I don't need time on a yearly basis. If it felt good, a few days at most. No, I'll pull it till next week."


If we meet again in a week, it might be appropriate as a blank period.

Instead, if I went to see him the next day, it could have made a disappointing impression.

"I see. Then we'll go see him next week."

"What, shall I work for you as a messenger? It's not a bad idea to meet in the city."

I'll take care of the adjustment around here.

Carry a tea rinse cookie into your mouth as you exhale into Maxwell thinking about your next hand.

It seems like a pretty good tea leaf that has brewed me, and the scent that falls out of my nose soothes my tiredness.

Cookies refined with tea leaves also increased fragrance and increased appetite.

"... yummy"

I can't eat it in one bite because my mouth is small. Looking at me with Polypoli, Maxwell was stuck at her desk and laughing.

"What the fuck?

"I don't care if they talk about 'masculinity' in that trick... I thought it was some little animal."

"You can't do that."

I poured cookies in with tea and just jumped out of the chairman's office.

When we're together more than that, it's not something I figured out what they're gonna say.

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Maxwell sighed heavily as he closed the door high and saw Reid jumping out.

Apparently, his sincerity has not been understood.

"It's not overlapping that hasn't been noticed... but that Park Min-Jen, I don't know if you're going to learn."

This time, it also made sense to make Reid realize his point of view as a woman by making him do the act of stumbling on a man.

In other words, he had made special training to notice Cortina's and Finia's favors from casual tricks.

Once Reid's death has also been triggered by his Park Min-Jen swing if he (merely) puts his ex behind him.

We mistakenly assumed that we were flabbergasted by each other in his act without going through the female mind, and called in the extra blame of Gaddles.

And as a result of that, I was present at the summons of the demon god, and I lost my life.

What if Gaddles didn't burn the blame?

What if Cortina was generous with Reid's rudeness?

What if Reid cares about Cortina and makes an ideal proposal?

There would have been no tragedy in the previous life. But since his previous life, a man named Reid had a strange tour of being there when he wanted him to be.

Even then, without Reid, one village might have perished instead, but for Maxwell, fellow villagers are more important than strangers.

It's not all done, but it's not like the same thing is not happening again. Even if reincarnated, it should be called the good, no bad, of Reid's patrol, whose properties are fully demonstrated.

I want Cortina and I back before we bring in any strange trouble again.

Besides, even with him, I want Cortina, a fellow fighter, to grasp happiness.

That's why I aimed to correct Reid's Park Min-Jen and thought about this one.

"I thought if even half of Elliot could understand the woman's heart... but Elliot's guy is pretty much not an 'arr' either"

He's him, too, and he's unexpectedly showing his wife a side if he thinks he's going to be a little more aggressive.

Apparently, the influence of growing up in the Royal Palace since childhood has made women poorly treated.

Though conceited by a great deal of manners, it seems like an act that deceives an incomprehensible amateur gesture of handling.


"Miss Priscilla admires me so much, I didn't realize... it's like Reid"

Run to the escort until you have cut off time and become hostile to the nearby woman by the point of perversion.

Maxwell was discerning that there were more emotions there than work.

"Use Park Min-Jen to educate Park Min-Jen...? That might be interesting again. I'm not bored when I'm really naughty."

From Reid's resurrection, the sudden revitalization of his companions.

Regardless, it has not been noticed that Reid is Nicole, but he is still far better than a decade of stalled relations.

It was Maxwell who really liked that position, looking at those people with a smile on his face.

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