A hero who once saved the world. Stuck in one of them, Cortina, the woman explained the situation with a strong look on her face.

If Cortina cares about it, it's really easy to get rid of her from the world alone.

And if that rumor spreads, this town, famous for its tourist destinations, will also become a major image downfall.

I couldn't hide the tension because I understood that.

Destination cafeteria. I was supposed to talk to a woman while eating there.

While we eat, Cortina moisturizes her throat with tea and listens to the woman - Jessica.

"I mean, your son Mikey, that you've been missing since last night?

"Yes. It was before I went to bed that I realized. She used to leave the house, so I thought she was walking flirtatiously again, but she didn't come back in the morning..."

"So you've been up all night. I'm mostly pale."

"But my son..."

That Mikey you are the boy who rolled in a collision with Finia last night.

He seemed active, and a busy boy. I can't find him yet.

She ran around town and even mobilized her neighbors to search, but didn't get to the discovery.

"With that said, when we broke up yesterday, it was like running to the gate?

"Is that the gate?

As Finia remembers what happened last night, she reports. There are aspects of this that I dare say because I need to pass on information to Cortina as well.

He did, after he broke up with us, rush to the outside of town. Now that I think about it, running in that direction at that hour is pretty suspicious.

"Could it have been out of town?

"But why, outside... saying this neighborhood is safer than the rest doesn't mean there won't be a beast out there"

The adventurers are policing the neighborhood, but there are still smaller monsters.

Beast species, especially wild goats and pigs, are present there throughout Raum.

With a kid a little older than me, you won't be able to handle it.

"I don't know that far... no, wait a minute"

That's where I was remembering a certain word.

It's that white - the word that the God of Discipline told me.

"Sure, there's a carbuncle in the cave..."

"Carbuncle? It's not a protected designated phantom beast. How did you get here?

"I don't know, but God is like that"

"God, that white kid yesterday? I thought you were a weird kid to call yourself God..."

Cortina is half-hearted that white is God. But this would be the normal reaction.

Anyway, Ayashi is what God said. Besides, my ancestors. Then there's no need to deceive me... probably not.

"Anyway, he said he came to protect us because he saw a carbuncle by the cave. But maybe it's convenient."

"Convenience... what makes you think that?

"'Cause that's a bath for beasts, right? I was wondering if you wanted me to go to the ambush and teach me on purpose."

There's a carbuncle in the cave. To give me that information, I was ambushing him on the spot with a white act.

You're implicitly suggesting I go over there more than I let you know.

And the boy who disappeared. This case at this time. It is harder to break the irrelevance.

"Hey, did that kid spot Carbuncle first or something?

"No way, the phantom beast attacked me!?

"No, Carbuncle is not such a belligerent monster. Unless you get your hands on it badly, it's safe. If you're a child threat in the first place, you don't even put it on your teeth."

Mr. Jessica paled his face to Finia's speculation, but Cortina denies it.

Carbuncle is not such a strong monster. But it's still the end of the dragon species, and it's a particularly magical species. If you're dealing with a child, you should be able to reveal it freely.

I mean, Mikey, there's no line that says you can't go home from being attacked by a carbuncle.

"Anyway, we have to go see what's going on, more than it's possible."

"I'm coming too!

Or it's just me or Finia who knows my face. How much more useful should I be than taking the villagers.

"Right. I don't really recommend it, but Nicole's ability to detect is very much appreciated by me."

Even if Cortina is good at taking action, other abilities outweigh the average adventurer. I'm not going to reach top notch, that's the level.

I mean, in terms of exploratory abilities, I'm actually higher.

"Then me too!

"Ah, cheating! I'm coming, too, right?


Michelle and Retina also run for office with their hands up, but we can't take them to find dragon species in the woods.

Cortina told me to leave a message.

Finia is Michelle's babysitter.

"Um, what can I do..."

"There's nothing Jessica can do when she comes to the woods. It can be rubbing differently, and wait in town. Besides, it wasn't decided to go to Carbuncle."


She wasn't disturbed enough to argue with Cortina either. I'm a big man here, and he accepts these words.

That's how Cortina and I went on a carbuncle expedition.

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