Danlu was ashamed and said angrily, "Dad..."

Lu Guisheng laughed: "go, go, if you like, review with Xiao SA in the pottery garden."

Danlu immediately smiled: "thank you, Dad!"

Chen Biyun: "take Xiao SA home for lunch at noon. You can't eat noodles for lunch, can you?"

Lu Guisheng said, "smelly girl, I'll cook myself today. I'll make an ant tree and crispy chicken you like best. It's up to you if you don't come back!"

Danlu looked at Xiao SA and looked forward to it. Xiao SA nodded without hesitation. Danlu was overjoyed and said, "Dad, I still want to eat the cold fungus stew you made."

Lu Guisheng said bitterly, "girl, where do you want me to buy cold fungus this season? Don't you embarrass dad?"

Danlu smiled: "I don't care! Anyway, Dad, you will have a way! From small to large, my father is omnipotent!"

Lu Guisheng couldn't close his mouth with laughter.

Xiao SA smiled to herself: little girl, this is the rhythm to kill her father!

After coming out of the hospital, Lu Guisheng and Chen Biyun always sent Xiao SA and Danlu to the gate of Taoyuan, and then turned back to buy vegetables in the vegetable market. Only then did they go back to the home of the old county courtyard. They were not idle. The couple went into the kitchen and were busy with Chinese food.

Xiao SA and Danlu carried a bowl of noodles and ate very delicious. Xiao sa soon finished eating. He drank no soup left, and stared at the noodles in Danlu bowl.

Danlu was funny. She picked up the noodles with chopsticks and fed them to Xiao's mouth: "open your mouth!"

Xiao SA opened his mouth and ate it impolitely, just like he fed Danlu porridge with spoons yesterday. Now he turned around and Danlu fed him noodles with chopsticks. Soon there was only a little noodles left in the Danlu bowl. Xiao SA was embarrassed and said, "second, eat it yourself. I'm full."

Danlu didn't want Xiao SA to eat too much, so she had to let him save some stomach. At lunch, she ate the rest of the noodles with a smile. Unexpectedly, Xiao SA pitifully said, "give me another sip of your remaining soup."

Danlu was very happy. She picked up the bowl and fed Xiao SA soup. Xiao SA still drank no more. After drinking, she stretched her waist contentedly and said, "it's so comfortable!"

Dan Lu said as she cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks: "haven't you eaten enough? I tell you, my father doesn't cook generally, but cooking is not ordinary! Take it easy and wait for a big meal at noon."

Xiao SA said dismissively, "it's not rare! No matter how good things in the world can't match the fairy face under our second son!"

Danlu immediately smiled and said, "stop talking nonsense! That's my father! He cooked and entertained you himself. What else do you want?"

Xiao Sa: "not really! How can parents torture their daughter like this? Look at you! How much have you lost? Your parents are really cruel!"

Danlu stretched out her finger and pinched Xiao Sa's arm: "big villain! Don't you speak ill of my parents!"

Xiao SA looked at the thin Danlu and was still very angry: "I'm going to say! How can there be such parents in the world? So cruel! Have the heart to make you thin like this! Look at my father and mother. Haven't you seen us together? Are you sorry for us?"

Danlu's eyes were wet. She stopped pinching Xiao SA, hugged him tightly and said, "well, boss, don't be angry! My parents also think of me? I know. They're not cruel! They're really cruel. They'll cook a big meal for you today? If they're cruel, they'll crack you! Well, ha, don't be angry!"

Xiao SA reached out and rubbed Danlu's hair: "well, for your face, don't worry about them! I said, I won't let anyone hurt you! Including your parents! If they dare to do this again next time, I'll kill you directly!"

Dan Lu said softly, "don't worry! You won't do it again! They love me very much, just like you!"

But Xiao SA said, "I don't hurt you. I want to smoke you now! Dead girl, what are you doing so? My uncles and aunts told me last night that they don't eat or drink for a week. Is it so awkward? Nonsense!"

"OK! Uncle Xiao SA! I'm wrong! The little girl admits her mistake to you, OK?" it's rare that Danlu is so soft. If Lu Guisheng and Chen Biyun see her, they're afraid that the vinegar jar will fall off the ground!

"That's about the same," Xiao said.

Just then, the phone rang. Xiao SA answered the phone. It was Wang Zi. He and Longbo had begun to wait for him at the gate of the old county courtyard.

Xiao sprinkled a pat on his head. Today is Sunday. He almost forgot his appointment. So he said to Danlu, "second, I won't review this morning. I'll take you to Zhaoshan ancient temple for spring outing and talk to others."

Danlu nodded: "OK!" the little girl is smart and knows that Xiao SA has something to do.

The two went out of the pottery garden hand in hand.

Wangzi drives pusang, carrying Xiao SA, Danlu and Longbo to Zhaoshan mountain, which is a famous mountain and one of the eight famous scenic spots of Xiaoxiang. What are the eight specific scenic spots? Xiao SA doesn't even know.

At the junction of Zhaoshan, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, at the foot of the mountain is the famous Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan motorcycle market.

Xiao SA came to see a facade. She wanted wangzi to take Danlu to climb the mountain and visit Zhaoshan ancient temple first. Danlu refused. She held Xiao Sa's arm and said, "don't worry about me. When I don't exist!"

Xiao SA followed her. With the guidance of long Bo, Wang Zi stopped in front of a front door of the Changzhutan motorcycle market. Xiao SA got off and looked. This front door was the first front door of the national highway 107 and the provincial highway Tanzhu line at the east of the Changzhutan motorcycle market.

Xiao SA is very strange. This should be the best facade of the Chang Zhu Tan market. It has a large area, at least 800 square meters. The door is open, and there is no problem parking ten large trucks. Surrounded by national and provincial roads, this is the way of wealth in Feng Shui! How can the facade boss be willing to transfer such a good facade?

However, Xiao SA found a problem when he went into the store. Nuo Da's store placed 20 or 30 brands of motorcycles. It turned out to be a miscellaneous king! After meeting and communicating with the boss, the boss poured a lot of bitter water: first, he complained that the appearance was too big and the cost of buying the appearance was too much, so there was less working capital for operation. For a shop of 880 square meters, less than half of the sales area was used; Second, it's hard to sell motorcycles now. The competition is getting stronger and stronger. Customers pick three and pick four.

Xiao SA understands that the real reason for his failure is that there are too many and miscellaneous motorcycle brands. Customers usually lock in mature brands. How many are willing to buy such miscellaneous brands? So many people patronize, but few people buy, wasting such a good reputation in vain!

After finding the reason for the poor management of the store owner, Xiao SA directly asked the price of the transfer facade.

The store owner asked for 350000 yuan. Xiao SA refused without even thinking about it. Are you kidding? The Chang Zhu Tan market sounds good. In fact, it is the edge of the three urban areas of Chang Zhu Tan. It is so far away from the urban area that the facade of the urban area is not so expensive! In addition, the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan market has only been operating for more than two years, and it is not famous at all. There are not many customers. Most shopkeepers operate miserably. Compared with the nanpanling motorcycle store sprinkled by Xiao in the main urban area of Xiangtan City, it is a world of difference!

Naturally, the store owner was asking exorbitant prices and paid back the money on the spot. Finally, the two sides reached a transfer price of 280000 yuan. Xiao SA immediately signed an agreement with the store owner, paid a deposit, and then explained to long Bo. He became the shopkeeper again. He took Danlu to visit the mountains and waters, climb Zhaoshan and visit the ancient temple.

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