“Thank you for your trust in us. You will directly put the money into the following bank accounts in the future. We will immediately put the corresponding Euro into one of your commonly used accounts according to the current international exchange rate. I hope we can have a good cooperation in the future.”

Then the other party sent six accounts, three US banks, three German banks, and two of them were not the banks that they had previously used for arbitrage.

I want to come to the banks of the other camp, but certainly not all the banks in their camp.

At the same time, there is also a website that will be used as a link for the future. Just like this, this is a wild website and a wild computer. No useful information can be found.

The two then ended up communicating without much nonsense.

From the beginning to the end, the other party did not inquire about Tang Qing’s information, nor did it confuse it. It only talked about business, it was very ‘self-discipline’, but it is certain that the other party must have paid close attention to its own information, just like Tang Qing. I want to know the other party’s information.

The two sides will spare no effort to investigate each other.

But these things can only be done, can’t say, everyone knows it.

Tang Qing sat in a chair and raised his eyes with his eyes. He always felt that he was being teased.

At night, others started to blow themselves out, and then everything was moved towards the other party’s thoughts. With a 20 million euro apology fee, I couldn’t move myself.

It’s really a dog.

Now he is not sure who the other party is. The other party just said that it is a coalition of some banks, but there are many banks, and it is completely unclear whether the other party is a bank shareholder or a professional manager or their bank supervisor.

Maybe the man just was a little squatting to the front desk.

The possibility is so much that Tang Qing can have a headache, and he hates the feeling that this kind of thing is not in control.

Still honestly investigate.

“Tang Yi, immediately plan a plan to find out the specific information of the alliance and several other alliances, and figure out the purpose of using the money, but to be hidden, I don’t want to be so positive with them.” Tang Qing immediately ordered. If it is too obvious or too aggressive, it is obviously inappropriate.

“Yes, commander.” Tang Yi said.

Looking at Tang Yi’s turn and busy, Tang Qing has a distress, not a distressed Tang Yi, but a distressed money, because once this large-scale plan is involved, it is sure to go out and make money.

It is really more and more enemies to spend more.

Forget it, spend the flowers, do not spend money to do anything. Most of his future money is estimated to go to the command room or even the integrated service center, but from the current point of view, its cash return rate is far higher than in the past investment in other industries, so that Tang Qing is willing to pay in.

He is not a stock master, nor will he speculate on futures forex, and he does not remember any sports events to gamble.

What he can remember is the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008. Maybe he can make some money, maybe not, because he doesn’t know the money he can’t see at the time.

His path is not to be a miser to make money, but the potential, the closer to the core rights of this World, the less the role of money, no one will look at you because you have a lot of things I printed.

Money, Tang Qing’s desire is not strong, can meet the development on the line, with the mandatory goal of the system, and the various functions currently displayed, he wants to fight for this World’s right to speak.

At that time, it was too early to say that now, thinking too far would be a stupid one, and honestly step by step.

After half an hour, the whole plan was freshly released.

Tang Qing looked at the catalogue roughly.

It is really expensive.

A total of 500 million yuan is needed.

Less than he expected, Tang Yi said that some people who used the monitoring plan did not need to add too many intelligence analysts in the command room.

Tang Qing looked at the plan carefully and it was very. . Silent, fully promoting the ‘dark’ style of these guys.

The core purpose of the plan is to figure out the equity information of those banks, so as to determine who the behind-the-scenes instigation is, but the stock is not so easy to check, and the layers of holding and cross-holding can circumvent the dead.

In addition to the large shareholders who have been announced, there are countless minority shareholders. There are countless big families in Europe and America. There are dozens and twenty people familiar with the average person, but are these the top-level forces in the world?

Obviously impossible.

Ordinary people know that it is clear that there is no face in this group of people. Tang Qing is not completely convinced. In the information age, what you want to know is that the capital wants you to know. It’s all true, that’s it. What a great deal.

This plan is very large, and the things involved can make the average person scared.

There are a total of four lines planned.

The first one is the history of Europe and the United States. Yes, it is such a nonsense. Anyone who has seen the history of Europe and the United States knows that family marriages in Europe and the United States are very common. For example, those countries that killed and killed in Europe in the past have basically relatives. Relationships, not good research and research, the relationship is not clear, you can’t tell who is who and who.

The second point is to investigate the equity information of all key enterprises in Europe and the United States. Who is the industry first to figure out. It is the same as the information that he used to make Tianyan count the domestic enterprises above the scale. However, this plan is more detailed and mandatory. It must be clarified and the workload is huge.

Then, the third point is to add the equity registration information of all the companies and institutions in all offshore centers around the world as a supplement to the second step. The means are very simple. There are two kinds of network and field. It is not difficult to find a field trip. It is easy to find the key person. If it is a formal means, this kind of information is difficult to obtain, but as long as there is no bottom line, there is really no secret in this World. Otherwise, those intelligence organizations can survive by friendly negotiation and make jokes.

The last point is to see if you can find useful information from the African side. If it is possible to even break into them, it can’t be done, and this is not too strong.

The four lines, going hand in hand, are much milder than the Bangkok plan. This is also a no-brainer, because one day in the future, I will go to the front desk and be known by this group of people. If there are too many enemies too much, it is very likely that there will be less than two episodes in full swing.

It’s a bit hard to end.

To be honest, there is no need to engage in such a big battle, but Tang Qing thinks that it is very necessary to find these things. In the future, whether it is the layout of various industries or the alliance, if the relationship is not clear, it will be divided into minutes. I don’t know what happened when I sold it.

It is suffering from his own wallet. The 500 million yuan has been used to fight Tang Yi, and there is not much money that he can freely mobilize.

And at the end of the month, I still have to pay 300 million of Liu Gan, tsk tsk, or hurry to make money honestly.

Immediately, Tang Qing started a new way of arbitrage trading and entered the bank account designated by the other party, but within one minute, the euro account received the notice of the arrival.

The speed is quite fast.

Nine times later, Tang Qing calculated the new arbitrage profit, 3,162 Hundred and Thirty Thousand.

Tsk tsk, feeling good about making money.

By the end of the month, it was just enough to pay off Liu Gan’s 300 million loan.

Ps: mobile phone code word, the rhythm is not good, the shabu-shabu is finished, hehe.

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