Maria, Cortina and Finia were both irresistible in terms of beautiful women, beautiful girls.

Even that white god had more than that in terms of beauty, even though he was young.

But the beauty standing in front of me right now - you can tell me it's a light transcendence.

Different colored eyes, blue and silver hair, etc. leave my original characteristics, while the perfectly neat appearance is calm enough to make me look different, with an adult atmosphere.

The small body, then, was leaving the girl with a shadow, while exuded luscious charm.

Being small like a girl, her body shape is fleshy that makes her feel solid and feminine. The chest and hips are neither large nor small and have a degree of tension that does not upset the balance of the sluggish limbs.

The clothes I was worried about were also being replaced to match Maxwell's request, with less exposure, which left him with a colour.

The clothes look great, too.

A sleeveless jacket that fastens under the chest on an exposed tube top jacket.

The stripped thin waist accentuates the luxurious line of women.

Clothing shaped closer to a swimsuit, not skirts or pants below either.

It was subtly concealed by decorating the surrounding area with a decorative cloth, while highlighting the line around the waist.

It was designed to make you feel glossy for some reason, even though all you were exposed to was around your shoulders and navels, and around your legs.

The thin foot is covered to the knee with a martial bone leg nail (greaves), claiming thin legs and unbalanced bonelessness.

The design was aligned with the armrest (gauntlet) of the arm, giving off an immoral atmosphere as if it were restrained hands and feet.

"This is..."

Base is just who I am now. The result of growing it according to Maxwell's orders - here it is.

Maxwell puts his hand on the shoulder of the stripper from behind me, losing words and standing up.

It's a phantom, so rub it through and down to my shoulder in the entity.

"Good for you, Reid. The future is a promise to be a great beauty."

"I'm not happy! I mean, evil is too conspicuous!?

The result of following Maxwell's instructions and continuing to mess with my appearance based on what I am is like this.

If he looked like this in his late teens, surely no one would think in connection with me as a child.

"If I were 100 years younger, I would have pushed him down and made him my wife."

"Stop it, seriously..."

What makes you sad and have to be pushed down by your former companions? I inadvertently imagined the scene and I felt a chill like a bug crawling in my spine.

My body trembles at will with the blurb, and I inadvertently hug my body.

"That trick is pretty good. There's a woman on the board."

"Seriously, stop it, you sexually harassing bastard"

Seeing me for real, Maxwell laughed and changed the subject.

If you keep making fun of me like this, I guess you've decided that Rathi won't reveal it.

"So, how about that look?

"Well, if it does look like this, you'll be distracted by the beauty it looks like and tied to me..."

"Do you rate yourself 'beautiful'?

"No, you admitted it too!

Height would have been about 30 or 40% bigger at best.

My height, which was a little over a meter, has grown to about a meter and a half, so my impression looks a lot different.

This also plays a role in impression manipulation, as the shape of the child, which can be called the torso, is also in a fairly crisp shape.

"I hope this happens in the future."

"That's going to be a lot of trouble."

"Trouble, I want you to give me a break already..."

Squeeze like that and I'll put up a spear in front of you.

If I did it at the convenience of the spear position, it would appear to be standing low, but that would make a distinctive impression.

As a disguise, I was able to say that I could do enough.

"Oh, yeah. Wait a long time."

"Hmm, what's going on?

Maxwell says but spells fast or disappears.

And moments later, he was back in his original position. A familiar armor exists in its hand.


"The Gauntlet of the Lord."

This gauntlet is made of multiple steel threads that I have always used in my lifetime. Its length lightly extends to more than a hundred meters.

I'm proud to have tweaked my adjustments to make the most of my abilities.

"I knew you were saving it."

"But I'm not taking care of it. I can't take care of such a special weapon."

"I just want to thank you for keeping it."

I don't think it will be sold, but it is possible that it was buried with the body as an artifact.

You kept that for me, so I can't complain.

Place the armor covering to the edge of the elbow in both hands. I admire the fact that the length of the two arms part doesn't match and they pop up to the tip of the elbow.

Because of the different arms lengths, this level of problem has to close your eyes.

I also tried to reflect the design of the armor in the phantom that wraps it up.

Arm decorations are covered with familiar armor and a firm nostalgic appearance fits into the arm.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

"Oh well... then this stays the same"

As Maxwell pointed out, this armor is a delicacy that we can see at a glance as mine.

If you expose it to grandeur, Reid and I will find out. It's just embarrassing to be known that you're reincarnated into this beautiful girl.

"Hmm, I don't see a problem. If you hide one of your eyes for the time being, none of you will be able to connect with your present Lord."

"Eyes... I guess I'll keep my right eye covered again"

The color of my eyes also left my traits because it's a phantom that I made based on what I am today.

My right eye has Maria conceded crimson eyes. This is a rare shade for this region, so if you hide this one, you'll pass by the fact that it's a silver-haired beauty.

No, it's a phantom, so why don't you hide it with your hair and change the color just like that?

Change both eyes to the same, common blue-eye as the left eye, and make a match.

"It's time to get back to normal. Even this old bone can take its stripped legs off."

"Shut up!

Embarrassing, not slightly, because of the outfit with thighs exposed from base to knee.

It wasn't any other Maxwell who directed these costumes. Like the traditional ethnic costume of an elf?

But when you look at the words and deeds of this jizzy, even it is suspicious.

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