Finia is a handkerchief I just bought, and she wipes my face with juice-coated fruit.

Mr. Bill didn't pay any attention to me like that and was appraising the next item.

That kind of place really seems like a merchant. I guess the items that make money are rolling in front of me and I can't see my surroundings.

"This is a magic item that places hallucinations around the wearer...... oh, what's up?


"Nicole's a little upset."

"Ha ha, this juice is thick! If you're not used to it, you'll get tangled up in your throat."

Gently flush and point at the ring.

"This is a magic trick that allows you to install the hallucinations that the user wants around you. Probably something to hide yourself from."

I see, those guys had items ready to steal seeds from Trent.

In preparation for the battle with Trent, they prepared a scroll that would generate a fire that they didn't like, a dagger that would slash and tear its tough outer skin, and a ring that would deceive surveillance.

"But this... is a very expensive product. This ring and other white gold coins will go down."

"White gold coins!?

One white gold coin is for a hundred gold coins. One gold coin is for a hundred silver coins.

Given that the tourist lodging costs five pieces of silver per night, the height can be seen.

"These daggers are tough with fifty gold coins."

"Oh, fifty..."

It's the amount a little family can live in for a year. Knowing such an item, Finia was stunned.

I didn't think the items I brought up were that expensive.

But even my katana can be a strong substitute for twenty gold coins if it flows to the market. Thinking about it, what's surprising... No, are you surprised?

"What do you think, Mr. Nicole? Would you like to sell this item to me? It's not fair to make an offer like this to you when you're still young, but I'd love for you to consider it nonetheless"

With a serious eye, Mr. Bill brought me a business deal.

Try him, it's a money making story that sprang up down there. Jump in and react naturally. But you can't take this.

Excuses and profits.

If I were impotent, this dagger would be a very wanted item, and the items that create hallucinations would seem to have a lot of use.

Besides, this item is the one I'm trying to 'bring out Lyell's personal belongings', and I personally dispose of it on my own is bad news.

"Sorry, but this belongs to my dad... I can't sell it on my own"

"Was... No, it's natural if you think about it. Kid's got all this stuff. No, excuse me."

"Yeah, I'm not wrong about that."

Normally it's not a mistake. Unfortunately, I was just not normal.

And those guys, they had good stuff to do. If you dispose of this, you don't even have to work on the theft, do you?

Or are there still other masterminds...?

"Then will you let me negotiate with your father?

"That's nasty. My dad's not here."

"Dear Nicole, your father lives in a cold village in the Northern Trinity. Are you coming this way... that?

Finia tilted her neck, too, well, I know.

Originally, that distance is enough to make you give up business. But Lyell and Maria were pushing as far as Raum as they did every day.

What annoying heroes. If Lyle and Bill keep looking at each other like this, they'll discover my lies.

"And anyway, I figured out the performance. If there's nothing else, I'll do it."

"Dear Nicole, are you sure now? Fruit water is still there."

"N, I'm hungry already"

Before things suck, I'm going to disperse here early.

Nothing. There's no chance he'll get to who I am, but if Finia leaks that Lyell will visit like every night, he'll undoubtedly find out the lies first.

And from there, I said, "How did you get it? 'Once you get there, it's easy to get to me.

Anyway, they already have information that Reid has been reincarnated.

"Then transfer the rest to the water bottle and take it home. It's delicious to drink, divided by alcohol."

Take out the larger water bag for the trip and Bill will transfer the fruit water.

This is the thing that Michelle and Cortina now have a good souvenir.

That's the merchant. He's attentive.

"Thank you. Thank you"

"No. It's a pleasure to meet you and show you something rare. At this rate, there's still hidden treasure lurking in Raum."

"That's how many adventurers come and go."

"No, not at all! She's a brilliant lady."

It's not all monster material that adventurers bring in.

There are also many famous objects inherited, excavations from ruins, etc. Whether it's worth it or not, there may be a mix of substitutes for these eyes.

Mr. Bill noticed that fact. In the future he will also interact with a large number of adventurers.

After a hard handshake, Finia and I quit the inn.

I got souvenirs, and I was able to appraise items. It is truly a good thing.

This dagger will increase my combat power even further, and with the hallucinating magic put in the ring, it will be easier to hide my face in the future.

I appreciate it at all because it frees me from the disguise that was plain cumbersome.

I'm in such a good mood that I might step skipping, I'm going back to the streets at night.

Finia also followed in a light foothold sometime. Yes, I have to thank her again.

If Finia hadn't switched rates, I wouldn't have been able to appraise them.

"That's it. Finia, thanks for the money, huh? I'll definitely return it later."

"You don't have to worry about it. I can't even use it if I have it."

"Still, the money has to be decent."

According to this, it even affects relationships. It is not something that can be broken down.

I will definitely return what I borrowed. This is a creed from my previous life. I make sure to return the money, the vengeance, the grace.

"It's okay, I'm making money hunting too, so that's about it when I get home, right?

"Are you sure?

"I don't care. It belongs to Finia."

She is an elf. Its lifespan is long out of digits.

Even if I don't have to now, I'll keep living after me, Maria, and Lyell die in my lifespan.

It would be a pleasant elf-like idea if it were better now... for that matter, it would not be a mistake to learn the concept of saving from now on.

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