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I shot it out on Sunday, so today is Monday.

Praise the sun!

With the soft golden light falling on the ground, people began their day’s work again.

Like ants out of their dens, streets, shopping malls, factories, stock exchanges…there are bustling people everywhere, and the streets and lanes are full of warm breath.

As time passed, the stock exchange was crowded with stockholders and financial practitioners. The groups of two or three were holding newspapers, laughing, or discussing.

But in any case, the focus is on the battle for Jardine Engineering Corporation, which is approaching its climax.

You know, with the closing of the market on May last week, the stock price of Jardine Engineering Corporation has been fixed at 5 HKD, and the market value of the entire company has risen from 78 billion at first to 1.1 billion.

The competition directly pushed Jardine Engineering Corporation into the top ten of the Hong Kong Enterprises List.

No, in the latest issue of “Economics Weekly” released this morning, Jardine Engineering Corporation ranked 3.12th in the Hong Kong Enterprises List with a total market value of 13 billion HKD!

Moreover, according to the still blurred situation, it is inevitable that the stock price will rise. Maybe after the market opens today, it will be able to rush into the top ten of the Hong Kong Enterprises List!

And because of the battle of Jardine Engineering Corporation, more and more funds poured into the stock market, which even brought the market up by more than ten points.

Many financial institutions, including Jiuding Securities Ltd., issued security research reports, all of which upgraded Jardine Engineering Corporation to recommend buying, and the stock price is expected to range from 90 to 120 HKD.

The impact is evident!

From this point of view, it is related to the ownership of a company of several billions, so the masses and interested parties do not care about it.

In the end is “Stock God” to stabilize the god position, strengthen my Chinese morale!

Or is it British Tushen Town heroes, suppressing the arrogance of Chinese capital?

The exciting battle will continue to kick off after 2 days of stagnation.


With the ringing of the bell, all the sophisticate shook their heads, and they all looked towards the display board, carefully searching for the stock price information of Jardine Engineering Corporation.

“It’s up! The quoted price is 84.3 HKD! The opening jumped!”

“Hi! Horror!”

“Who started so cruelly and quoted such a high price?”

“It’s up again…”


As the stock price of Jardine Engineering Corporation fluctuates again, the stock exchange is full of noise, with exclamation and exclamation one after another.

The stock price situation was immediately reported to Old John.

Old John was not at home at this time, but came directly to the company responsible for the operation. In addition to the company Manager, Hugh Barton and his two sons were beside him.

Seeing Old John expression sinks, Hugh Barton and the others knew he was in a bad mood, so they kept silent and waited for Old John’s order.

“Does anyone sell shares?”

Old John looked towards Manager asked during the operation.

“No, it has always been a bidding order, not a single sell order!”

The operation room Manager shook his head decisively.

Hearing this, Old John brows tightly knit, looked towards the trader who was operating around him.

After pondering for a moment, he said solemnly: “Stop, don’t bid for money for the time being!”

Everyone was stunned. Although they didn’t understand Old John’s intention, the operation room Manager still executed the order decisively and ordered the traders to stop.

As a result, everyone put aside their work, a little at a loss not knowing what to do.

Old John ignored them, but said to Hugh Barton and the others: “In the current situation, it is impossible to grab money from the stock market. After so many days, investors and institutions have already seen it clearly. We must all believe that the stock price still has room to rise. We are rushing to raise the stock price. It has no other use except to keep the stock price rising. On the contrary, it will increase the difficulty of buying shares from other shareholders.”

Upon hearing this, Hugh Barton and Henry and the others all agreed and agreed with Old John’s statement.

“So let’s focus on other major shareholder!”

“You continue to observe, if someone sells shares, you will order people to go in and grab the money and be on standby at other times!”

Old John first said to Hugh Barton, then looked towards the Operation Room Manager and ordered.


Manager nodded in the operation room responded.

“Hugh Barton, you sent people to focus on Nomura Securities and Daiwa Securities. These two securities companies are interested in selling shares, but because of the intervention of Goldman Sachs, their asking prices are not low, but in the final analysis, it is still a price problem. Try to find the bottom line as soon as possible. , If it’s almost the same, just buy it, don’t delay!”

“Now Goldman Sachs intervenes, with unclear intentions, absolutely can’t take it lightly! Also beware of shares being taken by Jiuding Securities!”

Then, Old John instructed Hugh Barton.

“Okay, Board-Chairman!”

Hugh Barton nodded and responded calmly.

“Cummins Inc. shares, I will talk about it myself again.”

“Henry, Charles, you 2 brothers watch other companies closely and report to me as soon as there is a situation!”

“Okay, father!”

After Old John finished the arrangement, everyone dispersed and wanted to seize the time to complete the controlling interest.

2 flowers bloom, one for each table!

Just before the stock market opened, Xia Yu had already assigned the task to Jiuding Securities Ltd..

All the traders are in place, eagerly waiting for a big fight.

The funds of Yue-Kong Pao and Li Ka-shing and the others have already arrived in Xia Yu’s account, and the funds have been put into the market, the bullets are loaded, just waiting for the bell to ring!

“Ready to act!”

Looking at his watch, Xia Yu said with a serious face, everyone raised their heads subconsciously and stared at the machine in front of them intently.


As soon as the bell rang, the ready traders immediately looked for their goals, and a huge amount of funds poured into the stock market in a flash.

As for Sun Hung Kai Securities, following Fung King Hey’s order, huge amounts of funds rushed into the stock market to wipe out other targets.

Jiuding Securities Ltd. and Sun Hung Kai Securities can be said to be the top 3 of Chinese securities companies, both of which are very powerful and influential.

At the same time, the 7 listed companies were started, although the number was larger, the effect was not much different.

The outstanding shares of these 7 companies were swept away in an instant. After that, the stock prices of the 7 companies began to climb, but it was not an imposing manner like a rainbow.

On the contrary, it is a rising limit or a sharp fluctuation trend of ups and downs. This kind of high-tech operation price control method can make stockholders and institutions suffer from gains and losses and cherish every point of rise.

Looking at the trend of stock price volatility, many investors who focus on stability and close after a good deal have gone through psychological trade-offs, and most of them will choose to close their positions after reaching the original expected price.

As a result, there are more selling orders on the stock market. This is exactly what Xia Yu and Fung King Hey want. This is what they want!

With the passage of time, the stock price of Jardine Engineering Corporation has risen from the opening price of 84 HKD to 90.8 HKD. Before the end of the morning, the breakthrough passed the 90 mark. There is a kind of holding back for 2 days to increase the falling stock price. The posture of coming back.

As time went by, the stock prices of 7 companies were abnormal, and the share turnover rate suddenly increased, which made the CEOs of these companies panic. Zhou Sen, Manager of the Jardine Group’s observation room, also got the following feedback for the first time. News.

When seeing the stock prices of so many companies appear abnormal, a scene that happened before immediately appeared in his mind.

At that time, only 4 companies including Maxim Foods Group had abnormal stock prices.

And this time it was too serious!

It has reached 7 very rarely!

“It’s a disaster! The President must be notified quickly!”

Zhou Sen said anxiously, got the statistics report and immediately dialed the phone.

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