On this day's schedule, after lunch on this fallow, we are to tour the Cosmos fields with a guide from the farm people.

We were on that schedule, finishing lunch, and we were off to dinner.

There Cortina passes, shaking her tail.

Walking with her thin fingers on her chin is a hallmark of her thinking.

"Cortina, what's wrong?

"Mm-hmm... Nicole? Yeah, hey."

She turns her gaze behind my back, she says.

From that trick, I assumed there was a problem that the students couldn't hear.

Lift your hips off the seat and follow Cortina to distance yourself from the students.

Neither did Retina and the others realize what I meant by my actions, or follow them. This neighborhood has been the result of repeated party fighting.

Cortina started talking as she came all the way to a distance where she couldn't reach her voice around her.

"Well, can I break it to you, Nicole? By appointment, it's about time the administrator of the field arrived. I can't see him."

"You look? Isn't that a big problem?

The person who plans to come here doesn't show up.

Is the other party forgetting their plans, unable to come here at their convenience, or driven by a situation they can't come to?

If you're just forgetting, it's still okay.

It's also a problem that I haven't heard from you even though it's convenient, but I'm most afraid that you're being driven into a situation where you can't come.

Is it sudden illness or another errand? Anyway, I'm worried about the guide.

"Hey, maybe we should go look for him."

"Yes, but I can't leave because I have student rates."

"What about Elliot? He's a part-time teacher, too, right?

"Moving him alone... that's the problem, right?"

Yeah, I see him. He's the current king of the three northern kingdoms.

There are still people after that life. That's why I had an elite escort to say Priscilla.

Moving him alone in this peripheral land would be a great opportunity for a guy like that.

"A troublesome teacher"


Cortina also smiled with a crunch at the feeling of not putting clothes on my teeth.

That said, it doesn't seem like much of a good idea to keep waiting in this situation.

"Then we will find you"

"Are you sure? Are you all right......"

"Even if it looks like this, I'm getting pretty adventurous, so it's okay"

Exactly. I can't take Matisse, but Michelle and Retina have quite a bit of experience standing around in the woods with me.

With a little bit of an emergency, we should be able to deal with it adequately.

"... right. I'm worried about keeping waiting like this, and should I ask you?

"Let it be."

"But you can't be unscrupulous, can you? Nicole is absolutely impotent at times like this."

"... I will do a positive good deed"

Sometimes if trouble pops in front of me, I'm somewhat impotent.

So I didn't swear I wouldn't, and I decided to say the right thing and deceive you.

When I got back to you, I decided to keep talking about the situation and go out and search for the conductor.

I went and talked to Matisse, but I know she has a strong mouth.

She wouldn't divulge the conversation to the other students.

"So what kind of a guide are you?

To Retina's question, I pass on the characteristics of the master of the field I heard from Cortina.

Small fat and muscular. Mustache surface. I was in my forties when I was old, and I'm not a tall human species.

"So, it's beyond this field... he said he lives in that cabin over there"

Cosmos fields beyond fallow land. Beyond that, we could see something small and like a cabin.

Cortina said, that seems to be his home.

Due to the large number of fields in this neighborhood, each house is a long way from home. As far as I could see, I didn't see anything else that looked like a private house.

"I'm going to go look there first"

"Of course you do."

"What if you were injured or sick?

"You just have to let Cortina know then. I'll run back. Michelle needs to see you."

The fastest leg of these three is me.

In other words, if you look over the college and the support school, there are no students faster than me.

Michelle has quite a few things in her endurance, but her instantaneous power didn't extend to me.

"Anyway, considering what you're saying, you'd better go fast"

"Right. But I need to take my gear."

Going through the woods, Retina brought her favorite cane. This was as a substitute for a wand for trekking, but the unexpected turn seems to have come around.

Michelle also decided to use this because she hasn't brought her usual hunting bow but always carries a big silver bow (third eye).

This bow can be pulled at all costs if you use the bangle's muscle strength enhancement that the God of Discipline gave you, but even my supporting magic manages to pull about half of it.

She's not even going to use it alone yet, but if we're going to act together, we'll be able to give her the power she needs.

I was also carrying a vibrating knife and a katana.

Exactly. I haven't brought my regular Reid armor, but if it's a piano wire, I put five bundles in my pocket.

With this, you should be able to deal with most of the problems.

No other student has ever been more armed.

I think to myself that it is something that has become a very noisy student.

Still, this kind of emergency helps, so if you're ready, he's the one who says.

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