But the work had to go on, didn't it?

Actually, since the construction had yet to begin, the one who should be worried was the government. However, there was another rule. If one didn't act for a few years, they would be fined or even taken back. Besides, even a dragon like you couldn't suppress a snake in the ground, he clearly wanted Shang Yin to suffer a loss of face.

The government definitely wouldn't hand over the money. Tianhai's leaders had already gone to Shang Yin to discuss it with him. Now that things were difficult, she didn't need to think about making too much money. First, she had to start working on the project. In the future, he would give her some work, so how could he not earn it back?

To be honest, if he said he didn't earn money, Shang Yin could sit down and grind his teeth.

However, the crucial point was, if he were to do this, then it wouldn't just be a waste of money.

The blueprints for the city center were all out. The center was for the construction of the park, but there were buildings beside it. However, they were for commercial purposes. There were no residential buildings in the mall.

However, this group of people definitely wanted to give them other residences. According to their request, let alone an office, even if the park was not built, it might not be enough for them.

That was why it was difficult. This was not a problem that could be solved with money.

Thus, Shang Yin had put his thoughts onto Lin Mubai.

She knew that Lin Mubai had a strong backer, so she wanted to work with him and eat this tough bone together.

He wanted Lin Mubai to make a move and see if he could negotiate with him. Afterwards, he would go to the government to bargain and obtain some favorable conditions for himself.

She was also very generous with her profits, saying that she didn't want to earn any more this time and would give it all to him.

However, taking over the government's job didn't have much of a profit to begin with, plus the demolition process had involved a lot of things. Even if she gave the land to someone else for free, no one would have the guts to take it on right now.

Shang Yin was smart. He knew that Lin Mubai was interested in Cao Xiaolian, so he handed the matter over to Cao Xiaolian.


After listening to the whole story, Cao Xiaolian frowned. "Why do we have to move back to the original location?"

"They said they were used to living there." Lin Mubai pinched the corner of his eyes and felt a headache coming, "Moreover, demolition has always been like this. Once it's done, we'll move back."

Cao Xiaolian remembered. This was different from the future generations.

Work units are now more stable, basic where your account is where you are, the only way to change is to be a soldier, and the second is to go to school.

Therefore, the current population flow was not large, and the demand for houses was naturally not large.

But she came from that densely populated later generation.

Later on, the real estate went viral and the second ring house was demolished, so they gave you a set of five-ring houses that were good, but many of them were quickly demolished to Hebei.

What was the price of a house in the Second Ring, how much land was there, and how much was the price of a house in the Fifth Ring, as well as how much land was in the Fifth Ring. As long as the facilities were built, it wouldn't be difficult at all.

"But isn't it impossible now?" She said to Lin Mubai, "Since we can't move back to our original location, why not move somewhere else?"

"How is this possible?" Lin Mubai had clearly never experienced this before, "The place that you've lived in for so many years has changed all of a sudden. Many people wouldn't be willing to accept this."

"How would we know without trying? "Besides, as long as the supporting society and public transportation are combined, there won't be a big problem." She tilted her head. "Who doesn't want to live in a big house? For those with a good environment? "

"You mean?" Lin Mubai frowned, "Choose a new place, build a house, and move these people over?"

"Not exactly." "Take another piece of land."

Lin Mubai was shocked, "This matter hasn't been settled yet."

"Look." She explained, "Even if all goes well in the central part of Tianhai City, we won't be able to make a profit. The government doesn't want to make money after Shang Yin was tricked, but what if we can make it ourselves?"

She took a pen and notebook from her bag and began to write. "This is downtown." He drew another circle: "This is the forest."

"The projects in the center of the city are not profitable, so the government must be well aware of this. Let's just say that we are developing together so we can move people over, and the land price. Firstly, the land price in Tianhai hasn't risen, and secondly, it's not good for him to give us too much money. As for the supporting facilities, we can also do them at the same time. "

Her brush was on paper, and she was adept at it.

"For example, we can leave a place in the district and open a kindergarten. We provided the land and the government only needs to set up a kindergarten, but for the people in the district, it's much easier and convenient. All of these things can be done in the supermarket. "

"Also, in this piece of land, the 18th floor, three buildings can completely meet the requirements for the accommodations. As for the rest, you can just directly sell them off."

With just a few words, she had solved the problem that had plagued Lin Mubai and Shang Yin for many days.

"Be good." Lin Mubai couldn't help but praise, "If Shang Yin knew that you could solve the problem, he'd probably regret that I mixed in with him."

"No." Cao Xiaoling smiled. "You are very important."

Her smile was especially moving under the dim lights.

Lin Mubai's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He didn't know why, but he seemed to be jumping around like a little brat.

"Because of this project, we can only cooperate. First, we can't come up with that much money. Second, we still need you to run your connections with Tianhai."

What a joke. It didn't matter. The bus line and the kindergarten supermarket. It was very difficult to get these facilities down.

Sigh, it's said that the shopping mall is dark, but if you really want to go to the government, then that's the real deal. It was no wonder why the other party said that as long as one had the right, he would be rich. It was impossible to interact with an old master without having some connections.

Lin Mubai inwardly laughed at his own foolishness.

His own importance was money and connections, but that was also the case. What else could he be looking forward to.

He knew Cao Xiaoling's plan. Although the city center wouldn't make much money, this house would definitely make a lot of money if he took a cheap plot of land and let the government make the supporting facilities.

And since they were tricked first, it was easier to negotiate with them.

In that instant, this girl was actually able to think of so many ideas. Lin Mubai didn't know if he should call her smart or terrifying.

Fortunately, they were not business opponents. Otherwise, he didn't dare imagine that one day, when she went against him, she wouldn't show him any mercy either.


Lin Mubai finally said something that made Cao Xiaolian smile, "I enjoyed working with you."

Looking at the palm in front of her, she smiled and extended her own hand as well. "I hope for a pleasant cooperation."

When they reached the second floor, Cao Xiaolan quickly gave Shang Yin a call.

Sure enough, there were sounds of music over there. She said goodbye, then the sound of high heels. After that, the door closed and it was finally quiet.

"He went back?"

"Yeah." She deliberately dragged out her voice, "If you don't come back, you'll probably be eaten by jackals, wolves, tigers, and panthers."

"How can it be so exaggerated?" Shang Yin chuckled, "Oh yeah, how's the discussion going?"

"Not much."

"He didn't agree?" Shang Yin exclaimed.

Cao Xiaolian was not in a good mood, "You are the one who killed me. Who agreed to that? You know it's a trap, but you're still going to jump in."

Shang Yin murmured, "I thought you had too much charm, and thought you were a hero."

"Even if you put a mountain of gold on the table, no one would be willing to jump." Cao Xiaolian became angry as she thought about how Shang Yin had even schemed against her. "You're capable of it, I say, you told me about the business empire in the afternoon, and also the grand blueprint. Even I was stunned by what you said. Wait for me here when you're done."

"You can't say that." Shang Yin was in the wrong as he chuckled, "I was indeed talking about my dreams, and you have always been my comrade."

"Come on, it's better if you invite someone else. I can't accept this."

"Ai ai ai ai, don't." Shang Yin said softly, "I was just afraid you'd know how to scold me. Fuck, who knew that guy would be such a grandson? He came at the wrong time for the transfer order."

At that time, she had wholeheartedly wanted to take down Tianhai City. She had thought that if she were to take down the city center, which was a landmark in the city, then she would have a little fame in the country.

"Now that I know, the officials are all up to no good. They have a belly full of evil tricks. I wanted to plot against them but ended up getting plotted against instead."

"Only now." Cao Xiaolian could not help but retort, "They are just a bunch of people who are even smarter than monkeys. How could they do that if they don't have any shrewdness? Maybe they just want to sell you for their political achievements, but you actually sent it up just like that. "

Shang Yin remained silent.

Cao Xiaolian was furious. She was afraid that she would say too much. She turned around and comforted her, "Alright, this matter has been resolved. Just wait for the money to be collected."

"AHH!" Shang Yin didn't even turn around as he asked, "What's going on? Did Lin Mubai agree to take over?"

"If he wants to take over, I have to agree as well." Cao Xiaoling giggled. "Are you stupid? A project that can earn money for good reasons and make a name for yourself, you are willing to give it up to me."

"What's the situation?" Shang Yin also laughed. Although he didn't know how this happened, Cao Xiaolan must have solved the problem by saying, "Just you wait, don't sleep. I'll come find you later."

"No, I'm going to sleep right now. Before I go to sleep, I'll unplug the phone, turn off the phone, and lock the door. So don't come, and don't say anything again tomorrow. "

Shang Yin remembered to scratch his face, "Grandmother, Young Mistress, I'm begging you. If you don't tell me, I can still sleep tonight."

"How could you sleep so soundly when you schemed against me?" Cao Xiaolian was not a person without a temper. Although she was close with Shang Yin, she did not like being fooled. "Let's wait for tomorrow morning. Tonight, you will not be able to sleep at all."

Saying that, he hung up and really turned off his phone.

She didn't believe that Shang Yin could be honest, but she had always kept her word. She probably wouldn't come if she saw that Ye Zichen had closed his phone.

The doubts in his heart suddenly became clear, and because he had teased Shang Yin, he slept exceptionally well that night.

But on the other side, things weren't going smoothly with Lin Mubai.

Just as he returned home and got off the car, he saw Li YuGeng standing at the door.

"You're still up so late?" As for the sudden arrival of his cousin, he thought he must have come to retrieve the car.

Sure enough, his face darkened as he watched Lin Mubai walk out of the car.

"Oh, my car went to fix it. I was worried about it today, so I drove it out when I saw a car parked in your yard. "I still want to return it in the morning, but you're still fine. I'll give you the car keys."

Taking advantage of this, he threw the parabola into Li Yigeng's hand.

"I gave this to my girlfriend." He clenched his teeth and looked at Lin Mubai in anger.

This was the birthday present he was going to give to Cao Xiaolian. He had said that he would wait for half a year before he could bring it back, but he just happened to have a car booked for a short period of time before being able to do so.

Sending his girlfriend?

Lin Mubai's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He had heard from Li Yuyi that Li Yugeng had a girlfriend, and she was especially good and beautiful. This cousin of his had always been a rigid person. It was one thing to have a relationship with him, but he didn't think that he would become so serious now.

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