I left the capital before noon, and after an hour of marching, I snapped.

He has since been put in Mr. Bill's carriage and has come to this hot spring town in two hours.

Further into the inn to unpack and Gudagda for an hour in the hot spring. Go back to your room and grab dinner.

"Still it's this time"

"It's a little early to go to bed."

"Do you want to take a look around town for a bit?

Cortina followed my words, Finia suggested.

Even at the time, the sun just fell before seven o'clock at night. It's just too early to sleep - I thought.

"I want to look around..."

I see the futon where Chirali and I slept until earlier.

On top of that, Michelle and Retina were sleeping like two piles.

Two people who are usually far tougher than me, but only today they tense up and get too rampant.

With the speed of sleep characteristic of the child, he slept on my back at some point.

I managed to get out of there and to this day.

"Well, leaving these kids alone is a problem, isn't it? Fine, I'll take a look, Finia and the others will take a tour."

"Oh, is that okay...?

"Yi's, Yi's! I don't come all the time...... well, it's not my first time. You're new here, aren't you?

"Yes, I've never been out of the village very often."

"Then look around as you please. That's one of my studies."

"So... Dear Nicole, do you want to come with us?

"Of course."

Even though Finia has grown up, it is boxed.

It's not something I've figured out what kind of trouble I get into in these entertainment neighborhoods.

If I don't keep a close eye on him here, he won't be around... but there's a good chance he'll get tangled up or numbed by a drunk.

As a matter of fact, Finia is quite a pretty girl, even if she skips being an elf.

"Finia, don't worry, I'll protect you properly"

"Hi, Nicole, I'm more worried about you."


I am the most common child. I remember doing so much yancha that I was worried... a lot.

Seeing me stop arguing with fitness, Cortina laughed niggardly.

"You do, don't you?


"Make him an adult, okay?

"Existence that I want to do well in a positive way while carefully considering"

"I don't excuse myself like an adult"

Laughing and pounding me in the head, Finia and I were supposed to roll out into town.

The town at night looked like an entertainment district, surrounded by hustle and bustle.

By the way, the elves are not the only settlements. Beyond being a tourist destination in the first place, many other races can be seen.

In a normal city, shops start to close, and the streets are dark, but there are many liquor stores in this neighborhood, so many are still open.

Or the number of taverns is higher than normal. And the souvenir shop is still open.

"It's a busy town, Master Nicole"


Peek into the souvenir shop without hiding the exciting footsteps.

Seeing such a finer, I was also flickering my gaze around.

Unlike Finia, I observe my surroundings with purpose. I was looking for Mr. Bill to have the ring and dagger appraised.

I walked like that, so I couldn't help but hit someone on the clap that Finia walked forward... or backwards.

Don and I bump into each other a lot of momentum and their opponents roll to the ground.

He had a rather small body, too, because he was enough to be thrust by a small finier. I mean, he was a kid.

"Oh, I'm sorry!

"Come on! Where are you looking?"

"You're really sorry. I was just looking around."

Knowing that the other person is a child, Finia also becomes a bit of a frank verbal user. I guess my vigilance broke a little.

The opponent was a little older than me, such a boy that he was very much the same as the look of the God of Discipline.

He looks like a boy in a little dirty clothes, Yancha.

When he gets up, he hits his dirty pants with his butt on and then kicks this one in the eye.

"You have to be careful!

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I was just floating."

"I'm sorry our dodgy kid bumped into you, huh?

"Dear Nicole, that's kinda lame"

Finia seemed unhappy with what I said, but this is definitely the one who caused the inconvenience.

I honestly apologize and need Finia to reflect on it. Just a little.

The boy looked at us and blushed a little, but ran away with his nose ringing and saying nothing.

Well, Finia's better than she was, and I seem pretty neat on the outside, too, and I'll take a big look at her enough to blush.

"Finia, it's a little too floating, isn't it?

"Ugh, I'm sorry. I'll weigh myself in."

"If you can float with a little caution, fine."

"That's very difficult, isn't it?

Seeing Finia inflate her cheeks uncommonly, this one blew out.

I've stepped on a little dodge, but if she looks like she's having fun, fine. I'm sorry about him being rolled over the ground, but I give this smile priority.

"Oh, look. Looks good on this handkerchief or finia"

I point to the handkerchief that was decorated in the store to distract me from the story.

There was a handkerchief hung on white fabric with an embroidered four-leaf clover on the edge.

It's affordable and seems like my pennies would buy it... I'm a little sad to get a penny.

"You're cute. That's for the number of people."

I rush to control Finia, who for some reason tried to buy it for everyone.

Doesn't this look like I've been messing with you?

"No, no. Not a souvenir for everyone... Eh, I'll buy this for Finia!

"Oh, but..."

"It's okay, even if I look like this, I'm pretty rich"

While I'm getting a monthly allowance from Cortina, I make a lot of money hunting with Michelle.

I crusaded not only the usual ravens and wild birds, but even the goats the other day.

Not only do they take these skins and excess meat back as souvenirs, but they also make money for selling them to neighborhood butchers, etc.

As a result, we had more change than our year-old counterparts.

"Well, I'll give it to Master Nicole too, won't I?


"Look, this trimester embroidered item is perfect for Nicole."


In this case, it might be rude for me to push the gift only. It's more awkward to give each other away.

"Yeah, well, then exchange presents."


We took each item and headed to the counter in the back.

Then another man stood up and talked in front of the accountant who had two.

Apparently, it's not a customer, and I don't have the product - but it looked familiar.

"That, Mr. Bill?

There was a pedestrian, Bill, who was taken care of during the day.

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