Raum is only called the Forest Kingdom and is surrounded by diverse plants. That also leads to the distribution of abundant fruit.

They belong to the Union of the Three Kingdoms of the North, and many of them are rare for Elliot, who is stuck in the royal palace.

Just a city fruit shop lined with rare fruits that even the royal palace couldn't eat. There was no need for him to stop at the sight.

As an adult, I deliberately approached him and bought some star-shaped fruit.

Originally, I would appeal by contacting the stripped shoulder - but that's what I used to do in my lifetime - but now my body is hallucinating.

From inadvertent contact, it is not good to understand that he is changing his appearance in illusion, so just keep him close.

"Uncle, please serve this."

"Yes, sir. Don't look at me, young lady.

"I just recently came to town."

This is Osama, what are you gonna do if you catch on?

I had no choice, so I tried to be as casual as I could, and I glanced at Elliot standing next to him, sending him the smile I could hold.

Such a full smile that I seem to get goosebumps myself. Of course I'm hallucinating, but this hallucinating look is linked to my expression. I mean, this is also my future look.

"Excuse me, have I interrupted?

"Ah, oh. No, don't worry about it. I was just looking at the product."

She blushes a little, and Elliot replies in a retreat. Oh, is this a pretty good reaction?

The fact is, Elliot looked at my face seriously and looked in. Just a little grumpy.

"Um, what is it?

"Oh, no! Well, they looked a lot like acquaintances."

"Really? I think it's a common face..."

"Such a thing! Instead, if you're better like you, as a man, you'll have trouble finding a place for your eyes."

"That, in a good way?

"Of course."

Returning it in a slightly obstinate tone, Elliot has been dealing with you in a princely manner as to whether he has regained his usual condition.

The usual, slightly considerate language. When you look at the lack of thorns in the words, is the grasp good?

It's the first hand for now. First of all, to the extent that we can talk about the world, we have to make progress.

"It's a lot of rare fruit. I bought it too."

"Right, this star-shaped fruit is really rare. It's something I don't see in my hometown."

"Oh, don't you live here?

"Yeah, I'm from the northern countryside. If there's anything wrong with it, you'll be blind."

"I'm from the country, too, so don't worry about it."

"Well, where do you live?

I'll be on the lookout for a moment about how to answer this question.

In my lifetime, I was born in the southern city state of Alekmar Sword Kingdom. But now I'm from the United Kingdom of the three northern countries.

Should I say Northern in order to connect the conversation here?

That's what I thought, and Elliot got it wrong in the meantime.

He thinks I'm on guard, and he waves like he did.

"Oh, nothing. Let's explore your hometown, or in a question that was meant to say so..."

"No, I don't... I'm from the Northern Triad."

"Oh, were you from my hometown"

"Yeah, I'm from Cold Village at the foot of the Scion Peak."

The Scion Peak is the northern end of the Union of the Three North Nations. It was the first area to be destroyed by evil dragons.

Not many people will pursue it in depth when they are told it is from here.

"Sion's...... So to the damage of evil dragons?

"Yeah, the village already has"

"I'm sorry to hear that."


"Yes, a star apple, please wait"

So the owner of the store came back packing the star-shaped fruit in a bag.

I'll take it and give you the money. There is a difference between the body and the illusion, so my husband looks a little odd as to whether a subtle timing deviation has occurred, but I decided to smile and delude myself.

And here, I dare you to take an unsympathetic attitude and try to leave the scene once and for all.

This was my decision to leave the scene before it got too deep.

It's unnatural to go too deep because today is the first time we meet. Connect your face today. The next time you see him, you just have to be close enough to exchange greetings. That's what I was thinking.

But Elliot's in a hurry, and he's coming after me.

"Wait! Let me apologize for my rudeness earlier."


I looked back unexpectedly and inquired that way, but that's kind of working out for nothing.

Elliot's face was also more tense than usual.

"Yeah, how about a cup of tea at the cafe there? I'll take care of it."

"Oh, I'm sorry about the first time I met you."

Here is Maxwell's direct lady (lady) trick. Let yourself twist a little and do your hand on your mouth as you were surprised.

The other hand went to the chest, as if to protect itself...... I wanted to do it, but this one held fruit, so I forbid.

Seeing my attitude like that, Elliot wonders if he suspected his bottom line, and he connects words in advance.

"Oh, that! Of course, if you don't like it, I'm not saying you can't. Apologies only."

Elliot's face was so red that I'd never seen it before.

Whatever it takes. This... you're not feeling well, are you?

"Um, your face looks red, but don't you feel ill or something?

"No, this is just nervous in front of you. I'm fine. Everything's going well."

"I hope so..."

Think a little bit there.

Here I was thinking if we could get along enough to exchange greetings, that would be fine.

More than that, because there may be a need to turn to Maxwell's judgment.

But Elliot's reaction feels better than I imagined. It may be a waste to miss this opportunity.

My whole life, I've missed every opportunity to say this... because it seems.

"Right... Um..."

"What is it?

"I'm a pretty big eater, aren't I?

In a slightly chest-tight position, I made him declare so. Then comes the Doya face as well.

This is a lie, no matter what. My appetite is less than half the average child. It's just a little joke, to relax Elliot.

But I guess it also had the effect of such a trick. Elliot looked at me like that, and after a small eruption, he returned his thanks for the aristocratic ceremony.

"No problem. If it's for your smile, let me throw you some personal belongings and show you."

"No matter how much, I won't eat that much or anything!

No matter how many jokes, when it comes to crushing Elliot's identity, you obviously have to eat more than your weight.

My stomach is bigger than it was when I was a kid, but still not that big.

In return for his joke, I looked outraged.

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