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“Fok-sang, good evening!”

“I also said who came so early, it turned out to be you, that’s not surprising!”

Xia Yu shook hands with Henry Fok and said enthusiastically. By the way, he gave Henry Fok a little jokingly.

“Xia-sang, hello!”

“I also just arrived on the front foot, just a few minutes.”

Henry Fok smile and hee, said with a smile.

“Don’t stand, sit down and talk!”

Seeing Xia Yu and Henry Fok still standing, Yue-Kong Pao greeted with a smile, and then the three of them took their seats. Yue-Kong Pao poured tea for Xia Yu each minding their own business, and Xia Yu quickly thanked him.

After that, the time passed by the three happily chatting.

Although Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok are counted by age, they can be regarded as grandfathers of Xia Yu.

However, the most important thing in shopping malls is ability and achievement. Age is second. If you deliberately hold on to someone’s age and judge a person by age, it will make people laugh.

Although Xia Yu is young, both his wrists and achievements deserve the attention of Henry Fok’s big shots. After all, Xia Yu can squeeze into the threshold of Hong Kong’s top big shots, plus the performance during this period of time. All show his energy, so Henry Fok pays attention to it.

After all, Henry Fok is the person most closely connected with mainland in the Hong Kong big shot. The mainland has also learned about Xia Yu through him, so he of course it’s clear mainland attaches great importance to Xia Yu, which will not let him underestimate it. Xia Yu.

So the two of them all wanted to go together and wanted to make friends. When they talked this day, they were naturally full of happy laughter and cheerful voices.

Xia Yu walked around Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok several times while laughed heartily, then went into hiding, thinking to herself.

Looking at the relaxed and casual look of Henry Fok and Yue-Kong Pao when chatting, and considering that he was here first, obviously he and Yue-Kong Pao have a very close relationship.

It’s just that Xia Yu remembered a rumor in the previous life. When the son of Tung Family and the son-in-law of Yue-Kong Pao ran for the 1st Chief Executive of Hong Kong, because Henry Fok was closer to the Tung Family, he supported the son of Tung Family, and finally the 1st Chief. Executive of Hong Kong is surnamed Tung.

Just looking at the current situation, logically speaking, there are obviously some discrepancies.

This has to mention Hong Kong’s shipping market.

Hong Kong’s shipping market is basically monopolized by 4 companies, arranged in order of strength, namely Pao Family’s World-Wide Shipping, Tung Family’s Tung Group, Zhao Family’s Wah Kwong Shipping and Cao Family’s 10000 state shipping.

Among them, first order and second order can be subdivided.

Zhao Family’s Wah Kwong Shipping and Cao Family’s 10000 state shipping are second order.

And Tung Hao-yun and Yue-Kong Pao are listed in the World’s Seven Great Shipping Kings at the same time. Although the gross tonnage of ships is not as good as Yue-Kong Pao, there are many types of ships, large tonnage of single ships, and new machinery and equipment. Both exceed World-Wide Shipping.

Therefore, the competition between the two parties is very fierce. The peers are enemies. Even if Yue-Kong Pao and Tung Hao-yun are both impressive, the relationship will not be too rigid, but it is estimated that it will not be much better.

“Forget it, I don’t want this. Maybe there are some inside stories that I don’t know about. I’ll look at it later, but I’ll talk about myself first.”

Xia Yu shook her head slightly, retracted her thoughts, secretly thought.

Regardless of who Yue-Kong Pao, Tung Hao-yun, and Henry Fok are closer to whom, Xia Yu will take what he sees for the time being, and continue to observe in the future to facilitate him to determine the scale of communication with people.

And the communication with Henry Fok is destined to deepen.

The faction and consideration of the mainland factors, these are for the time being, it is said that Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company, which is destined to not run out of the palm of Xia Yu, also needs the support of Henry Fok.

After all, Henry Fok is known as the “king of sea sand” and monopolizes the sea sand industry in Hong Kong. Any real estate construction company needs Henry Fok to provide sand. If there is no sand, even if The Wharf has more land, it can’t be built. Get up a tall building.

Apart from this, Henry Fok owns a Lixin Real Estate Co., Ltd which is responsible for real estate development. He is also the current President of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong. It can be said that he has a huge influence on the real estate construction industry. A good friendship is of great benefit to Xia Yu.

“Oh? Someone is here again, I’m going to see who is here.”

When the three people were chatting hotly, a rumbling sound of the engine came from outside the house, Yue-Kong Pao got up and walked outside.

Xia Yu and Henry Fok looked at each other and smiled, and stopped talking, waiting for the people outside to arrive.

Soon, Xia Yu saw Yue-Kong Pao talking and laughing with 3 people coming in.

Seeing these three people, Xia Yu and Henry Fok both had their pupils tightened, and stood up immediately, which obviously surprised them.

These three people are not others, they are the famous “Three Musketeers” in Hong Kong more than ten years ago, and now they are the top three big shots in Hong Kong.

Kwok Tak-seng of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, Lee Shau-kee of Henderson Land Development, and Fung King Hey of Sun Hung Kai Financial Limited.

Kwok Tak-seng and Xia Yu are not very familiar. I have met several times. Lee Shau-kee has a good relationship with Xia Yu.

Only Fung King Hey, Xia Yu can be said to have had a close relationship with him for a long time, but he is not very familiar with him. Even now, seeing him, Xia Yu still feels a little strange.

Because now Hong Kong stockholders respect Xia Yu as “Stock God” because he can easily control the shares market.

However, there are still many important stocks in the Hong Kong shares market that can influence the price of Hong Kong shares. One of them is Sun Hung Kai Financial Limited of Fung King Hey, whose annual profit is also over 100000000 million HKD!

Fung King Hey is also the “big brother” in the Hong Kong stock exchange market, and was previously known as the “stock exchange king”, “the godfather of the stock market” and so on.

As soon as I said that my colleagues were enemies, didn’t expect an “enemy” came immediately.

Next, naturally there was a enthusiastic exchange of greetings, and Xia Yu behaved very naturally.

The “Three Musketeers” came together, seeming to have opened a head, and then successively big shots came, and Yue-Kong Pao did not sit down and drink a cup of tea.

Li Ka-shing from Cheung Kong Holdings, Teddy Wang from Chinachem Group, New World Development, and Cheng Yu-tung, known as the Jewel King and nicknamed “Shark Tycoon”.

With the arrival of everyone, the huge living room finally seemed full of popularity.

“Old Pao, are there anyone else?”

After waiting a few minutes, Henry Fok asked casually when no one was coming.

“The time has passed. It looks like it should be gone. There are only nine of us tonight, and there are not too few people.”

Yue-Kong Pao looked at his watch, said with a smile.

“Fok-sang is right. Now the house is full of extravagance. If the little devil drops a cannonball, the whole Hong Kong will be shaken!”

Xia Yu said with a smile, by the way, made a joke and praised everyone.


“Haha, Xia-sang said this well!”

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Li Ka-shing gave Xia Yu a thumbs up admiringly and exclaimed.

Several of them stared slightly, thinking that Xia Yu was one of Cheung Kong Holdings’ shareholders, they didn’t know what they were thinking.

“No longer, let’s go to the table and talk while eating.”

After laughing, Yue-Kong Pao greeted everyone to serve the table, and then ordered the nanny and chef who had been waiting for a long time to serve.

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