Reborn American Tyrant

Chapter 771 Revival?

"Philson, are you sure you are not mistaken?" Early the next morning, William White, who was aching back and legs, saw the latest report from the think tank, and it didn't hurt anywhere.

Nima, in his impression, the economy of the footbasin has been on the street for almost twenty years.What does this report mean now? This is a revival.

Could it be that this is the legendary butterfly effect.

"Boss, the price of land in the foot basin has shrunk severely, and the securities have lost at least half. However, their GDP and exports have been very good. In addition, their household savings are also increasing.

As long as consumer confidence is restored, the foot basin economy is still quite interesting."

"Well, Philson, the savings rate of residents is too high, which is not a good thing. If all the money stays in the bank, I think their loan interest rate will definitely be lowered."

"Yes, due to the surge in arbitrage funds, the banks in the foot basin have begun to recover, especially those consortia. In this bubble economy, their losses were not that big."

"Silk, no wonder, the last time I saw the chairman of Sumitomo, he looked in good spirits."

"Boss, they didn't invest in art. Of course it's not bad. Those European luxury houses haven't fallen too much. Recently, there has been a significant increase."

"Tsk tusk, so to speak, they just wiped out a group of middle class."

"That's what it meant. As for the news, the boss, their loss is exaggerated."

"Also, if you stay alone, angry people will tear them to pieces.

This makes sense, no wonder the water will be released.If the U.S. says something out of place, they will not be confused."

"Boss, that's what it means. Not only will they not urge you to repay the loan in advance, they will encourage you to borrow."

"Oh my God, these guys thought of everything. Unfortunately, they still overlooked something.

Confidence, Philson, the confidence of the foot basin man is not so easy to recover.These people are not American emperors, they are used to various economic crises.

Haha, all the people are speculating in stocks and all the people are speculating in houses, my God, do these people still trust economists?"

"Boss, if it continues to rise?"

"Well, we can focus on observing that export-oriented companies can invest. As for the financial system, wait, I am not optimistic."

William White really couldn't explain to Philson that the US-Japan consortium joined forces to rob, Nima, is there anything more fucking than this.

For many years to come, the only investment that the footbasin can make is savings.


Sorry, this is a lie.


Come here, I promise not to kill you.

As for those various financial derivatives, they are even less interested.

It can be said that in developed countries, the capital utilization rate of the foot basin is extremely low.

You think they really want to buy so many U.S. debts.This is also impossible.Afterwards, even if there is no interest in the bank, the person still deposits.

As for why not continue to invest overseas?

They have invested a lot. If there is a way, domestic loans are relatively reliable.

Of course, they have not realized this yet.You think that the Asian financial crisis in 1997 was really fine.

Hehe, they hope Soros will be short, if the yen falls more, their exports will be better.

Gee, this is not enough.

Speaking of it, the U.S. emperor is really shameless, you just mean it, you have already taken away a lot of money last time, you can't stare at a scam.

Well, Europe is pretty good now.

"Husband, I want to see my son."

"Silly girl, I've only been back a few days now. Well, go if you want, yes, I will let them install a video call."

"I know it's for their good, but I just can't help it."

"Boys are older, so you must go out and try. If you want someone to stay with you, you must work harder."

"Hmph, you find the young ones, they are already old."

"Don't be silly, tusk, there isn't a single wrinkle. It's all my credit."

If the son is not by his side, it is nonsense to say that he is not worried.However, he really couldn't help it.What can be taught, he has already taught.He is not stingy if he can give it.

Although a bit rough, it can only be so.As for his son's thoughts, he can't control so much for the time being.When they grow up, they should also understand his father.

Looking at the little beauty who was already asleep next to him, William White could only sigh.Although the two little guys are not close to him, the relationship is pretty good.Suddenly missing two older children, he was actually quite entangled.

"It was allocated so early? Strange, why isn't it a foot basin?"

"Father, he has five children."

"Ahem, this guy, I forgot about it."

"Father, you said, should he join Mormon?"

"Stupid, if it is an ordinary person, the problem is not the biggest. He William White is a public figure. Strange, is Asia so optimistic?"

Little Busu was a bit disapproving. William White spoiled his daughter even more. In his opinion, this part of the foot basin might be reserved for the eldest daughter.

"Father, when William White comes so out, those old guys should panic."

"Haha, arrange for the funeral, break the boat, tsk tsk, it is really hot enough. By the way, what are the conditions over there."

"This time the pot is very big. If you don't give three heads, he will get it himself."

"Silk, this is crazy."

"This matter can't be controlled, no one's face is good. William White is very straightforward. He is not Clinton. If you dare to move him, it will be paid a hundred times."

"Really did the CIA?"

"I don't know, there have been two suicides. No reason was given."

"Good guys, those bastards, it's time to know how great it is now. It's really true, I don't have blood."

Unreasonable, this is the new label of the richest man.

Well, eavesdropping is really wrong, and trying to attack the server is also wrong.But what you are discussing with me is life and death.

"Ellen, what do the old guys say?"

"They are scared, one thing is certain, William White has the ability to make them regret." When Greenspan said this, his mood was not very good.Now it's a civilized society, why are you still like this?

"Jai Xie must report, it was originally the style of others. By the way, his intelligence power is really so strong."

"Old man, the CIA people have been under surveillance for two years. And this group of idiots don't know anything."

Hey, Paul Volcker also has a headache.If this matter is not handled properly, the United States will become the laughing stock of the world.

"Forget it, Ellen, don't worry about it, I believe no one wants to get angry."

"Really not, the FBI is already eager here. More than a hundred soldiers from the former Delta appeared in New York.

According to their understanding, this group of people have serious battlefield syndromes."

"Huh, what does this mean?"

"These people are very dangerous. In other words, this is more than a hundred Rambo. They have some problems with their mentality. Once they accept the order, hehe, there is no possibility of stopping."

"Ellen, does William White have the syndrome you are talking about? Is it really necessary?"

"Old man, it's not all right, at least, the things that Citigroup and the CIA checked are really a bit of that.

It involves other people’s trust companies and overseas assets.Hehe, their hearts are also not small.It's just a pity that the methods are really not smart enough."

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