I think Cortina's depression could have been removed safely.

We left the town of Elves the next morning to return to the capital.

I went to say hello to Finia and Bill on my way home, but that wish was not fulfilled because he had already left the inn for business.

Well, he is also a merchant traveling back and forth between this town and the capital. One of these days we'll face each other again.

I asked the innkeeper for a message, and instead of a souvenir, he filled a glass of white fruit juice in a water bottle, and left.

We took a break about twice along the way, and this time we were able to reach the town in about three hours without any problems.

This would still have a great effect on sweet fruit water as well. Sweet drinks restore health.

After lunch we will reach the town and be dissolved in front of Cortina's house.

But whatever Michelle lives next door, Retina is the Marquis. That's not exactly dissolution on the spot.

I'll send her to the front of the mansion with me and Cortina because she's already been abducted once.

I watched her jump and streak of awesomeness as she gave her souvenirs in front of her family, and her mother, Eliza, gave her a compliment here with joy like ours.

As long as you're happy with me.

And we stopped straight for a little while and came to Maxwell's mansion.

The purpose today was here, one way or the other.

"Ooh, unusual. I didn't expect to see your face from Cortina."

"Shut up. Look at this, a souvenir."

"Baked confectionery in Elf Town, isn't it? Comfort with your children, not your mother at all."

"I need to talk to you, so make some tea out of it!

"Do you eat it yourself...?

Maxwell, with his shoulders clasped as if he were frightened, but his face was delighted.

Instead, lead us into the living room and take our seats off to make tea, as they say.

Among the many small elves, Maxwell was overhead and tall.

Despite his stature of being old and long, the movement doesn't make him feel old and is really smooth. Doesn't this guy have a word for aging?

"Look, it's a tea leaf I took from Cornus in the south. Taste it."

"I can't believe you really made it..."

"Because Nicole's here this time."


Cornus is a group of urban states in the South. Located on the western side of my homeland, the Alekmar Sword Kingdom, it is also a flourishing country, mainly in the marine trade.

There are many rare products with only the Lord in trade, and I guess this tea leaf is one of those dishes. I do feel a mixture of flutter and tidal aromas.

"So, what are you doing today?

Maxwell slowly savours his tea as he sits face to face with us.

Sitting back on the couch loosely and relenting the cup in one hand makes the royalty of this country feel worthy of majesty.

If you don't mind the mess behind you and the mess in the mess room.

"Right, I'll just say straight in. I saw Reid in Elf Town."

"Buho, what!?

Maxwell stirs up as he blows out the tea in his mouth and dirties the robe with tea.

I kept my voice absurd and stuck it in Cortina. Was she expecting that reaction, too, or something calm?

"In a cave near town. That's where the hot spring first sprang up."

"In a place like that..."

"You just stayed the way you were, and you probably used hallucinations. But it's called steel filament, it's called covert ability, and it's definitely him first."

"If that's what the Lord says, I guess there's no mistake. Not to mention, I don't think I see him wrong."


The two of us exchange information pale after we regain our composure. To be honest, for me listening on the side, it's very bad for my heart.

Needless to say, Cortina, Maxwell is also the one who loses his head. Without Cortina, this grandfather would have been the party's command tower.

There are so many events called magic that you have to remember. Using all systems means that you have that much knowledge, as well as proof that you have a high brain.

He's usually a floating grandfather, but he's not dull.

"Does that mean Reid's guy was reincarnated into Elf town? I didn't know you were on your knees like this."

"He said he couldn't show up for a reason. In that tone, maybe it doesn't seem like you've been reborn into an elf?

"You think you've been reborn into something other than an elf? Maybe he was reborn into the carbuncle that your lord saw."

"Uh, I didn't have that idea. You could be reborn into a monster."

"I can't identify where I was reincarnated. Rebirth Lee In Carnation is a tricky magic."

"Can't you use it? All attributes are properly held, right?

"You can use what you can. No. However, we cannot guarantee as much certainty as Maria. He's still a son of a bitch. The healing ceremony doesn't work."

Their spearhead turned toward Carbuncle, so I took a breather.

The white god took it away, so as long as you think of that as me, you can get to who I am.

When I decided to sneak up on the guts pose, the meeting was open for the day.

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