William White did not how to promote IMAX, at least, this movie he made himself is not an IMAX movie.

Obviously, funding clearly cannot be a reason.As long as these uncle's movies, it is impossible to lose investors.

Some people say that it is simply a pain in idle time for you to find investors for movies that are not losing money.

Well, there is no such thing as a steady profit and no loss.You can only say that the possibility of profit is relatively high.

In Hollywood, a movie is a project.If this project is large, some financial portfolios can be derived.This is a very scientific approach, and William White does not mean playing alternatives.

Wall Street is very enthusiastic about investing in William White's films.You can see the return on investment of 007, it is like winning the lottery.

For IMAX theaters, Wall Street is not so optimistic.In their opinion, this thing is not cost-effective, and may be the same as the 3D movies of earlier years.After a gust of wind passed, there was nothing left.

The opinions of Wall Street represent the opinions of most people.At least, this group of Hollywood bigwigs see it this way. Whether they are old natives or newly promoted local tyrants, everyone is watching this new thing.

In fact, William White should feel fortunate that if he is replaced by another person, he might be ridiculed.

Of course, there are not a few people waiting to see the jokes.It's hard to say why I dare not jump out now.Have been slapped repeatedly, how do you let others deal with themselves.

William White doesn't care much about what others think.Miss Nicole asked him to drink coffee, which is the more important thing.

Although there is no worm on the brain, a little excitement is still there.After all, this time is too busy, and he really needs to relax.

Although the entry is very jerky, there is no obstacle.Ahem, this is something someone thinks too much.Fresh and delicious lambs are laid out there, and everyone wants to eat two bites.It is not easy to be able to maintain a new look.

Well, veteran drivers know that the driving pleasure of this level of vehicle is the highest.The vehicle is too new to drag racing. Generally speaking, the driving experience is the best for a vehicle of 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers.

Obviously, this supercar made in Australia is to this extent.

"My goodness, is your white color natural."

"Silk, you fellow, be lighter."

"Hey, you didn't call it that just now. Wait a minute and let me think about it."

Little White Sheep was a little dizzy, and she said she was dancing.Good point, why did you jump into the bedroom.Damn, how could I be so proactive.

The boy got a new toy, so, you know, the king is inevitable soon.

"Damn, I want to go home. I have lived here for three days. I don't even need to wear clothes. Is your thing powered by electricity? If it is, it should be dead."

"Okay, okay, I apologize, mainly because you are too charming. Really, it's no wonder that they say you are a big white sheep, it is really white."

The little beauty was so angry, this bastard guy, in these three days, it is simply tossing day and night.Well, although she also enjoys that kind of rush.However, this is too much.

"Well, how about we go shopping? Going to see the afterglow of Sunset Street."

"Are you sure, there is still afterglow now."

"Okay, okay, my watch is broken, let's go see the stars, or else, let's go to the sea to see."

"Don't, let's sunset the street, I am worried, you will be locked in the boat for a few days."

In a word, William White was a little bit silly, well, this bastard, that's what he planned.

The experience of the past few days is unforgettable for Nicole.Before that, she didn't care too much about that kind of thing.In her opinion, with the help of electric gadgets, men are not necessary.

However, she clearly misjudged the situation.That damn guy is totally different from what she has experienced before.

Although she liked the pile of clothes and bags on the carpet, she didn't care too much.What excites her is that tomorrow, just tomorrow, many newspapers will publish this news.

Yes, she wants to be famous, she wants to be the most shining star in Hollywood.Being locked into a house is not what she wants, even if it is a house made of gold.

She is very, very concerned about attention and exposure.Yes, only William White can bring all this.But wherever he has appeared, it may become the focus of news.

"William, I heard you have a girlfriend?"

"George, you know, I like to promote the latter to the end of the school. In order to increase their visibility, I just cooperate with the hype."

"Hahaha, you are so shameless. To be able to speak so openly, I almost believe your nonsense. By the way, oil prices may be unstable recently. If you plan to acquire something, you should be quicker."

"Received, by the way, I am not going to the World Cup. I am very busy recently. I am in a hurry for this movie."

"Well, I just took a look at the opening ceremony. I heard it was very good. They plan to take the runway on the football field."

"Tsk tsk, I'm not interested, the supermodel is too firewood, all of which are bones, if there is a fracture, buddies will be in great trouble."

"Hahaha, are you so exaggerated."

"Cut, my boxing coach told me that Tyson may not be able to beat me, what do you think?"


"If you are not afraid, I will fight you with one hand."

Bush's phone call was to inform William White that the situation in the desert area is becoming tense.You must know that consumption can no longer stimulate oil prices. The only thing that will have some impact is war.

William White knew that even if it was really fighting, it could only affect oil prices in a short period of time.The economic growth of the foot basin is weak, and negative growth is a foregone conclusion.Except for Germany, where Europe has maintained high growth, other places are not doing well.

Speaking of, they are very similar to the foot basin.After the war, there was a period of rapid growth. The difference is that the Germans have their own way of understanding finance.

They have financial institutions, but prefer traditional industries.For listing and financing, there is also a lack of interest.Expansion and cross-border are both considered stupid.

Such an interesting attitude also allowed them to escape economic crises again and again.Well, they did not escape Lao Mei's calculations in the end.

In a country surrounded by a group of black buddies, it would be nonsense to talk about the welfare system.No country can afford this thing.

Those who get rich first must find ways to help the poor.Of course, countries that become prosperous first need to do so.Everyone knows who said to make some people get rich first, but the last sentence is the point. Why do you ignore it?

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