After the Vietnam War ended, such a large-scale local war has never happened in this world.Those Maozi did in Afghanistan are purely funny.

According to the data on the drawings, the gap between the two parties is actually not big.Air superiority is aside, the American emperor's superiority is all-round, and Damu didn't want to compete with the American emperor for control of the air.


I can't talk about this. The only maritime military force of Silly Dam is the frogmen.


This controversy is very high. The accuracy of the U.S. missiles is very high.The number may not be much more than that of Silly Damu.

Although the Tomahawk missile is very expensive, it is extremely expensive.Ten Scuds may not be exchanged for one.Due to the narrow combat radius, Silly Damu actually took advantage.The Scud is a short-range missile, and its technical requirements are not high.If a Tomahawk missile is exchanged for a Scud launcher, the U.S. Emperor will lose money.

Of course, the loss of personnel is not counted.Although it is considered a technical unit, its gold content is not high.

The army is more of a joke. The US emperor and his friends have made up 600,000 troops.This still includes the navy and air force.

Sha Damu reorganized 1.2 million army units, which means that in terms of the army, Sha Damu is three times that of the US emperor.Moreover, Damu is on the defensive side.

Anyone who has ever fought a red police knows that if the party with a small number of people wants to attack, it is basically free.Even if he barely broke through the outer defenses, the losses were extremely heavy.

During this time, although everyone was negotiating, Damu was not idle.A more authoritative statement is that Sha Damu built three lines of defense and invested a total of 400,000 troops.

Such a small area is almost crowded.If the American imperialism tries to make a breakthrough on the ground, the price to be paid can be imagined.

Some commentators with no ethics raised this line of defense infinitely.According to them, this is the Marne River in Kuwait.Sha Damu will take advantage of the number of people to let the US emperor drain the last drop of blood.

"Jason, are you kidding, the Vietnam War? Is there a jungle in the desert? If you hide in the sand, you will be cooked."

"No, that's what the whole world says. There's a man named Zhang Shahan, and it makes sense."

"Surname Zhang? Well, this guy is a strategic fool. If you believe him, hehe, buddy, you will definitely be crippled by him."

"Don't talk, they are generals, what's the deception there. By the way, what kind of department is this?"

"Hehe, I'm talking nonsense. In fact, those experts are all fools. Trench warfare? My goodness, there are such funny ideas now?"

"What do you fight if you don't fight trenches? Missiles are so expensive, and it's impossible to bomb trenches. It's too expensive."

As soon as William White stayed, he immediately reacted.The three-dimensional war of the Trinity is just a concept at the moment.Not to mention the people who eat melons, even the high-ranking representatives of the United States are only half-trusted. If not, why should they gather so many troops.

"I feel that if most of the facilities are not blown up, the army will not dare to go up. Believe it or not, unless the US soldiers go up by themselves, others will not go to death."

William White was playing farts with his good friends to kill time, and the others were not so free.The U.S. emperor was also fierce this time. His six aircraft carriers were not counted in the past, and John Bull and Gallic Rooster did not run away.

In William White's view, John Bull's ship is basically a decoration.There are not a few airplanes to install, and a bunch of warships are needed for protection.

Due to a series of misjudgments, the US emperor emptied its arsenal.This is not the case, the military factory is still working overtime.Peanut feels that it must be fried for two months anyway.When Sha Damu gets bored by the bombing, he may surrender.

The ground war is really terrible, and the silly big wood is not in vain. 4,500 tanks, including the immobile.There are 3,000 armored vehicles. They are not bulletproof off-road vehicles. They are standard armored vehicles and have weapons.There are also 3,000 artillery pieces of various types.

Well, this guy is really tough.

William White also didn't understand, this guy is so powerful.The Iran-Iraq War did not seem to take advantage.Could it be said that this is the so-called self-contained mental retardation aura?

The beta version of Red Alert is really amazing.In addition, it fits the current situation very well, making it extremely hot for a while.

"So, boss, when will your final version come out?"

"It will take at least two months, and it's still not very stable. Especially online."

"Tsk tsk, the eyes of those PC manufacturers are red. If this wave of market is missed, it will really be on the street."

"Cut, look at the giant blue man, standing still."

For the blue giant's slowness, William White can only express his admiration.If you continue to play like this, you will soon kill yourself.An industry that pays attention to innovation has come to an old woman who is faltering.

Alas, this is really true.

"Mr. President, there are already more than a thousand planes gathered around us. Those Maozi are unwilling to perform the mission."

"These bastards are actually willing to be dogs for the U.S. Emperor. And that group of damned furs have no credit at all." Silly Damu was very angry, and the development of the situation was different from what he thought.

In order to take care of the face in the desert area, Haselie did not respond to the call of his elder brother and chose to stand on the sidelines.

This point, silly Damu did not expect.In his opinion, if he goes to war with the U.S., his friends around him should remain neutral.If Serlie has joined the war, the local tyrants in the desert area might help him.

Unfortunately, his plan seems to be aborted.The Lan Deng classmates all came to get soy sauce, but Selie refused to join the war.

Well, this is their own statement.In fact, the American emperor was also afraid of angering the public.The younger brother of my own family is really unwelcome.

"Mr. President, we must make some adjustments. Those planes and tanks must be hidden. If they are bombed directly."

"Do you have any suggestions?"

"If they hide in the city, will they give up?"

"Oh, it's still not insured. These tanks are our capital. We must never lose."

Silly Damu is actually quite frightened now. When things have reached this point, he actually has no room for compromise.He vomited what he ate, even if he was willing, his men could not accept it.

He is a little sober now. Robbery is not a good way to get rich.Having been cut off the sea transportation line, his life is more sad than before.

The oil matter was taken back, and there were a lot of gold and US knives.However, these things can't be exchanged for materials.Domestic prices have already skyrocketed, and if they continue to do so, I will really be in trouble.

It's just a pity that there is no retreat now.Kuwait's royal family members were killed, which is already a deadly enemy.

It was all the damn group of intelligence personnel. It didn't count as a false information, but also a few lives.

Allies, allies, we need allies now.Damn Kazafei, also a timid fellow.If you make some noise now, the pressure on me will not be less.

To be honest, the idiot level of this product is simply outrageous.More than 600,000 troops, thousands of fighters, and nine aircraft carriers.

Knowing the lineup here, Kazafei had already shrunk his head.If you silly Damu can hold it, then don't say anything, buddy also sign up with the American emperor.If it doesn't work, you'd better die.

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