Return to Cortina's home and wipe the sweat with a towel before going for a peek at the grownups.

Seeing how the corpse was in the living room, apparently nothing noticed my escape, which is reassuring.

But there, I was supposed to hear a distressing voice.


When we traced the source, it was emanating from Lyell and Maria.

They both had unusually red faces and a bitter look as if they were bored by nightmares.

If you touch your forehead, you obviously feel more heat than flat heat.

"Oh, hey, Rye - Dad!

I shake my shoulders to shake them up in a hurry. If you are ill, it is Maria who can count on you, but the person at the heart has a high fever.

This may not be in my hands.

I spoke first and foremost to the next person I could count on.

"Cortina, Cortina!

"Uh-huh... what no?

I changed my spear to Cortina, who was rolling on the floor dressed like a fish fried in water and wondering if she was just a little bit of a woman.

She awoke as she exhaled like that, sloppy as a colour.

Apparently, she hasn't got a fever.

"My dad's doing it. And my mom."

"Lyell and Maria?

Hearing my report, Cortina jumped.

She also seems to remember giving her suspicious medication at dinner.

After checking on Lyell and the others immediately, I'm going to wake Maxwell.

"Maxwell, wake up! Something's wrong with Maria."

"Hmm? Maria's?"

Maxwell, lying on the couch with his beard smeared with covetousness, glimpsed the beard as he was convinced when he glanced at them with his fluttering feet.

"This is not something you have to do. I'm in the middle of changing my body to extend my life."


Cortina leans her neck worried about Maxwell's explanation. The trick is cute, but things aren't the same.

Honestly, the fever between the two of them is at a temperature that won't be stylish.

"Normally, it would be a life-threatening height, but these two wouldn't be a problem. If you're worried, you can cure them."

"Is that okay?

"Whatever, no. Rest at best."

"I can't!

Cortina tightens Maxwell's collar making irresponsible remarks.

But Maxwell went on without the wind he cared about.

"You don't get to rest for just about an hour. If you repeat that, your body will get used to it by morning."

"Are you sure you're okay with that...?

"That's how medical examinations turned out."

To Maxwell's words, Cortina began to hang the magic of Cure on both of us.

The magic of this cure is the magic used for disease and detoxification, a relatively simple category of magic, so Cortina can also be used.

Regardless, Maxwell is more effective, but he doesn't seem to be willing to do that.

That's how I was supposed to work with Cortina until morning to see the Lyells.

The next morning.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, bla

Eventually Cortina and I ran to the morning to see the doctor, and the night dawned as we were about to carry water or wipe Maria's sweat to her, who would continue to chant the cure.

Soon I fell asleep, and I was unconscious trying to bring it to Maria.

Looking at it, Cortina is in a similar situation.

Gaddles and Maxwell are not awake yet.

But I didn't see Lyell.

As things were yesterday, I don't think we're in a state where we can still get up... where have we been?

I wake up and look for Lyell.

Finia sleeps in her room, so she shouldn't know about last night's commotion. Her powers weren't a necessary circumstance, so I didn't even let her know.

If anything matters, he can't have disappeared, so I can presume he probably got back in shape.

I went to wash my face. Then I headed to the washroom, where I heard the sound of cutting the wind.

Boom, a heavy and sharp sound like crushing space rather than cutting the wind.

I looked out the back door by the washroom and there was Lyell waving his sword naked in his upper body.

Its even flesh does not show decay, even though it is already far beyond forty.

No, the decay still exists. Still, it's just a story called 'Compared to When You Were Young,' and still boasts enough physical beauty to be a model for a statue.

Its flesh moves, waves its sword down, and shakes it up.

Each time, the sound of stepping on the ground sounded, and the sword-style soil smoke rose.

Seeing that made me uncomfortable. I was wondering if Lyell would have unleashed so much sword pressure until yesterday.

This is not about decay. More powerful than before.

I don't even need to be asked what happened... It would be the effect of last night's medication.

The momentum of a young day and the skill of an old age. Two brilliantly reconciled sworddances were there.

I see Lyell's sword dance and think. He said that was the ultimate sword.

He said it was an extreme that he couldn't reach.

At the same time, I have to praise you for being brilliant.

I fell in love with a sword dance that even seemed beautiful.

Just keep staring at the toothbrush with a dazzling look.

"... cool"

"Hmm, I thought so? Nicole's a daddy, isn't she?


Soon Cortina was coming behind me.

I guess I regret it, I didn't seem to notice her approach because I fell in love with her.

Cortina, with a niggling smile, feels really... disgusted.

"Well, yeah, Lyell's not so bad when he's waving his sword."


Wait, aren't you in love with me?

I almost accidentally put a scratch in it, but I barely swallowed it.

"Oh, of course, my most different person, huh? Look, it's my best friend Dana after all, so I can't say it badly?

"Oh, yeah?

I'll answer Cortina in a hurry, half-eyed.

Anyway, move your toothbrush, brush your teeth, and leave what you were in love with behind.

"Oh, Nicole hasn't come to wave a sword in a long time, too?

"I'm not."

"Rejoice. You said" cool "earlier."

"Is that true!?

Lyell, who noticed this one, stopped molding and called out.

It pisses me off that I'm looking at you and you're looking pretty doozy there. And I fell in love with it, not even... No, let's not do this any more.

Lyell gave me a twisted, soggy look, but Cortina's betrayal changes him to a delightful face.

I didn't look the same, cut and threw it away.

"Well, in general? I think Cortina would be cooler?

"Oh, Nicole's as cool as ever."

Lyle gets disappointed and kneels down at me for not being tight.

But the tension on the skin visible from its naked upper body is completely different from what it has been until then.

Apparently, that drug really worked.

"Good Morning Late, How's it going?

"Oh, that's great. No, it's too much."

Lyell answers that and wields his arms, appealing to how well he is doing.

Even the movement had a beauty.

I might really have to thank that white god.

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