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More than 6:00 pm, on the top floor of Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel.

Wang Qi was sitting next to Xia Yu. He looked at his watch and found that it was 6:55, but he couldn’t help feeling a little bit at heart before the other party came.

“Boss, will they come?”

“I do not know either!”

Xia Yu said nonchalantly, instead he looked at the luxurious decorations of the top box with leisure.

“The time hasn’t arrived yet, if they haven’t come to the world, then let’s go!”

Xia Yu looked at his watch, indifferently said.

Xia Yu’s performance infected Wang Qi. Since the Boss didn’t care, he didn’t have to worry about it. He packed his mind and waited quietly.

Xia Yu is not someone else, it is Keswick Family. There is only one purpose, which is to share the 30% Jardine Insurance Brokers in the hands of Keswick Family.

Keswick Family must also be clear.

Anyway, in Xia Yu’s opinion, diplomacy before violence, the invitation has been sent, and the etiquette has been done. If Keswick Family refuses to attend like a board meeting, then Xia Yu also knows their attitude, and they will just be brutal. of.

Of course, it is best to talk about it, and it is the safest to buy shares first.

“Boss, it’s 7 o’clock!”

Wang Qi, who had been watching the time, saw the second hand jump to the 12 position, he reminded softly.

“Let’s go!”

Xia Yu stood up as she said, and wanted to leave after finishing her clothes.

“dong dong! ”

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and Xia Yu and Wang Qi paused and looked towards the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and two silhouettes appeared. When looking down on the incoming person, Xia Yu’s eyes slightly shrink, turned out to be John Keswick and his son Charles Keswick.

Xia Yu didn’t expect Old John to be dispatched in person, because after understanding, he knew that Old John rarely attended various invitations in person over the years, most of which were Hugh Barton or his two sons.

It’s just that he didn’t expect to come in person tonight, which really surprised Xia Yu.

Xia Yu immediately returned to his senses and greeted him with a smile: “Mr. John, didn’t expect you to come in person. It is an honor of 10000 points! Please sit down!”

“Mr. Charles, good evening!”

“good evening!”

Old John father and son spoke few words and had a cold attitude. Charles Keswick had a stinky face. Xia Yu also found that when Charles saw him, his eyes were full of gloomy colors and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times. Obviously hate him very much.

“2 gentlemen, what would you like to have?”

As Old John father and son 2 took their seats, the waiter who showed them the way immediately came forward, opened the menu, looked at it and made a please gesture, Xia Yu immediately asked Old John father and son .

“Thank you, we have finished our dinner, so I will bring us 2 cups of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.”

Old John neither fast nor slow said.

The waiter was a little surprised and took a subconsciously look at Xia Yu. After Xia Yu gave him a positive look, the waiter immediately recorded it.

“Give me a mocha.”

“I have a mocha too!”

After Xia Yu finished speaking, Wang Qi followed and ordered the same.

“Gentlemen, what else is needed?”

“Serve some of your special pastries here, that’s all for now.”

Xia Yu said again.

“OK, just a second!”

After that, the waiter bowed and left the box gently.

“Mr. John Keswick, thank you very much for coming in person!”

Xia Yu provoked the topic first.

Old John laughed and said implicitly: “I can’t come if I don’t come. Who makes my son not as good as you!”

Charles Keswick looked more ugly when he heard father say so, but he didn’t refute father.

Old John’s deep meaning Xia Yu heard it, he also not to be outdone, said with a smile:

“Haha, Mr. John joked, Mr. Charles is good at it, maybe you didn’t see it.”

Xia Yu’s smile is also meaningful, and he took a special look at Charles Keswick as he spoke, making the ghostly Charles Keswick’s expression slightly change. Although he immediately returned to normal, he started to wonder if Xia Yu had discovered it. .

Upon seeing this, Old John, who had a lot of life experience, his eyes became deep, and he guessed if there was something he didn’t know, but now it’s not convenient to ask about his life, so he laughed and said, “Perhaps, he’s getting old and has no energy. In the past, many things could not be managed.”

“Mr. John said and laughed, you are old and healthy, longevity of 100 years is not a problem.”

Xia Yu said with a smile, flattering, deliberately downplaying the atmosphere of giving tit for tat, paving the way for the next conversation.

Soon, the waiter brought the coffee and pastries, and the atmosphere eased again.

After drinking coffee for a while, Xia Yu stirred up the topic and entered the theme of tonight.

“Mr. John, you have a bright vision like a torch, so I won’t go around in circles anymore, just say it straight. I want to acquire the shares of Jardine Insurance Brokers in your hands. I wonder what you think?”

After speaking, Xia Yu looked at Old John with scorching eyes.

Didn’t expect Old John to speak, but Charles Keswick was unable to bear. He said emotionally: “Impossible, I robbed my company, and want to buy our shares. Are we Keswick Family easy to bully?” “

Xia Yu smiled and said softly: “Mr. Charles, don’t get excited, why not listen to your father’s thoughts?”

After speaking, Xia Yu turned his gaze back to Old John.

Xia Yu’s ignoring attitude made Charles Keswick feel angry and intolerable, but because of the father’s side, he could only endure, looked towards his father, hoping that he would refuse and don’t change his original mind.

Old John’s complexion remained unchanged, neither fast nor slow put down the cup, looked towards Xia Yu, and said in a gentle but firm tone: “Impossible, Jardine Matheson is not short of money. I also have a request. You have all the shares in your hand. Sell ​​it to me, what do you think?”

“Mr. John laughed. In this situation, it doesn’t matter if your family keeps the shares of Jardine Insurance Brokers. Why don’t you use the funds to invest in more promising industries?”

Xia Yu made a haha, did not answer Old John’s question, and persuaded again.

Old John smiled mockingly, his eyes sharpened sharply, and his temperament changed drastically. It seemed that he had changed from a sheep to a tiger that could eat people, and his majestic power approached Xia Yu.

“Youngster, do you think our Keswick Family is easy to bully?”

Although Old John’s power is amazing, Xia Yu is not without a person who has seen the world. He is not affected by his imposing manner at all. He still smiles and says, “How come, to your family, I have always been very respectable. Never had this idea.”

This made it clear that she was talking nonsense with her eyes open, but Xia Yu still spoke out without embarrassment, still posing a calm look.

“Youngster, needless to say so much, I can not blame the air cargo terminal company, but Jardine Insurance Brokers, you have to spit it out, and I will not let you lose. I will give you 3100000000 million HKD and buy all the shares in your hand. That’s it.”

“Plus the money you earn from the air cargo terminal company, it’s enough, don’t be too greedy!”

Old John’s expression became serious, his eyes blazingly at Xia Yu, said solemnly.

Seeing Old John’s attitude, Xia Yu knew that he was going to be disappointed to return tonight. He stopped concealing his smile and looked towards Old John not to be outdone. Lightly said: “Mr. John, it is normal to acquire shares. You asked me to spit out the commercial behavior of the United States, which makes no sense. Could it be that you are only allowed to buy other people’s companies, and we are not allowed to buy too?

“Well, we don’t have to argue, I just give you a suggestion, I hope you think it through!”

Old John said decisively, his language a little softened, but his tone remained firm.

“Okay, I will figure it out clearly.”

Xia Yu smiled and said nodded, speaks in a gentle tone, and raised the cup after speaking. The meaning is obvious, see off!

When words get sour, adding words is useless, Old John has made it very clear, and even reminded him in turn that if he wants shares in his hands, then there is no need to talk about it because it is destined to be fruitless. Why waste time!

After serving the tea and seeing off the guests, Old John naturally understood this and didn’t intend to stay longer. Charles stood up and left with a sneer.

“Slow and don’t send!”

Xia Yu sat on the stool and said, not at all meaning to get up.

Old John father and son did not reply, and left without looking back.

When Old John father and son 2 left, Wang Qi asked softly: “Boss, the talk broke down tonight, so what should we do next?”

“Their response is within the expected range, so don’t be discouraged.”

“But I must own the shares in their hands. Otherwise, there is no way to integrate the insurance company. If they don’t give it, then force them to give it according to the original plan!”

Xia Yu showed a firm expression in her eyes and said in a sonorous voice.


Wang Qi’s complexion was serious, and he immediately responded.

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