Well, despite William White's very hard work, Mrs. Belon's box office has not surprisingly been on the street.

In fact, there are some violations in saying that. If you want to talk about rushing to the street, of course it is rushing to the street compared to the speed of life and death, but you are a literary film, and the box office is not the most important thing.

To be honest, Hollywood has been commercialized very thoroughly. Commercial films have the same gameplay as commercial films, while literary films are naturally different.

Well, you said that since they are all commercialized, how can they not make money?

There is a misunderstanding. First of all, the cost of literary films is not high, and the remuneration is extremely low. The pursuit is only the exposure and popularity of the mainstream society, and the second is the box office value.

I have to say that William White’s box office appeal has been a bit of a myth. The box office of more than 10 million dollars in the first weekend was not unexpected.After all, the speed of life and death has not yet been drawn, and the ET aliens are also rushing in. No matter how they rush to the street, they are still in the top three at the box office.

At the same time, other movies don't have this luck. You must say that Mrs. Veron's box office is hitting the street, so what do other movies say?

Is it a dog?

William White is actually quite happy, for no reason, even those very critical film critics, there is nothing too harsh.

It's not because of what benefits he gave others, but the theme of this movie is very inspirational. Pacifists take the initiative to stand for him, and feminists also use this movie as a classic.

In this world, peace and feminism are the main themes. You don't want to be the target of public criticism. It is best not to talk nonsense.

Europe on the other side of the ocean is in a different situation. Don't watch the movie there are no black John Bulls. People also watch it very beautifully, and don't care about the slander of the Americans.

Don't think that only the U.S. emperor is playing anti-war and feminism, and Europe is tossing even more.

Unconsciously, William White suddenly became a feminist fighter, which is quite funny to think about.I really can't figure it out. Is that group of guys thinking? This stuff is not less than the cabbage, so it can still become a fighter.

A movie without a well-known actor or a well-known director suddenly became the new favorite of major film festivals.Looking at the current posture, people eventually rushed to Oscar.

Well, the film academy is still arrogant as always and will not comment on films that have not been shortlisted.They don't care much, the Oscar Organizing Committee is another situation.

Over the past few months, Oscar has been discredited, and all kinds of accusations and ridicules have been suffocating.

Oscar has its own rules, which, to put it bluntly, is also a kind of business behavior. All kinds of lobbying and publicity are really the same.

It's all right now, but there is someone who doesn't take the usual path.

What, need to provide samples for them to watch.Because the old guys have difficulty moving.

White Pictures’ response was very choking. The plot of the movie was too exciting and not suitable for the elderly.Wan has been picking up all the time, it's not good to say, it doesn't mean much.

Well, the original words of William White are even more ugly. He thinks that a group of Alzheimer's patients is really unreliable to evaluate his film.

White Pictures is really not afraid of Oscars now, his face is not so easy to hit.

The organizing committee of the Oscars is also very painful, and I have never seen such an unreasonable person. There is a reason for the big boss to end in person, which is really not particular.

"Lucas, what do you think this time?"

"What, Oscar?"

"Yeah, otherwise, haha."

"Have fun. If there are no major accidents, it is still a big defeat."

"These old thieves have personality."

"Hehe, it's not that simple. The most likely thing is that after this movie goes abroad, if you don't participate in any Oscars, even if it is shortlisted, William White will not appear again."

"Tsk tsk, if you don't show up, you won't win the prize. This is almost an iron rule. If you don't give two consolation prizes, it will really tear your face completely."

"Haha, the Oscars are not clean. There used to be William White who used to pay for awards and controlled the media channels. What kind of politeness would there be."

Lucas has some truth in saying this. He has been in contact with William White a lot and knows the fucking temper of this guy.The gentleman's demeanor is nothing but clouds, it is just a disguise of him, he himself is outspoken.

It is not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years, and for a villain to revenge from morning till night, William White is an out-and-out villain, so Oscar will be unlucky.

"Master, the villa has been cleaned up."

"Well, come and pick me up, just prepare some gifts, I'm going to comfort the neighbors around me."

"Okay, master."

William White's previous style was very excessive, and the neighbors around him were scared enough.People also want to hear this explanation, is there really a gangster? If one is not good, it will be boring if it hurts the pond fish.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there are a few small thieves. I don't know the details of my place. The shooting was just a scare. You see, no one was killed and no one was injured."

Although I know that this stuff is full of Hu Chai, no one cares too much. To put it bluntly, with such a big movement, there may be no bad guys who dare to come again in the future.

Speaking of those gifts, it's actually very simple. A bottle of wine from my own winery, plus some cookies I baked, these are all.

Regardless of whether the box office is on the street or not, Ms. Mai is completely popular, and the sales of the movie's simultaneous albums have exceeded one million, which is approaching the second million mark.

what?You said that people’s MJs are over 100 million, and one million is a kind of rubbish.

Alas, that's wrong again. First of all, the sales of over 100 million is not a year or two. It is many years later. This is the only one among the many records of MJ.

Then there is a difference between men and women. If female singers can achieve tens of millions of sales, it would be almost a miracle.In fact, those that can reach millions of sales are already rare.

Record sales exploded. It was related to the equipment. In the era when there were no portable players, tens of millions of sales were already an exaggerated figure.

As for Michael Jackson, it is a legend, a legend that can never be surpassed.If it wasn't for this person who had some problems with his emotional intelligence, there would really be no newcomers.

In fact, Lao Mei's attitude towards him is very ambiguous, or rather jealous.Discrimination is portrayed deep in the soul, and there is really no way to explain it.

The racial issues of this era are far less harmonious than later generations.It can be said that MJ was born ten years earlier, and now this time is just the darkness before dawn.

Wouldn't it be enough to dig up MJ?

Haha, this is unrealistic. Half of the shares you gave him are useless. Today's Michael Jackson is already very popular. How could he accept a small record company's solicitation? People might as well start their own one.

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