Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 67: I have a bold idea (plus more)


Full name [cloudsky].

This 22-year-old, 1-meter-79-meter tall, is neither fat nor thin, with a medium-to-upper look, with short, broken hair dyed golden yellow and looks fluid.

However, the person is not handsome, he is a well-known e-sports player in the world.

There is a saying in the martial arts world: boxing is afraid of being young.

This sentence also applies in the e-sports world. The first generation [sky] has withdrawn from the e-sports circle three years ago. For no reason, the energy drops, and the reaction speed becomes slow. Eliminated by the times.

Now the new sky is completely entangled with the heat of the old sky. At first, it was scolded by dogs, but fortunately, it was technically good, and finally it barely supported the sky's name.

Today he is the ace of the well-known domestic gaming team [Sen Luo].

In recent years, the computer-based gaming games have already gone downhill.

Top e-sports players like sky have recently been more anxious and are always looking for new ways.

Coinciding with the recent launch of "Sacred World", he wanted to come in and try the water. This game has been promoted by the five great nations, and its future is limitless.

But before he figured out whether the game could bring himself a second spring, Sky didn't want to put all his energy into it.

After all, there are many types of games, not that e-sports players can conquer all games.

He quickly browsed the game interface and was familiar with everything about the game.

As a professional player, Sky did not let go of any information in the game.

Suddenly, he found one of those unpopular lists showing new information.

"Equipment list ... It didn't take long for the game to appear on the list?" Sky was slightly puzzled, but still opened the list, and the pupils shrank to the size of a pinhole.

There are even three purple items on the equipment list!

"How is it possible that this is a novice village!" Sky has done some homework on this game and knows how rare purple equipment is. According to the general game settings, it is impossible to appear in the novice village.

Because the advanced equipment attributes are too strong, it is easy to break the balance of the game.

"Everyone has two pieces of purple gear. This player named [Princess] ... wait, isn't [Princess] the same beta player that made a lot of noise before ?!"

Sky's heart was choppy, isn't this guy too abnormal? ?

The players not far away watched the sky change, and kept talking to themselves, one by one, they all hid far away, wondering if this guy was faulty.

"This player named [Raksha Girl] is not easy!"

Sky clicks on three pieces of purple equipment, and the attributes of the equipment are immediately displayed in front.

"His!" It's okay not to look at it, and the whole person is not good. Sky took a breath, "These two guys didn't cheat? Who believes!"

Before he came in, he had seen the green equipment of a player, compared with these three purple equipment, it is just a fighter in the garbage.

"What are they doing around?" The new players gradually adapted to this game environment, which is no different from the real world. When they saw a large group of players gathered there, they were curious.

"Let's check it out."

"Huh?" Sky looked curiously at this time, "Is it what kind of activity the game is carrying out?"

Licking his lips, he decided to take a look.

At this moment, the Raksha girl faintly felt some unfriendly eyes, but when she tried to find them, she couldn't find anything.

The wealth was moving, and she knew it.

With such a lot of equipment here, Rakshasa believes that no one is unmoved.

However, someone really came forward to grab it, and she had to ask her [Red Xiao Sword] whether to promise or not.

Sky noticed that the crowd was too crowded to enter, and patted a guy in front.

"Liang Zi, what are you doing here?"

The tall guy who was more than two meters tall was photographed for no reason, and he was very upset, but when he heard someone call him Liang Zai, he immediately replied: "What can you do if you look at a beautiful girl!"

Hanging wire!

I thought what they were doing, it turned out that a group of hanging silks were watching the so-called goddess!

Hehe, it's so funny!

Sky's annual salary is 10 million yuan, and with endless messy endorsements, he can earn 30 million yuan a year, and there is never a shortage of women around him.

I have played more tender models and worship women than these goddesses have ever dreamed of.

In this new era, there are so many [self-materialized] gold worshippers who would rather cry in BMW. Sky drives a Porsche 911 in the street twice to hang on to a night bed, and then kicks it off the next day.

Shaking his head, Sky didn't bother to care about these hanging wires and turned to walk to the commercial street. His time was so precious, how could it be wasted on these people.

At a corner of the commercial street, a white light flickered, and Ye Feng went online again.

"After all, there are hidden dangers." She murmured

Whispered, looking slightly worried.

She has never underestimated the capabilities of relevant departments.

[Princess] They cannot be found naturally, but it is not difficult to find Ye Feng.

"Fortunately, I met Luo Shuiyao that day. Otherwise, if I check out early, there may be only one at the cashier."

"So it's hard for those people to find themselves."

Ye Feng smiled bitterly, then flickered and ran to the Resurrection Square.

Sky was walking towards the commercial street at this moment, and suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and immediately looking ahead, he saw Ye Feng flashing like a wind elf.

At the moment when Ye Feng's appearance was clearly seen, Sky's heart was a sudden jump. Although I have seen Princess Ye Feng's photos, when I saw a real person, the strong sense of shock almost defeated reason!

This woman has magical charm!

Ye Feng didn't even look at him, and flashed.

Sky stopped, turned to look at Ye Feng's back, and muttered in a low voice: "Red name, death equipment dropped ..."

Then a crazy idea came to his mind.

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