And two days later. The day of excursion has arrived.

The destination is a rural town on the border, albeit a small territory. It can't even be a day trip on a child's feet.

So it becomes a bit of a luxurious little trip, using the metamagic formations offered by the Adventurer Alliance.

Because the Metastatic Magic Regiment requires a great deal of magic to activate, it also requires a lot of magicians who need surgery, and the price is high accordingly.

But there was a Maxwell in the School of Magic that could be described as synonymous with ridiculous magic.

One of them can activate the procedure.

Besides, I also know how the metamagic formation works itself. If the Alliance refuses, it will build its own formation, so if it is on the Alliance side, it is better to receive the gold.

For that reason, the Adventurer Guild had responded very favourably to this trip.

"Hi, guys, line up over here!

Alliance staff will guide our students in a polite tone. The service even gives me candy balls to commemorate.

That too should require the same volume of silver coins as a bag of candy balls for the original transfer.

But that's what Maxwell is giving me, so let's even smile.

Even though we have a lot of well-raised nobles lined up, the children are about ten years old.

It's been a long expedition, and many kids are tense and noisy.

The college regularly opens these excursions once a year and takes them on trips under the pretext of spreading sight and hearing.

This will be my fourth trip to college.

I apologize to the staff who soften the shaggy child, but I could also say that it was a good breath.

"Why are you here when you're breathing like that?

"Oh, that's not tight. I'm so worried about you that I'm here with you."

"It's not necessary. Go away."

One part-time teacher follows me. Needless to say, it's Elliot.

Don't let a good man over twenty cling to your child, really.

"Well, to be honest, there's nothing wrong with me."

"You mean the dads. I know."

"If I am bound to you, it will also make sense to strengthen the pipe with your parents. That's a natural flow. For me, that's the lifeline"

Elliot is the survivor of a once doomed royal family.

It is no exaggeration to say that the neighbouring countries have created a tri-national union behind him for the stability of the North.

Our executives for that matter were the six heroes.

In other words, Elliot is inferior to any other country, neither the majesty nor the authority of the royal family.

If you do poorly, you will be denigrated by the puppets even under the subordinates of the former other countries.

It was us who barely contained the situation.

From him, I know very well what it's like to pull me in and make Ryells' cooperation a solid thing.

"I admit I'm being honest, but do you speak for a normal struggle for power?

"For some reason, I felt it would be better for you to disclose everything."

"Did you hear that from 'That'?

"Oh, nothing from 'that'"

Ahead of me turning my gaze, there was Priscilla, who was constantly pretending to be a teacher and encouraging her to work as an escort.

I'm wearing a suit for the faculty, but for what I look like I'm young, I don't look intensely good... Is that Cortina with me?

With a part-time teacher (royalty) beside me for some reason, Letina doesn't usually come near to line up next door with a natural face.

Matisse, too, is anxious about this unidentified (laughing) teacher and doesn't come by.

I mean, when this guy's by my side, I'm in the botch.

"My friend isn't coming by, so I want you to go somewhere?

"No, I was looking forward to this excursion, too."

"Are you listening?

"Look, I've hardly ever been out of a castle."

"Cortiner, you suspicious man, do it somewhere!

I finally couldn't stand it and asked for reinforcements.

Cortina, who listened to it and was doing student pull rates, rushes over here.

She doesn't have a particularly bad impression of Elliot, but she still reacts sensitively to the 'bugs' closing in on me.

"Yes, suspicious people there, get to work."

"Oh dear Cortina, you are such an uninhabited person!?

Cortina grabs the collar neck and takes Elliot.

I've just been taking care of him since childhood, and I can't get my head up Cortina, not to mention Elliot being king.

If it were true, I wouldn't have gotten my head up either.

Well, keep an eye on it. Sooner or later, you will be frayed by my charm.

No, it's not me now, it's me in disguise.

Anyway, Matisse and Retina stopped by when your son Elliot disappeared from my side.

Honestly, I'd rather be stuck with a pretty girl than him, so this helps.

"Dr. Elliot's a weird teacher, isn't he?

"Oh yeah..."

Matisse doesn't know Elliot is king of the Union.

Letina, who knew that, was haunted by how she dealt with it. As a young man, he understands that he shouldn't make his position public.

"Oh, Dr. Elliot, did you go over there?

"Michelle, where were you hiding?

"Over there."

The Adventurer Support School also participates in this excursion. So Michelle should have been here.

But while Elliot's around, she's not even close.

"I'm a little bad at that teacher, too. I'm sorry?"

Look at her apologize with her lovely hands together, who will show their anger.

Elliot said that if she was an aristocratic daughter of her age, her children would react so badly to him that she was about to fall in love instantly.

I guess I still instinctively feel uncomfortable with the tricks I'm used to fixing the surface.

That's how kids react sensitively to the atmosphere.

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