Sister Ma came to apply for the job for good reasons. First, she was familiar with finance. She was originally an accountant in the candy factory. Because she didn't want to help the factory leaders make false accounts, she was demoted to the Sales Department of the candy factory as a small accountant. She was familiar with the work of financial accounting, which was suitable for Xiao Sa's needs. 2、 The candy factory and the Sales Department of the candy factory closed down. The candy factory is actually a two-story building, and the sales department is just a room on the first floor. The candy factory has long stopped production and closed down, leaving only three old and frail employees to stay and watch the building. Therefore, sister Ma is also unemployed. She needs to work because she wants to support her family. She has a son and a daughter. Men work in the battery factory. It is also a semi dead street collective enterprise. She can't even support herself with his salary. Therefore, sister Ma can't work hard, otherwise the family will have no means to live, let alone go to school, So this position is very suitable for her needs, urgent needs! 3、 Sister Ma lives in the staff dormitory behind the candy factory. It's very close and convenient. She can take care of the "chic motorcycle repair shop" at any time. Of course, it's also convenient to take care of her family. There is also the last one, that is, she looks at Xiao sa very right. This young handsome boy is sunny, generous, very reasonable and easy to deal with.

There are so many good reasons. After sister Ma said, Xiao SA naturally hired her happily. And she didn't disappoint Xiao SA. In less than half a day, she classified the confused accounts of Xiao SA and long Bo in the past half a month. She remembered clearly, and even helped long Bo find out an account he missed when checking the goods, which made long Bo very grateful, otherwise he couldn't afford to lose now.

A few days later, Longbo told Xiao SA that all the relevant procedures, certificates and licenses of the motorcycle repair shop had been completed, and the accessories were almost complete. You can choose an auspicious day to open!

Xiao SA shook his head and said, "wait a few days, I'll go and buy a batch of accessories. When I get the goods back, I don't have to choose any auspicious day. We'll open the door right away. It's better to hit the day and make a fortune!"

So this weekend, Xiao SA went to Guangzhou alone by train and brought in the same goods: chemical repair kit. Moreover, Xiao sprinkled ten thousand yuan at a time, eight yuan each, and threw out 80000 yuan. The 80000 yuan can be all ten yuan in cash. Xiao sprinkled took it with a cloth bag tied to his waist, which startled the accountant cashier of Guangzhou Motorcycle parts wholesale head office. First, they were surprised that Xiao SA brought so much cash; Second, he was surprised at how he entered so many chemical repair kits at one time. They did not know that at this time, the motorcycle maintenance market in Hunan Province was not a little worse than that in Guangzhou. At that time, the whole motorcycle repair shop in Hunan province did not know that there was such a carburetor Maintenance Kit, which was the key object to solve the problem of motorcycle carburetor and ignition plug. With it, the problem of chemical apparatus can be solved.

"Chic motorcycle repair shop" opened. On the day of opening, a big sign was erected at the door of the shop, which said: "specialize in carburetor".

"Specialize in carburetor"! This is the whole Tanzhou. No, it can be said that it is a long-standing problem for the whole motorcycle repair shop in Hunan Province. The carburetor always burns the spark plug when it has a problem. After the motorcycle is turned off, it often can't afford to start, but it gives the motorcycle drivers a headache! If you change a new carburetor, it costs hundreds of yuan. It doesn't cost much. You can only change the spark plugs frequently. Sometimes you have to change several times a week. That's not to say. The main reason is that you can't afford to push the motorcycle when the engine is off. You're not afraid of being tired! So now when motorcycle drivers hear that there are motorcycle repair shops specializing in carburetors, they are skeptical at first, but when they see that they have been repaired one by one, they are not expensive. The price is 38 yuan, so there is a rush to repair motorcycle carburetors. These days, there are so many people riding motorcycles. The streets are full of motorcycles. In addition to riding to and from work, more motorcycles.

After a week, sister Ma excitedly told Xiao SA that 1087 carburetors were repaired this week. This figure is easy to count, because so many carburetor repair kits are used, which is equivalent to 150 people repairing motorcycle carburetors every day. Of course, less in the first few days and more in the next few days.

Other motorcycle repair shops soon learned about it and wanted to steal it. However, Xiao SA, long Bo and Hu Pingzhang had kept it a secret for a long time. They covered it to death. Every time they repaired, they removed the motorcycle carburetor and went inside for maintenance. No one else could see it. They only knew that they would take it in for maintenance in less than a few minutes, take it out and install it, and the motorcycle would be repaired with one foot of accelerator, It's amazing.

I'm kidding. Long Bo, Hu Pingzhang and Ma Ping all have performance commissions. It's not easy for Xiao to give them such a good way to make money. How can they be easily stolen by others? So I didn't say it. Some motorcycle repair shop owners even paid high salaries to dig people's minds, but long Bo and Hu Pingzhang laughed every time, but refused without hesitation, because both of them knew that this was not a technical job. It was just that Xiao SA found a good part. Xiao SA guided them how to repair and operate, They don't know where Xiao SA came in these carburetor repair kits.

In any case, long Bo, Hu Pingzhang and sister Ma all admire Xiao SA, because as soon as the "chic motorcycle repair shop" opened, it grasped the most critical and prominent problem in motorcycle maintenance and made a name for itself. Interestingly, Xiao Sa also specially invited an artist from the original flower drum troupe to brush a very eye-catching advertisement on the outer wall of the gate of the "chic motorcycle repair shop": "repair the motorcycle, find chic, and be more chic on the road of life!"

This slogan was catchy. It didn't take long to walk. It spread all over Tanzhou. Even people who don't ride motorcycles know it. "Chic motorcycle repair shop" is full of doors every day, business is booming and money is rolling.

During the self-study class that afternoon, Xiao SA went to Hongdun kitchenware factory as usual, met Wu Heping and others, settled the account, then went to the motorcycle repair shop to have a look, and then returned to school. On the way back to school, he bought a copy of the evening paper at the post booth, which is already a habit of him. He didn't leave in a hurry. After buying the newspaper, he looked through it first, looked at his face, and rode a flying pigeon back to the motorcycle repair shop. At this time, the chic motorcycle repair shop is still very busy. Long Bo and Hu Pingzhang are busy repairing motorcycles. Ma Ping is also delivering tea to gu'e, and from time to time, she is busy delivering maintenance tools to long Bo and Hu Pingzhang. Xiao SA was not in a hurry, so he sat and waited, but the business was so good that long Bo and Hu Pingzhang had no chance to stop. Xiao SA thought: it seems that we have to recruit two maintenance masters quickly, otherwise long Bo and Hu Pingzhang will get tired and lie down!

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