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Early the next morning, when many office workers were on the road, passing by the stop, they found that the newspaper stand was surrounded by a group of people, and the crowd exclaimed from time to time, “Jardine Matheson”, “Keswick Family”, and “killer” The words are very fascinating. They stopped and when they found that the source was in the newspaper in everyone’s hands, they immediately squeezed in to satisfy their curiosity.

Only when I glanced at the newspaper stop, I found that all newspapers, whether they are finance or entertainment gossip or current affairs newspapers, all have the same type of news on the big cover.

“Shock! Jardine Matheson controller life or death unknown! 》

“Hong Kong is shocked to find a peerless killer, Jardine Matheson big shot died? 》

“Frightening! Jardine Matheson hopeless situation! 》

“The future of Jardine Matheson is bleak, stormy sea is coming soon, small and medium investors should be worldly-wise and play safe as soon as possible! 》


A similar scene happened in various newspaper stand in Hong Kong and Macau.

Because of the widespread dissemination of news newspapers, a series of news about Jardine Matheson went viral in Hong Kong and Macau, and spread to Southeast Asia and Taiwan at an incomparable speed.

After reading the news, many readers felt a sense of urgency in their hearts after they were shocked, quickly abandoning what they were holding, and rushing in the direction of Four Major Stock Exchanges.

They are all shareholders holding Jardine Matheson subsidiary company shares. After reading the newspaper, they can’t help but worry.

The status quo of an enterprise, its prospects, and its suitability for investment are affected by many factors.

But now, the soul of Jardine Matheson suddenly falls, and executive chaos is a foregone conclusion.

While executive is unstable, it is absolutely impossible for companies to develop with peace of mind.

On the objective side, Jardine Matheson has just been hit hard by Chinese capitals led by Stock God Xia Yu, and his strength has been greatly damaged. Chance to hit a person when he’s down.

Keswick Family’s controller was still unable to withstand some Chinese-owned offenses. Now there are more attackers, but the controller has fallen. There must be no way to resist.

Now the newspapers all over Hong Kong read Jardine Matheson’s attitude surprisingly unanimously. Public opinion exploded in an instant, and panic took shape in an instant.

The wise man immediately realized that this was the prelude to the big shot group hunting Jardine Matheson!

Chaos inside, wolves outside!

This situation all shows that Jardine Matheson is facing a disintegrating situation and is a small and medium investor who is not qualified to be a chess player. If you don’t hurry up and find a way to stay out of the matter, you will definitely become cannon fodder and there will be no leftovers!

It is very rare for retail investors to kill villagers, even more how. Now that the upper-level dealers are united, unless the sun hits the west, it is absolutely impossible to go against the trend!

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye it was time for the stock market to open.

In the vast crowd of Four Major Stock Exchanges, everyone held their breath and looked at the market intently.

“Fell! Still plummet!”

“Even the market has fallen, all of Jardine Matheson’s subsidiaries have fallen, and affiliated companies have fallen too!”

“This has fallen too sharply. I lost it. It has fallen by more than 10%!”


Looking at the blood-red trading board, the stock exchange was suddenly chaotic, with screams, exclamations, and wailing sounds one after another. Many people had brain congestion and even their eyes became red.

“I’ve lost a lot of money, Jardine Matheson is too bad, forget it, run away!”

“Hurry up and sell, but I borrowed money to buy shares. If I get stuck, I’ll be over!”

Shareholders holding shares of the Jardine Matheson series of companies wailed and flocked to a place, vying to sell their shares to stop losses. This situation has exacerbated the collapse of the corresponding company’s stock price.

Although many investors are selling shares, no one is buying at this time.

Small and medium-sized institutions are limited in their strength and dare not buy them. They know that there are already a group of big players who are hunting Jardine Matheson’s company. They have no ability to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth.

And the large financial institutions, either those big shots, or the big shots commissioned, are almost all dealers of big and small villages.

Now that there is a tacit understanding between the upper level, Jardine Matheson is too big for most people to eat meat and drink soup, so we must find a way to fight and suppress the stock price as much as possible, and when the stock price is low to a certain level, we will rely on our own skills. Up.

So even though some big shots in the industry want to acquire a certain company, when the stock price is still plummeting, they won’t do it so quickly. Everyone wants to get their favorite company at the lowest possible price.

Opportunities are rare, how can they be wasted! Depressing the stock price is the most important thing!



“Come in!”

When Xia Yu lifts the head, it was discovered that Yan Wenhan was the one who came, and he was smiling. Obviously there was something good.

“Sit down and say, is there anything good?”

Xia Yu put down the pen in her hand, lightly said with a smile.

“Boss, the matter of Sing Tao News Corporation is resolved.”

Yan Wenhan said with a smile, the news made Xia Yu happy and reasonable.

“It seems that the 2 fools of General Administration of Press and Publication are not too stupid!”

Xia Yu said with a smile slightly mockingly.

“Yeah, they don’t have any other skills, but the ability to see the wind is not bad! The following report, early this morning, they also took the initiative to call and said it was all right, and they don’t know how good their attitude is, hehe!”

Yan Wenhan smiled and agreed, feeling a little contemptuous of the people of Hong Kong General Administration of Press and Publication.

Relying on Jardine Matheson at the back, he tried to get stuck with Sing Tao News Corporation, and also came to Jiuding Anime & Manga Co. for trouble, not afraid of offend Xia Yu.

But now as soon as he learned that Jardine Matheson had been killed, Lord, the official of Hong Kong General Administration of Press and Publication, immediately stopped. He seemed to want to remedy it. Hehe!

“Just let go, remember this in advance, and see their follow-up attitude, if it doesn’t satisfy me, let them pay back slowly if there is a chance in the future!”

Xia Yu sneered, the knot in her heart was not solved.

Previously, Hong Kong General Administration of Press and Publication handled Jardine Matheson’s affairs, but he was stuck with Sing Tao News Corporation’s rectification issues. Although it did not cause much trouble to Xia Yu, it still made Xia Yu feel compelled.

And it didn’t cause trouble because Xia Yu asked someone to check and balance.

Now I just want to let go, don’t even think about it, is his Tycoon Xia’s tiger tail so easy to touch?

Now because the foundation is shallow and the depth of influence is not deep enough, there is no way to respond, but there will be opportunities in the future.

“By the way, Boss, there is one more thing. Now there are 3 advertisers at the door. They are the ones who sued Sing Tao News Corporation before. Now they want to make amends for us. They also said that the appeal has been withdrawn. How to deal with it?”

Seeing Boss Xia Yu calm down, Yan Wenhan continued, waiting for Xia Yu’s order.

Xia Yu brows slightly raise, think for a while, and say: “No, send them away and add them to the blacklist. In the future, any media under the company will not report their company-related information or receive their advertisements.”


Yan Wenhan replied, silently mourning for the three businessmen, this kind of punishment is definitely the most serious for them.

Jiuding Newspapers Co. was originally Media Overlord. After the integration of Sing Tao News Corporation, it will become the leader of the leader and will continue to grow in the future. Rediffusion Television is a brother company and will resist them as well, even if they lose their exposure. No matter how good the product is, there is no way to sell it.

Xia Yu’s light-hearted decision completely casts a black cloth on the future of several of their companies, and the outcome is already predictable!

As far as the businessman is concerned, cutting off his money will kill them!

But Yan Wenhan didn’t feel sorry for them. Who made them want to be a gun for Jardine Matheson, even if it was forced, then why other people are not willing to do it, just they do?

Since you have done something you shouldn’t do, you should bear the corresponding punishment!

“Well, now that it’s released, we should integrate it as soon as possible. Newspapers such as “Sing Tao Daily” and “The Standard” have been suspended for a month, so resume publication as soon as possible to reduce losses!”

“It happens that Jardine Matheson’s news grabbed the hot spot during this time, which is a good time to resume publication!”

Forgetting the matter of those advertisers, Xia Yu instructed Yan Wenhan.

“I’m ready a long time ago, and I can resume it in 2 days at most!”

Yan Wenhan presented the situation respectfully.

Xia Yu gave him an appreciative look, and said with satisfaction: “Well, I can rest assured that you do things, go!”

Yan Wenhan responded respectfully.

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