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“Jardine Matheson lowered her head?”

Playing with the phone tube in his hand, Xia Yu mouth evoked a smirk, lightly said with a smile.

“Congratulations to Boss!”

Wang Qi smiled and congratulated.

Just now Xia Yu and Old John were on the phone, and he was also listening. He already knew that Old John took the initiative to invite Boss Xia Yu to meet at the last place. The purpose is self-evident. There is only one, that is, bow your head!

All this happened as planned by Boss Xia Yu.

Unconsciously, Wang Qi is full of admiration for Boss Xia Yu. Boss is really amazing. It’s only this when it was said in ancient times.

“Get your things ready, you accompany me tonight, remember to notify the lawyer.”

Xia Yu lightly said with a smile, feeling very happy, and there is no lack of anticipation during the period.



time like a white steed flitting past a crack, it’s already night in a blink of an eye.

When Xia Yu’s car came to the location, she suddenly found a luxury car parked next to it, and the license plate was the one she had seen last time.

“It looks like Old John has come!”

Xia Yu heart secretly thought.

“Let’s go on!”

After Xia Yu finished speaking, he took Wang Qi and Li Wuming to get out together. As for the lawyer who brought him, he continued to wait in the car until the negotiation was successful, and Wang Qi would notify him to come up.

Before the negotiation is successful, if a lawyer appears, something will definitely be exposed, which will affect Xia Yu’s negotiation.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Xia Yu and the others opened the door, and Old John and Hugh Barton, who had stood up, were greeted, apart from this, no one else!

Seeing the appearance of Xia Yu, Old John and Hugh Barton were very complicated in their hearts, but they were both people who had experienced ups and downs, and the city was very deep. Not at all showed it, but pretended to be okay, smiling to Xia Yu and the others welcome.

“Mr. Xia, Mr. Wang, thank you for coming!”

“Mr. John, Mr. Hugh Barton, good evening!”

After a long greeting and handshake, the 4 people were seated, and Li Wuming stood by the door.

After sitting down, the atmosphere suddenly quieted strangely. Xia Yu held the initiative and didn’t want to speak first to avoid losing morale.

On the other hand, Old John and Hugh Barton have knots in their hearts and are difficult to speak.

“It seems that no matter how they laugh, they still can’t make it through!”

Xia Yu twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, her heart refreshed.

With 4 eyes facing each other, Old John saw the smile in Xia Yu’s eyes. He suppressed the anger that was burning in his heart, thinking of the current situation, and finally suppressed the knot in his heart.

“Forget it, it’s all to this point. Since I asked him to come, I have bowed my head, there is nothing else I can’t think of… Time is precious, he can afford it, I can’t afford it, it’s important to quickly get equity shares!”

A single thought flashed in his mind, Old John squirmed his throat and spoke.

“Mr. Xia, let me just say it straight. I want to buy all the equity shares of Jardine Engineering Corporation in your hands. What price will it cost!”

Hearing this, Xia Yu smiled, and resolutely shook his head and said: “I am not selling. I am very optimistic about the future of Jardine Engineering Corporation. I also want to buy the equity shares in your hands. Please make a price!”

In order to benefit as much as possible, Xia Yu naturally has to assume the attitude of being cheating and reluctant to sell shares.

The old driver is racing… uh… it’s racing!

It’s time to show off acting at the Oscar Award for Best Actor level!

As soon as this remark came out, Old John and Hugh Barton’s two browse tightly knit, and the wrinkles on Old John’s forehead seemed to trap mosquitoes.

“Mr. Xia, do not know how many shares do you have?”

Old John held back his anger and asked calmly.

Xia Yu raised her brows, wondering what Old John meant.

After thinking about it, he still intends to speak out, just to give Old John a greater threat to increase his psychological price.

“Not much, so far, it’s only about 33.7%.”

Xia Yu said lightly, with a somewhat casual attitude, as if she didn’t take this number seriously.

Only when the equity shares of this ratio were counted out, Old John and Hugh Barton were shocked, especially Old John, their fists clenched unconsciously.

He thought that after he acquired the equity shares in the hands of Temasek Holdings, he widened the gap. He didn’t expect the gap to be that level. He made progress and Xia Yu did not fall.

“He really wants to snatch the company!”

Old John thought affirmatively.

“Just where did his equity shares come from?”

Old John frowned again, wondering in his heart.

As if he knew what Old John was thinking, Xia Yu said frankly: “Mr. John, Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Goldman Sachs Group shares are all sold to me.”

Old John was taken aback, then horrified, Binocular Yuan watched Xia Yu and asked: “Is Goldman Sachs helping you buy it?”

Xia Yu smiled at the corners of her mouth and whispered, “Yes!”

Hearing this, Hugh Barton and Old John 2 looked at the impossible to bear, and both saw the solemnity in each other’s eyes.

The Goldman Sachs Group that didn’t expect the third player to intervene was commissioned by Xia Yu, which made Old John feel more crisis in his heart.

You must know that equity shares mergers and acquisitions are not simply a matter of price. Sometimes money is useful, but at other times it appears to be secondary, because money is just a simple situation of interest that’s all.

No one knows what trump card Goldman Sachs has, or what handles Nomura Securities, Daiwa Securities, and Cummins Inc. hold. It is possible to sell shares at the same or lower prices.

“Besides, he said all such secret things. Is he already sure that he can get shares?”

Old John has a heart in chaos and has to think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think it is possible.

“He really wants to grab control of the company!”

“No, no matter how big the price is, we have to keep Jardine Engineering Corporation, otherwise it will really not be able to maintain the situation!”

Seeing Old John’s eyes squinted, Xia Yu must have said in her heart: “It seems that the psychological warfare has worked, hehe, caring is messy. You can eat more salt than I eat, and I am not being led by my nose!”

“Mr. Xia, I also said straightforwardly, you absolutely cannot take away the control of Jardine Engineering Corporation. The equity shares in Temasek Holdings have been bought by me. Now I have 46% equity shares in my hands. You are impossible to succeed! “

“If you don’t sell your shares to me, then no matter how expensive it is, I will buy shares from Cummins or Nomura Securities, and fight to the death with you!”

Old John first calmly said the equity shares in his hand, and then exaggerated it a bit, trying to put more pressure on Xia Yu, then his tone became extremely firm, and he said with a cruel face.

Xia Yu’s complexion changed suddenly, it seemed that she lost one’s head out of fear, and then quickly recovered her calm, not to be outdone and stared at Old John.

Seeing that Xia Yu was frightened by himself, Old John was overjoyed when he changed the relaxed posture that he had prepared before, and he planned to take advantage of the victory to pursue and put more psychological pressure on Xia Yu again.

“And Mr. Xia, your company has few assets, so there is no need to be trapped here.”

“You are good at financial investment, but you have never done business. Even if you get the control of Jardine Engineering Corporation by chance, it is useless. You have to know that Jardine Engineering Corporation has been operated by my family for more than 50 years. If I lose it, then I dare say that all executives will resign and all cooperation will be terminated!”

Old John threatened nakedly.

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