Imagine the worst future and I'll drool my head down the road to school.

No, being drooling over your head has some physical implications.

Carbuncle didn't try to get away from me and now he's on my shoulder. If you say so, you're in a shoulder position.

Michelle or Retina, in good shape, reaches out and caresses around relentlessly on a carbuncle that fits my head as if it were a hat.

Thanks to you, they move all the way to my head, subtly disgusting.

"Um, my neck's a little..."

"Oh, I'm sorry!

"Uh, a little bit more."

Retina quickly pulled her hand, but Michelle is still about to regret it.

I managed to predict the moment I put my hand on it, and Carbuncle jumped out of my head, too.

He opened the bath wrap again after alerting himself to whether there were any people around him or not, and making sure he was not other than Michelle.

He takes a stick and a letter from inside and gives it to me.

When I got it, Carbuncle started climbing on my head again.



Damn, this raw hairball, you know what to say...

Anyway, when I opened the letter I was given, there was a message there from white.

'I will give you this short wand (wand) because it appears that you were dissatisfied with the fact that the item was not flowing in the previous story. This can be a dagger pattern, so you should set it up and use it. "


When the tip of the short cane is checked, it is true that an instrument for cutting and securing is attached to the tip of the wand.

Remove the dagger pattern and replace it with a blade. It looks like it could be used normally.

"By spreading magic on the wand, the magic of deformation (form shift) will be applied to the short wand and turned into a spear. This should solve the difficulty of retention due to powerful tremors. '

"Form shift ooh!?

I didn't think so, I raised my bare voice. The magic of deformation (form shift) is, as its name suggests, the magic that changes the shape of the item in your hand.

Difficulty is also at the top of interferometric magic, and it is also a magic of difficulty approaching the magic of change (polymorph).

Regardless, the effect time exists and would only be effective for a mere couple of minutes by nature. However, because you can change the item to a different shape depending on the situation, it can be described as an instant and very useful magic.

Besides, with this magic prop, the dagger can keep turning into a spear as long as I keep running my magic.

The problem is that my magic keeps getting sucked up for that amount of time... but that's more convenient for me right now. I have to suck my magic every day, so I'm happy to consume more.

"I can't believe this encapsulated item... it's actually a magic item comparable to a third eye?

Moreover, the fact that it can be combined with a dagger is not bitter to carry, so it is perfect as a disguise.

With this, I can use the image drop of fighting with a spear in times of need while carving the impression of fighting with a dagger around me.

"Excellent. It's the first time I've wanted to compliment that white one"

"Hey, Nicole? What's a form shift?


That's when I noticed Michelle pulling her sleeve.

On second thought, it might have been a mistake to talk about the form shift in front of her.

I was fortunate that neither Michelle nor Retina had any knowledge of this interferometric high-altitude magic.

"Er... he said there's some magic in this dagger."

So I return vague answers in many ways.

I think I can explain this by switching to a vibrating effect when I have to.

"Heh, a gift from that white god? We're in line!

"Well, I guess so."

"What is a white god?

The only of the three, a white and unfamiliar Retina leans her neck.

I met him when he caught me, but he was losing his mind then. No, why don't we just get inside of each other?

"That's what some of us call a white, amazing sorcerer."

"White and... amazing? Like Master Maxwell?

"Sure Maxwell's beard is white... a little bit different?

It's pathetic to have that god who looks just like Lori in line with Maxwell like a shriveled radish.

Or if I find out how to treat you like that, it's not something I figured out what I'd be doing. That god is truly divine.

Anyway, I got a good one. If you deform it into a spear with the effect of this short wand and change it hallucinogenically to someone else's appearance, you won't be considered the same person as me.

But I had to think of something else than Reid's appearance was no longer available.

It can't be that easy for a good idea to float around, it's where I was worried about what was going on, and I really need to think about what it looks like.

"Whatever, we need to experiment."

The question is whether it can really exert the effect of vibration with a short wand on. That god seems to have the impression that he's missing somewhere, so I can't put my credit on him unless I actually use him.

I forgot about the depressing class of the day and laughed.

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