Maxwell. Extreme sorcery of all systems, also known in alleys as the 'Demon Guide King'.

Without Cortina's command, we would probably have taken action under his direction.

Using a wide variety of magic means that you have to choose the best magic according to the times.

Such a person can't be retarded.

"This is another thing that has been reincarnated into a very adorable figure."

"No, this is... my..."

"Think about it and you'll see. And the LORD came into the city, and Cortina and Gaddles reconciled, and the reincarnation of Reid and the figure of contemplation appeared. Things have changed too much in one breath."


It's my fault, the murmur mixes between Maxwell's voices. No, you son of a bitch, mix up a spell chant between conversations. If I try to escape, are you gonna tie the line?

What a waste of advanced technology!

On his spine, he has tremendous momentum and sweat, contracting like his whole body's pores have caught on, and goosebumps.

I have never felt more at war when I once broke into the Evil Dragon's lair or when I was to fight the demon gods alone.

That should be it, too, and nothing else would have been harmed if I had died then. But what about this one?

Once this is known, you won't be able to get to Cortina.

I might even be able to point my gaze at Finia to see the filth.

I'm still having lips conversations with them in the morning and evening for magic suction.

"Here, this is... No, I can just understand what the hell you're talking about."

"Where Reid recaptured the seed of Queen Hua, he thought it was strange. Only the Holton Chamber of Commerce and Washi and others knew at that point that the seeds were in this town. If there is no Reid in the Chamber of Commerce, there will inevitably be Reid among the Washi and others."

"There's also the possibility of a total coincidence."

"At my age, the candidates are Miss Retina and Miss Michelle, and three of your lords. Ms Tricia and Miss Finia are out at her age."

"Hey, I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Three people followed me on this trip, but as far as I can tell, you were the only one who took my eyes off the Elf Village case. Then the Lord will inevitably be Reid."

"Evidence, yes, proof!?

"Speaking of which, the music room your lord is in and out of, there's been a sudden increase in the loss of piano lines lately, hasn't there?


I'm supposed to apply to the college supply clerk for consumables replenishment, but Maxwell's eyes can't be deceived, regardless of the large number of music faculty.

Even if it looks like this, this grandfather was originally a heavy town in the country. Adjusting fine figures, etc., is a specialty.

In the meantime, I got caught up in the stunning mess of things earlier. When you get here, is it no longer possible to escape...?

When I judged that, I immediately began to consider what to do.

Deal with one of them...... kill Maxwell.

This can't be anything. It's like denying my very way of life, such as harming a former comrade or a family member because of my circumstances.

Deal with Part Two...... Run.

This is also immediate but ineffective. Where he escaped, the story cannot prevent the story from spreading to all his companions. There's no point in sneezing on the spot.

Escape would be impossible even if they were prepared for junctional magic in the first place.

Deal with Part III... Sit down, but ask them to help cover it up.

Or this is the only way to go anymore.

"Please, Maxwell! Please shut up. I'll do anything!


I immediately crawled to the floor and showed my willingness to plead with all my spirit.

Too pitiful, far from what I was supposed to look like in the position I was going for... but I can't help it all this time.

Not only does it make my position worse, but it can also lead to the consequences of hurting Finia and Cortina, so I haven't chosen the means.

They loved a girl named Nicole, she was adorable, and therefore opened her chest collar and told me all sorts of things.

Quite a few of them relate to my previous life. There must have been things they didn't want me to know.

"It doesn't matter if I'm the only one who gets hurt. I'm a drifter in the first place. Even if I leave this city, I can live with it. But they've talked a lot about me without knowing me. I want to avoid them getting hurt as a result."

"Outside the heart. Why should I let you see your Lord in the eyes of banishment?"

Maxwell shook his head as he handled his beard at me dripping excuses from the stand-up.

If I were to take his word for it... would you shut up?

"In confidence, will you?

"I also know what the Lord says. I don't want to hurt Cortina or Finia, either. And..."


"That sounds more interesting!

I said, "Let's do this! 'I barely felt like cursing him. Speaking of which, this guy had a flirtatious personality like this dwarf to his reputation for being thoughtful.

But no matter what this grandfather thinks, it's definitely in my interest to remain silent.

Then we'll have to drink what we have to say here and join hands.

"As it is, well... whatever the reason, it is very helpful that you shut up. Thank you for that."

"Oops, thanks to the depths of my soul"

"The devil, you are"

In any case, negotiations have been concluded. I stood up and asked to shake my hand, and Maxwell shook my hand back with a slight smile on his face.

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