The boy's dress and appearance are very similar to Xiao Xianrou, and he is a very tender Xiao Xianrou. In other words, it's a very girly feeling...

"Do you think I would like such a sissy person? Look at those double eyelids that are wider than mine." Marven Ye turned her head to look at Feng Chengkang. It was her own man's single eyelids, tight and long. nice.

Hearing Marven Ye say this, Feng Chengkang smiled and looked at the boy again, he was indeed very delicate.

It takes at least 4 hours to get to the provincial capital by train from Xing City. They board the train at 6 pm, so it will be in the middle of the night when they arrive at the provincial capital. It seems that Feng Chengkang is not afraid.

"Before we went to the south, you came to the provincial capital alone. Now that I think about it, I'm really scared." Feng Chengkang sighed, and Marven Ye leaned on Feng Chengkang's shoulder a little tired after doing it for a while.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid." Feng Chengkang felt that Feng Chengkang should be thinking that he would be unaccompanied after he got off the train alone, so he might be a little scared.

Feng Chengkang's voice was lowered again: "I found that not only the child was peeking at you, but also the man in his 30s in the third row who looked this way from time to time."

Marven Ye slowly opened her eyes and followed his gaze, there was indeed a man sitting there. But on this train, it's normal for people to look at each other. It's too scary to say that people are peeping just because they look this way.

"Brother, I think you read too many novels." Marven Ye sighed and continued to close her eyes.

Feng Chengkang didn't know if what he thought was right, anyway, just protect his daughter-in-law. Hours passed quickly, and it was eleven o'clock at night when they left the station.

After all, it is common for trains to be late in this era. It stands to reason that they should get off the train at ten o'clock. Been late till 11 o'clock.

The two opened a room in a hotel not far from the train station to rest for a while, but after tossing back and forth in the evening, both of them were completely sleepy.

"The children were sent to the dried fruit factory, and there were about 10 children in it. I don't know if the children can adapt." Marven Ye washed up and lay on the bed, unable to help but worry about the children.

Feng Chengkang fumbled out two pieces of bread from his schoolbag and handed it to Marven Ye: "Don't worry about the children, they can take care of themselves so much."

"I hope. I don't know if I need to stay here for a few days. If it takes a long time, you can go back first."

In the 21st century, Ye Wenying participated in several seminars. This kind of thing is rather cumbersome, and it is not to say that it can be concluded in a single meeting. If the seminar is good, it may keep you open.

"It doesn't matter, I can also go to Ma Tao's place to have a look. I haven't been to the provincial capital for a long time. After dawn, I will take you to the first provincial hospital, and then I will go to the wholesale department." General Feng Chengkang She peeled off the bread and handed it to Marven Ye, which she bought online from Little Three Curie. They started the live broadcast to bring goods. It happened that these breads were well received, so they bought some and kept them at home, firstly to serve as samples, and secondly to satisfy the cravings of these children.

However, Feng Chengkang couldn't understand why the name of this bread was half-cooked cheese. It didn't feel raw at all.

"There will be a seminar at 10 o'clock in the hospital. Let's get up early, and I will follow you to Ma Tao's house to see how the child is doing now." Marven Ye thought that she hadn't seen Ma Tao for adoption for a long time. The child of , it stands to reason that he should be able to leave now, after all, it has been almost a week.

After that, the two did not continue to communicate, and even if they were not sleepy, they forced themselves to fall asleep. So they set another alarm clock to wake them up at 7:00 in the morning. The two ate the milk and half-cooked cheese they brought, and went directly to the wholesale market, just in time for Ma Tao to open the door.

"It's all very good here. Since our dried fruit factory has a phone number, it's easy to get in touch." Ma Tao was very happy when he saw the person who came here. I think he has worked in this wholesale market for more than a year, and he is very happy. It's common to see strangers. Even people who know each other only because they came to buy flour, grain and oil. It is rare to see fellow villagers like Marven Ye and Feng Chengkang.

Feng Chengkang looked at the two helpers next to him. Ma Tao mentioned before that one person was too busy to come and hired one, but later the orders became more and more, and one person needed to be delivered to various areas in Shishi. I couldn't be too busy, so I hired another one, and also bought a tricycle, and asked him to help with the delivery.

After chatting for a while, Marven Ye said goodbye and walked in the direction of his house. Feng Chengkang stayed at the wholesale market. As soon as he entered the door, Wei Hong was eating breakfast with his child, and he was holding a steamed chicken cake in the bowl. It looks very tender and delicious, and the child eats it happily.

"Is Auntie not there?" Marven Ye chatted with her for a while, but didn't see Ma Ying's mother, so she asked.

Wei Hong explained: "My mother-in-law came here because she felt that I had never given birth to a child and didn't know how to take care of the child. She was worried. Now that the child is so old, she stayed at home and didn't come over."

"Well, that's true. When the child is older, he won't need so many people to take care of him. Looking at her arrogant appearance, I think that when he will be sent to the childcare class almost next year, you will be freed." Ye Wen Ying laughed.

"This child is very picky. He would stay here during the day and take him to the wholesale market. Ma Tao also likes what the child likes very much. In addition, he now has two dollars in his hand and toys. I can't stop buying it, but this kid doesn't like the toys he bought, so he has to flip those bottles and jars upside down." Wei Hong's words were filled with warm smiles, showing that the two of them and even their family Treat this child as your own child.

Marven Ye felt that her original decision was definitely right. Many people might say that as a doctor, she not only did not stop others from adopting children, but also acted as an intermediary to help them. Marven Ye felt that this was the only way to let the child live in a normal environment, instead of letting him follow his biological mother and being looked down upon everywhere, this was the best choice for him.

"We thought about taking the child back when he was a little older. I can't do much help at the front of the house. When he is older and brought to my mother-in-law, I can also do some work. I will work hard at that time. Take one and see if you can get a foothold here."

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