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“Beep Beep Beep…”


The silent night was suddenly broken by a series of police sirens and the sound of ambulances. As soon as many people lay down, they were awakened by a large rush of sound. They immediately opened the windows and saw police cars guarding several ambulances. , Moved towards driving at extreme speed in one direction.

Many people suddenly realized that there must be a major event, and it must be a great character, otherwise it is impossible that a police car cleared the way.

Just when ordinary people were still wondering, the entire Hong Kong political and business black 3 circles were stunned by the sudden message that the father and son 3 of Jardine Matheson controller Keswick Family were attacked by snipers, and now they are life or death. unknown!


Out of the major event!

All the people who received the news realized that a cloud of howling wind and torrential rain was about to hit Hong Kong Island!

After all, it was Jardine Matheson’s controller. If Hongkong and Shanghai Bank and Governor of Hong Kong are aside, Jardine Matheson is the proper boss.

Old John, now regarded as the No. 3 heavyweight in Hong Kong, was sniped along with his two sons. The impact was too wide.

Many people expect that Keswick Family 3 will not die. After all, there is a big difference between serious injury and death!

Similarly, while paying attention to these matters, those rich and powerful families and rich people also stepped up vigilance overnight to avoid threats to their own safety in this unknown situation.

Hong Kong Island Wan Chai 387 Queen’s Road East was originally a near-finished hotel, but it was purchased and remodeled by Xinhua News Agency in 1960 and became the resident of Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch.

Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch is an agency sent by China to Hong Kong. It is responsible for the news function of the national news agency’s branch in Hong Kong. It also has another important function, which is the identity of the highest representative agency of the Government of China in Hong Kong. , Contact the Government of Hong Kong.

The current 1st President is Wang Ping who just took office in 1978, and the 2nd President is Li Hua who took office at the same time.

One minute after the Keswick Family had an accident, Wang Ping received the information provided by the intelligence personnel. He immediately called Leader Li Hua and other executives over, and at the same time ordered the intelligence personnel to follow up immediately to ensure real-time feedback.

At this time, in the conference room of the Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch, a cloud of smoke was engulfed. Wang Ping and Li Hua were smoking cigarettes, and both of them frowned.

They have to pay attention!

After all, the country is now at a critical period of executive gaming, and foreign influences have smeared China in countless ways, and China’s diplomatic influence is very poor. Now the Keswick Family of Jardine Matheson has been assassinated. If someone who wants to spill dirty water on them , It will definitely cause a series of uncontrollable bad effects.

“Now that things have happened, we must discuss a plan as soon as possible, what should we do!”

The 1st President Wang Ping facial expression grave sitting at the top said.

Li Hua, sitting in the lower left hand position of Wang Ping, took a puff of cigarette, spit out a smoke ring, and calmly said: “We must clean up our suspicion. Although our suspicion is not big, we still have to show it to the outside. , So as not to be splashed with dirty water by people with sinister intentions!”

“President Li, I have an information to provide.”

The middle-aged man with a firm face sitting at the lower right hand of Wang Ping suddenly said, Wang Ping and Li Hua and the others immediately looked towards him.

This person’s name is Lin Yong, Hong Kong Head of Intelligence, under the leadership of Xinhua Branch, and ranked third in the company.

“Last night, a corpse was found on the rooftop of a private house near Jiuding Newspapers Co.. It was judged that the previous owner was a killer.”

“We tracked the following clues and found that on the Underground Assassination List, there was Xia Yu’s bounty mission, 5 million USD bounty his life.”

“Combining with the situation that the assassin appeared, it was obvious that he wanted to snipe Xia Yu, but was counter-killed, so that the corpse rooftop!”

“The most important thing is that at around 4 a.m. today, the people below once again found out that all three Keswick Family father and son were on the bounty list, and the bounty amount was all 3 million USD!”

Speaking of this, Lin Yong didn’t say much. What he wanted to say was already very clear. How to decide is a matter for Wang Ping and the others. After all, although he is the No. 3 character, the intelligence system is relatively more after all. Independence, not suitable for interfering in political matters, he is a soldier and he is not very good at it either.

Upon learning this information, Wang Ping and Li Hua were shocked by the huge amount of money, but also had a headache. Now the situation is obvious, and the target is directed at Xia Yu.

It should be Xia Yu who knew that she had been bounty, and then turned against the bounty. The security force on Xia Yu’s side was not weak, and the killer was killed, but the Keswick Family failed to protect itself, allowing the killer to succeed.

Combined with the thrilling business struggles during this period, the grudge between Xia Yu and Keswick Family is definitely not small, at least the suspicion is bigger than them.

Judging by the intellect of Wang Ping and Li Hua, this matter was basically done by Xia Yu.

But because of this, they feel tricky.

Originally planned to help the Government of Hong Kong to conduct a thorough investigation and then disassociate themselves from their relationship, but now they found out that this matter was related to Xia Yu, they were on the wax.

Although both Wang Ping and Li Hua have been in office for less than a year, they are very clear about Xia Yu’s energy and strength. At the same time, they also know that Xia Yu’s attitude is close to the mainland, and the mainland executive also attaches great importance to Xia Yu. They also asked the two of them to do more work for Xia Yu to maintain a good relationship.

Now if they dare to find out the relationship with Xia Yu in order to separate the relationship, and then shake it out, the mainland executive will definitely not spare them.

If this thing is done, there will be traces. If it is taken by other Chinese big shot understood, you will definitely feel chills and the effect will be very bad.

So Li Hua’s proposal just now declared bankruptcy!

“This is difficult!”

Li Hua browses tightly knit and muttered to himself with a headache.

“It’s not a difficult problem anymore. The instructions given to us before are to help Xia Yu as much as possible, to be kind to him, and to strengthen our relationship. Now that this happens, we may be in a bit of trouble. , But he will definitely not be in big trouble!”

“If it’s a killer, he can prove his apparent innocence. Fortunately, if he does it, it will be really troublesome. British-man’s MI6 is not good.”

“So shall we help him?”

Wang Hua spit out a ring of smoke, and the ethereal white smoke rose up in front of him, covering his face, only to listen to him seriously said.

“But President, if we help him and someone finds that our people are covering up, then we will become suspicious if we are not suspicious, will it?”

An executive suddenly expressed his concerns.

As soon as these words came out, Li Hua and the others frowned deeper.

“Time is urgent and a decision must be made as soon as possible. Now MI6 has definitely received the news and is checking.”

Lin Yong reminded aloud that if you want to help, you should remove the traces as soon as possible. If it is too late, once there are traces of 10000, it is very likely that they will be discovered. At that time, it was useless to help.

“We don’t have the right to make a decision about this, I suggest reporting it immediately!”

At this moment, Wang Ping realized that he could not afford it, so he no longer hesitated and offered his opinions.



The others immediately agreed and agreed to report the situation.

Seeing everyone agree, Wang Ping didn’t hesitate, and immediately picked up the red phone on the desktop and dialed a secret number.

After 3 clicks, the call is connected.

“This is Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch, and I am Wang Ping! Report to the leadership in an emergency!”

At this time, in an office in a three-story office building in mainland Beijing, the clerk who answered the phone heard Wang Ping’s words and immediately said a moment, and hurried to find the leader.

After a while, an old man with silver hair walked over quickly, directly connected to the phone, and said in a vigorous and powerful voice: “I am Zhao Zhiyuan!”

“Old Zhao, Hong Kong is happening now…”

Hearing Wang Ping’s detailed description, Zhao Zhiyuan brows slightly raised, and remembered all the information about Xia Yu. After all, Xia Yu is in their archives, but the focus is on the object.

He pondered for a moment, and directly ordered: “Don’t have so many worries. The most important thing now is to let the overseas compatriots know our attitude, and try our best to remove the traces for him. If there is an emergency, report to me immediately.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Zhiyuan pondered for a while, shook his head, laughed, not at all, and planned to report it. This is something that Wang Ping seems to be very big, and he can decide that it is not big enough to report to the old man.

After all, now, for China’s future game, it has reached the most critical period. The problem of Hong Kong’s return is still time to deal with, but the choice of China’s road is of the utmost importance!


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