Guru, another protest came from his stomach. If she wants to stop eating now, she probably won't be able to keep her life.

I don't know if there is anything you can eat on this website.

Seeing the search box, thinking of meat buns, searching. Sure enough, there are a lot of meat buns options below, and the best-selling store is one for three.

Choose one quantity and click to buy directly.咚咚~ The sound of the system prompt, a small dialog box appears in the center of the interface, indicating that the account balance is insufficient.

Gee, the balance turned out to be 0. How to top up? She also wants to know whether the deal here can be linked to reality.

Turn to the homepage, check the navigation bar at the bottom, and find that there is an option to sell items.

After clicking, a dialog box appears, densely packed with text, which is probably related to the option of selling items.

She was so hungry now, she only glanced at the text, then quickly scrolled down, turning several pages before stopping.

There are two options on the interface, one is storage and the other is transaction.

What does it mean to store warehouse? No matter what, find someone to understand first and click on transaction.

At this time, her heart was extremely excited, and some of her anticipation was also a little nervous. I don't know what will happen next.

Although she felt that a long time had passed, these movements were in her mind, but it was just a sudden thing.

The trading platform in her mind is running very fast. As soon as her consciousness comes out, the interface has reached the location she specified.

When she saw the dialog box that appeared after clicking the transaction, this time she stared at the above text carefully.

Don't worry about the others, don't sell yourself.

The content of the dialog box: 98 grams of loess is detected, the transaction price is 0.001 yuan, whether you are willing to sell it.

There are two options below, yes or no.

loess? Can the loess in her hand be traded? Things in reality and things in the conscious world can not only be linked, but they can also be traded.

He became excited in an instant, and Xiang Jie quickly shifted to the yes option, confirming.

In my mind, Ding Dong~

The system shows that the transaction is successful and the transaction amount has been deposited into her account, which can be checked in the account balance.

In this way, the transaction was successful, but the loess... I lowered my head and saw that there was still loess in my hand, and all the clean dirt was gone.

Therefore, the loess disappeared out of thin air and became the balance in her account.

I was amazed, this is amazing. In this way, she can find things to sell, and then exchange money to buy things on the website.

But how can the things on this website get into her hands? They also appear out of thin air? Try to buy something first, after all, the account balance is not 0 anymore.

Xiang Jie found the account balance, and the sparrow legs were also meat, at least not nothing.

But when she saw the prompt on the top of the account balance, she expressed her sadness.

System prompt: The account shows the lowest unit of 0.1 yuan, the rule of rounding, your account balance is 0.0 yuan.

After finally seeing the light, the rounding of the website brought her back to a state of nothing.

No, I have to find a way to do some other transactions. Since even that bit of loess can be a traded item, can it be other things?

Thinking of the fragrant meat buns, she moved her index finger.

Xiang Jie thought, could everything she needs could be traded from here? You can only trade from here?

I like Rebirth 80: I have space and I just want to farm. Please collect it: ( Rebirth 80: I just want to farm. The literature is updated the fastest.

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