We rushed back to Cortina and issued a warning to evacuate in a hurry.

And I'll also tell her that Michelle wants to protect the land and that's possible.

But Cortina's reaction was concise.


"Why not!

Cut to pieces and throw them away, and we will be ordered to evacuate like the rest of the students.

"Even if I can analogize, no. Evacuate with the rest of the students quickly."


"Okay? You are certainly such a good student that you are not normal. But it's only a student. Our faculty has a duty to keep you safe."

From this expedition, from the School of Adventurer Support, the faculty of pull rates are also following. But the character is too different in Cortina than in a normal adventurous faculty member.

During these anomalies, command is deposited with Cortina without question.

I could have expected her to put the safety of her students first and instruct her to do so.

"To protect this place... I would have that power... can't I?

"You can't have bad stuff. Even if I could, it would be against my duty to allow it. It's my job now to keep my students safe. Enjoy this place."


I know what Cortina says. It's Michelle who's rather unscrupulous.

I can't name a faculty member if I'm going to turn my students here for a dangerous crusade. Even if we had the means to crusade, the faculty must ensure the safety of our students as a matter of priority.


"Say something from Nicole, too!

"... Cortina is more right here"

"But -!?"

I know what she's willing to do, to protect this place that reminds me of my hometown. Still, Cortina can't admit it in her position. No, it seems to put us underage on the battlefield, so we're disqualified as educators.

So I pulled her off a little hard and took a distance from Cortina.

She's her, and she's in a position where other students have to be evacuated. We can't just burn our hands forever.

"I don't know what to do, not like this..."

"Yeah, they'll probably rough it up"

"How did you know that?"

"Cortina has a position, too. You can't just treat one of your students, and you can't treat them special."

"I'm ready to risk it."

"Still, yeah."

I know that's not why you pull quietly, Michelle.

If it stays this way, she will also head to Cortina to crusade the Mountain Snake in confidence.

If that happens, surely she dies.

Sure, she has the firepower to overthrow mountain snakes, and the arm to hit them... but that's it.

She alone probably can't even spot the steeple of a mountain snake and can only see a future that is approached and crushed by its giant or swallowed whole.

So I really have a collaborator. And measures to take advantage of it.

All I have to do here is keep Cortina's face in line with Michelle's wishes.

That's a seemingly contradictory act...

Cortina and Elliot, along with the other faculty, were consulting as they headed the students to the transfer station.

I take advantage of a secret gift and sneak behind it so it doesn't get noticed.

There was an indication that the response to mountain snakes had been discussed.

"First, we need to evacuate the students to the transfer point."

"Who's going to evacuate us to the capital?

"That won't give you enough magic to send an army. Because it takes a lot of magic to metastasize."

"But Dr. Cortina, then we can't keep our students safe!

"Even if you can go back to the capital, you can't say you're safe without a mountain snake. They might come straight up to the capital."

It was still the safety of our students that the faculty were talking about.

Is it safer to evacuate students to the capital, or will they evacuate until they are safe in this land?

If we evacuate, the magic of the capital's response forces will be depleted. Then it's not the thing that figured out how far the damage to the mountain snake would spread.

Is it safe to lurk in this land?

This is only a rural area. Crusades will require the fighting power of the capital more than you can expect to have as much defensive combat power as you can cope with mountain snakes.

"If you stand over there, this one won't stand, it's troubling."

"So it feels like today... If it weren't for us, there would have been room to carry the power of the capital."

"What would Dr. Cortina do?

One of the faculty members turns to Cortina for judgment. She's the most vocal person on this scene.

Probably to the extent that he expressed his opinion as a base. The threat of disaster beasts is so high.


Cortina cuts her words once there and glances at the line of students who are to be evacuated properly.

Then he put his hand on his chin and flew his gaze around him.

I move behind people and escape my gaze so she won't find me.

No matter how many covert gifts you used, you'll find yourself hiding if you're looked at directly.

"Surely there was a great valley on the west side of this territory, was there? If we lure him in, he'll be able to at least limit his movements."

"I see. It's also a deep valley over there, so if you get into as many mountain snakes as you can, you won't be able to move."

"That said, it's not the height you can't climb if you're a mountain snake giant. You can regulate the movement of the left and right."

"You can climb, you can't even seal it up."

As a faculty member who asked, he probably wanted to hear how the students were treated. But Cortina was answering a strategy about crusading.

"If you're a mountain snake, you have a hand to guide you with bait, and the only way to get around is to crawl through the ground, so if you have a skilled magician, you can block the path with wall-based magic such as earthwalls (earthwalls) and direct you to the valley. Half-strength would destroy it, but it doesn't have a clear purpose, nor does it have a hitter, enough to go all the way to destroying the current wall until we get ahead of it. But we're not strong enough right now."

"In the end, can we just run away..."

"Well, because we're only faculty. Crusading is not my job."

That's what I said and fooled the other faculty, but as far as I'm concerned, the earlier strategy felt like I was talking to them.

She might have noticed I was listening here.

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