Reborn American Tyrant

Chapter 798: I'm Free

In addition to the blue giant, there is actually a wilting four-eyed frog.William White is very sure that IBM, Microsoft, Intel, these three companies must have a tacit understanding.Including that AMD, they are actually very weird..

One is responsible for the specifications, the other is responsible for the operating system, and the other two are fighting for life and death.If William White joins rashly, he will be crushed into slag.

There is no win at all, so why should he try.Motorola is really interested, just abdicate and let the virtuous.He really wanted to see if such a dead company would kill himself directly.

As for the 3D accelerator card, his driver is made by himself, and of course he will do his best to optimize it.

"Boss, the big Hollywood giants haven't moved yet. It looks like they are still watching. As for MPEG, they want to talk to us now."

"Hahaha, what is this called, this is called cheap bones. Without the support of content providers, I see how they die."

"If all goes well, there will be a large number of DVDs on the market next year.

Boss, your suggestion was accepted by Rabbit Country.They will randomly give away genuine DVDs."

"Oh, Hollywood bastards, if they knew how much money I charged, they would go crazy."

Fat cat Tom wanted to laugh, but worried that William White would give him a bit.One dollar, Nima, is not a beautiful knife.Not only that, but the film source provided is still very classic.

"Just laugh if you want, bastard, you know? Tom, if they all use genuine copies, I'll be fine for 50 cents.

Okay, don't talk about this, we need to speed up the transformation here.By the way, some movies have been edited again.

Get the group of directors and tell them that I will authorize them and give them the share.It won’t be too much. You go talk to Philson and make a director’s cut version. If it’s the same as a video tape, it’s not attractive enough."

"Director's cut version?"

"Is it weird? The movie only lasts an hour and a half, and some shots are cut or not cut. This is what the director wants to express the most."

"Hey, this is good, those classic movies, they will not miss it."

"Hurry up, I'm going back, I'm really tired these two days."

"Okay, I will notify them immediately."

Well, the richest man is going to visit the big belly.When a woman has goods in her belly, the mood swings will be greater.Okay, just some glass hearts.If you throw it aside and ignore it, there may be some sequelae.

"My dear, you shouldn't work now, do you understand?"

"My doctor said that I am healthy, but I can't do anything in the past few months. After this time, it's the same as an ordinary woman."

"Ahem, ahem, that poor Doctor David, his wife must be very poor. Size, size is very important."

"I don't want to try it. Listening to them, it feels very different." Natasha gave this guy a glance and continued to tempt.

"You spare me, seriously, it will make me feel guilty."

"Huh, by the way, you let them do DVD so quickly, in case it fails."

"Why? Isn't it clear enough?"

"No, you are not very popular in Hollywood. If you change to another company, things will be different."

"Hehe, you know, Natasha, even if they are unhappy with me, they will be helpless. Do you know why?"

Natasha white glanced at the goods and did not speak.

"Because it is free. Didn't you find out that as long as it is free, people will always lower their demands.

E-mail is free, even if the speed is slower, even if it is not allowed to add too large attachments, they can't bear it.

ICQ, free, how could you ask me to implement a video conversation.The search engine is not very easy to use, the search result is not what you want?Please, this is free, how can you ask for more?

The DVD standard is still free, as long as you join this standard, you can use it.

The most unsolvable problem in this world is free."

"Oh my God, so many things are free, honey, you won't go broke, will you?"

"The most expensive thing in this world is free. It's useless to tell you now, you will know in a few years.

The companies that set standards are of course the top 13 companies.What do you think so many people are fighting over?Since it is free, why don't you give up?

As for the old guys in Hollywood, once the DVD is released in the United States, they can't help but worry.Seeing the wind, this group of bastards is talking about."

"Well, you are the best, we are like eating."

"Well, you should praise me a lot. Some people always think of me as a prodigal. My God, how come you don’t know how much money I have, how come you’re a prodigal? You lose one and let me see."

Well, William White is a bit nonsense.At this time, no one will take him to the second generation ancestor.

Your success once is luck, and success again and again is the result of strength.As for the oil industry, some of these people at the top of the pyramid do not know why.

The U.S. Federal Reserve is issuing excessive currency, and oil prices and commodities will rise sooner or later.As for this point in time, cough cough, isn't this a lot of dollars gone?

What William White didn't know was that those old guys also had a headache now.The money supply in the market is insufficient. If they do not print, the economy will definitely stagnate.If you maintain this rate, it will be fine if those dollars don't show up. Once they show up, my God, this will be inflation around the world.

"Boss, Mexico's foreign exchange reserves are still declining. Without new growth points, their finances will be unsustainable."

"Tsk, is it terrible?" Soros felt a little pain, since all his men could see the problem.There is nothing he can't understand, an old fox.

It's just that those big people don't want to see the economic crisis at their doorstep.

It is terrible to happen in developed countries. If it is in developing countries, long-term stagflation is likely to occur.

The long-term stagnation of the economy will cause problems in society.The instability of the political situation will scare away those investors.

"Yes, boss, the farmers are fighting. Our grain exports here have set a record again. Even if they cease the war now, it is impossible to resume production immediately. In fact, those farmers are bankrupt."

"What did they think about this damn North American Free Trade Zone? Don't let these guys stay in the fields, do you want them to go to the factory."

Soros is very speechless. Since signing the agreement, Mexico's exports have indeed increased substantially.

Exports have more than doubled. Just kidding, this is crazy.If it can be sustained, it will become a high-income country within a few years.

Unfortunately, this group of prodigal gadgets, they import more.It has more than tripled.

This situation in the United States is very troublesome. Even if the U.S. dollar is the settlement currency, your trade deficit cannot be too ridiculous.As for Mexico, they can only continue to increase short-term borrowing.

"Boss, they lack high-quality workers. Tesla's factory is short of at least 20% of the staff. Several foot basin companies are even worse. They are already planning to hire foot basin people."

"Okay, I know this thunder. By the way, when will they stick to it at most?"

"The most optimistic situation is at the end of the year. Similar problems are common in Latin American countries. Boss, the situation is not very good."

"Well, they are not good, isn't it our opportunity? Keep watching them, this time, no one will save the market."

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