Reborn American Tyrant

Chapter 786 The defense system is actually useless

"Master, something went wrong in Africa, this time the trouble is big." The little tiger who went back and forth looked unbelievable.

"What? Who was killed again. Isn't this normal in Africa?"

"Well, master, it seems to be a big game this time. The boss of Rwanda and Burundi are on the same plane."

"Damn, what is this? A mechanical failure or a terrorist attack?"

Xiaohu smiled bitterly. If this were the case, I'm afraid it would be fine.Black buddies don't have much money, and they usually buy second-hand airplanes.Mechanical failure is actually normal.

"No, it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in the capital of Rwanda."

"I rely on, who is so creative, let alone political differences, even if it is a hostile country, it can't do it. This is a complete murder.

By the way, where did they get the missiles?Is there no radar on the plane."

Now it's Xiaohu's turn to be speechless, what kind of plane are you, what kind of plane is yours.If you fly lower, RPG will do it.

Well, this belongs to the plot in the brain-dead TV series.

"This is a big trouble, by the way, we have no one there, right?"

"No, that is the sphere of influence of the Gallic rooster. At this time, I don't know how to end it."

"End? Why? If it becomes a mess, just throw it away, just like Somalia. Look at it, Peanuts will condemn it at most here."

Other things, William White may not remember clearly.He has seen the Rwanda Hotel, which is simply horrible.

There have been many crashes, but no one has had such serious consequences.My God, more than one million people died because of this. What a speechless number.

It's not that more than a million people died, but that death happened more than a million times.

"Master, this matter is too tricky. Is it possible that all the intelligence agencies in this world were taught by a teacher."

Phew, William White breathed out a sullen breath, he didn't know how to answer this question.

Toss, you toss hard.Looking at Paris later, it almost became brown.If you want to increase the population, well, it is indeed very successful.

"This will be the beginning of a disaster. If I remember correctly, the two presidents met for peace."

"Yes, a missile directly pushed two countries into the fire pit. I hope that those who plan this thing know what they are doing?

Master, what you meant just now was that Peanutton would not intervene."

"Of course not, look at the mess in Somalia. Yes, if these guys have a good plane...

By the way, Xiaohu, if it were our plane."

"There is also a risk, it seems to happen during landing. If the flight speed is too slow, it should be too late. Fortunately, one missile, two are risky."

At the same time, Peanutton is also evaluating the impact of the incident.In fact, classmate Lao Ke got into entanglement.

"Al, will it be better if we participate."

"Bill, this is difficult. It is not one country, but two. According to the information sent back from the front, this is a very serious humanitarian disaster."

"Can't you do something?"

"It is difficult. The current conflict belongs to both parties. If we intervene, the conflict and hatred may be transferred."

"These goddamn Gallic roosters, see what they do."

"Ahem, Bill, there is no conclusive evidence."

"Hehe, this kind of thing will leave evidence, maybe only the CIA."

The direction of the incident, although similar to what everyone thought.However, the severity of the tragedy is far beyond the imagination of the world.

After this incident, the U.S. and European friends seemed to dare not play like this anymore.No one can be held responsible for this incident, and you cannot afford it.

"Boss, did you just take it in one stroke?"

"Jason, you can condemn the attacker. Don't make a verdict.

Alas, the news that Max sent back was very, very scary.At this time, your boss wants to live a few more years."

"Boss, isn't it, so serious? It's worse than Somalia."

"Oh, Jason, it's not comparable, it's not an order of magnitude at all. By the way, there is no need to broadcast in French."

"Okay, I see, I will go to the live broadcast room right away."

"Well, there is no need to explain too much. Use some other excuses. By the way, I call for humanitarian assistance. You can arrange it here. This matter cannot be absent."

There is really only so much that William White can do.To put it bluntly, you can't provide too much food.If you are full, there may be more dead.

"Max, the boss said that there will be big trouble, listening to that tone, African business wants to give up."

"There are wars everywhere, it's too messy. No wonder the boss doesn't sell weapons, it's really kind of that."

"Fighting, what are you kidding me, old wheat, they simply deprived those people of their lives, this is not a war at all."

"Fortunately, when I didn't choose to go there, I couldn't figure it out. Aren't they all the same?"

"Hehe, the boss is right. The set of cooking utensils in the US should not be sold to them at all.

Dozens of factions, plus different races, and various tribes, this will definitely make a pot of raw rice."

"Xiaohu, what? It's not our pot this time. That's the Gaul rooster's sphere of influence."

William White has decided, Nima, absolutely not to go to Africa.

Bah, it's okay, best not to go to Europe.Xiaohu is right. With a missile defense system, you can't deal with a lunatic.

No matter how hard your plane is, if MiG chases you and hits you, you will run away.Supersonic aircraft is not something passenger aircraft can handle.

Damn it, buddy was pitted by Boeing.Lao Ke went out with escorts, and there were still people blocking bullets at critical moments.

Damn, no wonder no one buys this kind of airplane.This Nima, in addition to loading 13, seems to be useless.

William White actually had a little too much thought, and Lao Ke was traveling, and there was basically no escort.You don't need to be in the country. If you go abroad, how can your own fighter get there?

If you are not at ease, don't go.Not shameful enough.

The so-called missile defense system only prevents misfires.You must say it is useless, but it is also true.

Seriously, if you run into this situation all day long, you won't be able to survive.This is really unlucky.

Except in the movie, when was Air Force One hit by a missile?

Even so, it doesn't need to be installed every time.Don't the president know that most of these things are useless.

Since Maozi shocked, Africa has begun a chaotic era.This is something they have never experienced before, even during World War II, it is better than the current situation.

"Rebecca, is White Media still quiet?"

"Yes, boss, there is no response. NBC held a charity dinner, and William White himself did not attend. It is said that the richest man was injured during training."

"Ahem, bastard. Rebecca, what do you think about this?"

"Boss, something tastes wrong. Europe is very lively here, but the United States has not responded much. What the hell is calling on both sides to calm down, so many people have died, there is no way to resolve the conflict."

"Well, I see, which means that the United States will not interfere here."

"Yes, boss, it seems that Europe does not mean to interfere."

"Hehe, this group of trash, why should they interfere."

How to deal with this news, Murdoch is indeed a headache.He wanted to copy the homework, but unfortunately, William White did not intend to be copied.

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