I ran around the woods for a while, made sure there was no tracking, and then I stopped.

Keep Mikey hidden in the shade of a tree, disguised with branches and fallen leaves, invisible from the outside.

We'll have to hide more footprints. I spoke to Carbuncle and asked him to keep an eye on me.

"I'll get rid of the footprints, please Mikey"


I already know that Carbuncle understands this conversation.

I don't know the look on Carbuncle's face to me, but he looked like he was aware that he was the one who caused this to happen, with his eyebrows upside down and his expression of determination...

Leaving the scene with an alternate branch in order to erase the footprint.

In the meantime, I'm concerned about Cortina.

It's only been about a few minutes since then, but that's enough to lose your life.

And most importantly, she is a beautiful girl who is rare even if she is blinded. Although my age is beyond the range of girls.


Now, a wave of regret pushes me to see why I ran away.

Did Cortina feel this way when she had to leave me and run away?

Because what a stupid imitation I made.

That's not why I'm leaving Mikey or Carbuncle on that spot. In that sense, Cortina's judgment is not wrong.

But now...

"Now, those two are safe, right?

The chaser scattered. The tracking worries have also erased their tracks, so they won't be around for a while.

I mean, now I've got enough excuses to join the war.

But as it is now, it is full of problems. In order for me to be a fighter, I have to use my ability to manipulate yarns. But if Cortina sees it, she'll find out I'm Reid.

So what do we do?

So I glanced at my left middle finger.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

At the same time Nicole was running away, Cortina was starting to chant.

There are no signs of friendship or other shards in the men. They just saw a money-making story in the first place about the recovery of scales, and there's a good chance it'll take a mouth seal.

Carbuncle presence on top of that. Motivations to harm ourselves existed like mountains.

"Zhu's three, one of the herd blue, three of the mountain blows - top strengthening (High Enchant)!"

A slightly stronger and more magical body strengthening. If you do this magic to a cat tribe that was originally good at physical abilities, it should be a hassle to defeat even amateurs.

All we need is time for Nicole and the others to escape. She prioritized the purpose, but she put her enhancements first.

Men slashing in at the same time as activation.

Cortina also anticipated this behavior, so she avoided flanking it at her leisure.

But she's already under siege, too. Another man slashes me before I jump away.

Now he turned forward, managed to slip through its sides, and got nothing first.

"I hope you'll give me a minute. I'm not interrupting your pocket money, am I?

I'll try to offer a conversation to buy time while I rebuild my posture.

"Ugh! You guys are going to ruin my hole!

"That's right! And that carbuncle... if you sell the dragon beads on your forehead, you won't have to imitate them like this anymore"

"Carbuncle is a protective designation. There's no vendor in Raum that buys that stuff away."

Even Queen Hua's seeds, the major Halton Chamber of Commerce refused to buy them.

Carbuncle dragon balls are so forbidden that they are comparable to unicorn horns. The risk of handling it is greater.

While issuing such a warning, Cortina had begun chanting the spell in a low voice. With such a whisper that the men can't hear me. The magic team starts drawing at the blind spot behind their hips.

"Without witnesses, imports from other countries would be enough!

"Hey Geese, you go after the kid! We'll take care of her."

"I won't let you! Fire Bolt!"

Cortina also expected it to be such a development. So unleash the attack magic I chanted in advance.

Turn your heels back and shoot in the magic of the firebolt toward the man trying to chase Nicole and restrain the movement.

"Gu, no over there!?

But I haven't worked out the magic for the inadequacy of the system. Initial level magic couldn't do effective damage.

If this was as magical as Maxwell's, it would have been a blow... or as fast as Maria's chanting -

"You amah!

The men shout out their anger at the surprise attack.

And now from three directions at the same time. Avoid attacks by taking backsteps and taking distances.

As the offense was thus repeated many times, Cortina gradually lost her escape.

No matter how many cat tribes are named for their agility, there are limits in a three-on-one siege.

Not to mention this is a small square in the woods. Whatever it is in the woods in earnest, the interest of the land is in the other side.

I also thought I'd run into the woods to go after Nicole, but in an instant I rejected the proposal.

Nicole remains a weak girl. You must not have earned that much distance.

Then I still have to buy some time here.

Besides, going into the woods will block my eyes from the woods.

If one of them left to go after Nicole, he might not have realized it himself.

"Not at all anymore...... hey, not Jiri Poor!

I dare to speak out to inspire myself. But this level of training ground has been diving through many times.

What do they have that they don't have? After considering it, she tore her clothes chest wide open.

From the gap in my clothes, I can't say it's very fuzzy, but my shaped chest drops zero.

"Ha! What, now it's a color trick?

"Nice, I'll beat you up and then let you have some fun!

"It's not working now!

Men cheering lowly. But Cortina ignores his voice and leans toward the entrance of the cave.

The men, mistakenly trying to escape the movement into the cave, tried to make it turn around.

But one step ahead, Cortina succeeds in jumping into the cave.

"Let them get away with it!

"We're going after him! The guy who caught you is the best!

"You're not losing!

Mixed cursing of inferiority. The ripped chest effect made them fully exasperated. It was worth the offense and provocation.

There are three kinds of voices heard from behind. Cortina realized she had succeeded in luring him.

I tore my chest to make the bait that I am look more delicious. And to show that I'm being pushed to a disadvantage if I don't do color tricks.

That's how I excited the men and deprived them of their normal judgment.

This cave is thin and full of gas. If you lure them to the back, they should be addicted and unconscious.

By contrast, I have purified (Purified) Granted Demonic Props.

There's no escape, but this should favor the situation. I think so and look back behind me...... I'm discouraged.

The men also wore pure refit masks.


Unexpectedly the curse leaks in his mouth.

If you think about it, they were coming to explore the dragon's immersive hot springs. It can't be that we're not taking gas measures.

There is no escape inside the cave. Is this a complete failure... so regrettable.

That's not why I'm giving up. Turn your head around to take the next step.

What seems to work is the trail of a collapse that discovered Mikey. There, I hang my toughness to reinforce the walls. If we disarm that, we can collapse again and at least lock the men up.

That's what I thought, right after I caught a glimpse of what was behind me trying to move into action.


Oddly enough, the man at the rear suddenly falls.

And beyond that, a skinny man appeared.

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