Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 579: not give a **** about

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Many people regard some of the customs in Eastern traditional culture as hypocritical, and they regard the simplicity of Westerners as frank and straightforward.

In fact, these are all one-sided words, or offensive words that contain a certain purpose and a certain emotion.

According to Li Mu, the United States is perhaps the most hypocritical country in the world.

The hypocrisy of the United States is manifested in the Indian nation. Indian talents are the native owners of the American continent. The Europeans came to the Americas, took away the Indian land, and confined the Indian community to the "reserve". Then the Americans wrote "Goddess of America" ​​into the national anthem of the United States.

This is the gangster culture of Hongguoguo.

Regardless of the origin of the Indians and the Chinese, as a member of the Third World country, Li Mu hated such hypocrisy in the United States, so Li Mu displayed exhibits with obvious Indian elements in the museum.

Li Mu doesn't care if this will make other people feel uncomfortable. After all, this is a private museum. If you don't like to see it, you can just ignore it. Why spend money here to find awkwardness?

Yes, the Horse Museum is a fee. In the first few days, New Yorkers can visit the Horse Museum for free, but after a certain period of time, they will have to pay a certain amount of tickets before they want to visit.

In Li Mu's plan, adults need to buy a five-cent ticket for visiting the Horse Museum, while children's tickets cost two cents, and photos are not allowed in the Horse Museum. You can only visit the museum if you want to visit it.

Private museums are just that good. No matter how difficult Li Mu is, he can't say anything. Even if Arthur is already the governor of New York, Li Mu can ignore Arthur's opinions.

"Rim, if you don't remove this part of the exhibit, it will definitely cause you trouble." Arthur bitterly hoped that Li Mu could remove all the exhibits with Indian symbols.

"Are you going to trouble me?" Li Mu calmly anti-general.

"I certainly don't, but ..." Arthur told the truth.

"That's enough, as long as you don't bother me, other people, huh, who cares ..." Li Mu's words were aggressive and he would definitely not budge in this matter.

Even if Arthur had trouble finding Li Mu, he could only do it in the name of a friend, not in the name of the government. In addition, Li Mu really didn't worry about other people coming to trouble. Here is New York, which is the headquarters of Junma Group. Li Mu need not be afraid of anyone here.

"Okay, whatever you want ..." Arthur was a bit depressed. Speaking of which, the Steed Museum and Arthur still have some connection. If Li Mu is criticized for this, Arthur can't run away.

The Steed Museum uses the main exhibition hall of the Independent Centennial Exhibition. The original ownership of the main exhibition hall belonged to the New York City Government. It was precisely because of Arthur's written instructions that the ownership of the main exhibition hall was transferred to the Steed Group, so Arthur's worry was not There is no wind.

In fact, if you ignore the exhibits with Indian elements, the Horse Museum is still very interesting. Although the copy of "Yongle Grand Ceremony" is the treasure of the town museum, the most famous exhibit in the Horse Museum is not "Yongle Grand Canon" A copy of "", but the falcon that Napoleon carried when he ascended the throne.

In western traditional culture, the eagle symbolizes the bird of war, and the staff of the eagle has become a symbol of power and command. Generally speaking, only the most elite troops can hold the staff. As long as the staff does not fall, everyone will Fight desperately.

This eagle rod was donated to the Steed Museum by J.P. Morgan. According to JP Morgan, when the Napoleon ascended the throne, he held this one.

J.P. Morgan's words are true and false, and Li Mu has no way of verifying it, but since J.P. Morgan's pledge is complete, Li Mu does not mind adding some gimmicks to the Steed Museum.

So the location of this eagle stick is right in the center of the Steed Museum. Next to it is Da Vinci's painting "Alworth Mona Lisa".

"Alvas Mona Lisa" was created much earlier than the "Mona Lisa" in the Louvre in France.

Compared with the "Mona Lisa" in the Louvre, "Alvas Mona Lisa" has more beautiful colors and bolder colors. Its portrait looks fresh and ruddy, and it does not stick to the traces of time. The looks, costumes, gestures, and mysterious smiles that are very similar to Mona Lisa. This may be because the Mona Lisa in this painting is earlier than the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. Mona Lisa was younger at the time.

When seeing "Alworth Mona Lisa", Arthur finally forgot those jewelry with obvious Indian style, marveled at Mona Lisa, eyes were almost sinking.

"Here, is this the original? Da Vinci painted it?" Arthur felt incredible.

For Westerners, works like "Alworth Mona Lisa" can only be called works of art, and those ink paintings in the East, Arthur really can not understand the charm.

"Of course, do you think Da Vinci only painted a Mona Lisa? Don't make fun, maybe the one in the Louvre is just a draft of Da Vinci, this is the final product. Li Mu casually spoken, and Arthur couldn't verify it anyway.

"This is really ..." Arthur thought for a long time, but couldn't find a proper language response.

"Rim, the New York City government still keeps a part of the artwork. If you don't mind, I think you can better save them." Edward Jeffrey also sent a gift to Li Mu.

"Of course, if I can transfer these artworks to me, I will pay the equivalent cash to the municipal government." Li Mu immediately hesitated without hesitation. Such opportunities are rare and there are no mistakes.

As early as Tweed governing New York, the New York City government collected a large number of artworks and was preparing to build the City Museum of New York.

But unfortunately, until the downfall of Tweed and the municipal museum failed to lay the foundation, this matter was put on hold.

During Arthur's administration in New York, the New York City government was still collecting artworks. Now that Edward Jeffrey has come to power, these artworks can finally come in handy.

Li Mu noticed that Edward Jeffrey used "preservation" instead of "transfer" when talking about these works of art, but how can it be rare for Li Mu to pay cash to the New York City government, then this batch Ownership of the artwork has also been transferred, and the New York City government will never have any reason to claim the artwork again.

"You don't have to use cash ..." Edward Jeffrey and Li Mu still dealt less, and they fell into Li Mu's trap without paying attention.

"Of course it is necessary, otherwise how do you explain to the parliament?" Li Mu's face was written with the words I was for your good, and I could not say a word that blocked Edward Jeffrey.

This conversation heard Arthur's muscles twitching. It can be imagined that Arthur must be distressed now and regret to hand over New York to Edward's Day Nursing Management. If this continues, it won't take long for the entire Manhattan to become Li Mu. Backyard of home.

"The only thing you can do now is to get as much money as possible." Arthur couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't help but give Edward Jeffrey a trick.

"No problem, I can buy it at a premium." Li Mu laughed, even if there was more money, this sale was very suitable.

Compared with future art, the price of current art is really about the same as giving away. Li Mu now entrusts the purchase of master works in Europe, especially those who have not yet become famous. For example, in June this year, Li Mu I bought Monet's latest work Impression · Sunrise.

The painting was sold at a high price of nearly 30 million US dollars in 2011, and at this time, Li Mu got it for only one hundred francs.

In addition to Monet, Li Mu paid special attention to Van Gogh. Li Mu even bought two Van Gogh paintings of "Sunflowers", which are now placed in the basement of Governor Island.

Although these paintings will greatly appreciate in the future, for the moment, because Monet and Van Gogh are still alive, their paintings are not enough money. Li Mu is going to put these paintings for decades. Then, Li Mu will also play a role. The role of robber, take a good look at those Westerners who love collecting.

The works of art that can be seen by the New York City government must be masterpieces, or have unique historical value. These things also represent the western humanistic heritage and have their own unique historical value. The exhibits are exactly these Western artworks.

Of course, Li Mu has a lot of oriental art in his collection. When the time comes, Li Mu may build a museum focusing on oriental art.

Just as Li Mu and Arthur were laughing and laughing, a disharmonious voice suddenly came by: "Will the New York City government not have the money to build a museum? If so, then we might as well start a The fundraising is complete, and I believe that there will be a lot of gentlemen generously donating, so we don't need Mr. Riem to save those artworks on behalf of the New York City government. "

In the midst of the Junma Group, Li Mu was able to say such harsh words in front of Li Mu's face, and Li Mu immediately pulled his face down.

It was Alexander Stewart.

Before Steed began his career in apparel sales, Alexander Stewart was a leader in textile retail.

In 1820, Alexander Stewart came to New York from the United Kingdom and began his legendary career. Between 1820 and 1840, Alexander Stewart changed people's views on retail. Before Alexander Stewart, the retail industry was a small vendor. Pronoun this is an unscrupulous profession.

Alexander Stewart creatively proposed the concept of "store". As early as 1840, Alexander Stewart bought a plot of land between Reed Street and Chambers Street for $ 90,000 and built a "Marble Palace." Style "luxury department store.

In this most fashionable and luxurious store at the time, Alexander Stewart hired more than 400 shop assistants. In order to avoid these power supplies and increase the price to customers decently, thereby affecting the reputation of the store, Ali Stewart creatively implemented the code The price, which made Alexander Stewart's store quickly established itself in the retail industry.

Before Vanderbilt sold his shipping company, Alexander Stewart was the standard richest man in the United States, and his personal wealth reached 50 million US dollars.

In 1840, the total GDP of the United States was only about 1.56 billion US dollars.

The two men's clothing brands "Men's Wear" and "Urban Beauty" launched by Steed Horse Group have greatly impacted the retail industry of Alexander Stewart. Although Alexander Stewart is a legend for the merchants at this time, In front of the bug, Alexander Stewart's "creatives" are still not enough.

Since this year, Alexander Stewart has closed his six stores in New York, which is exactly half of all twelve stores, so Li Mu can understand why Alexander Stewart jumped out of the demolition stage.

Of course, understanding is one thing, and acceptance is another. Since Alexander Stewart does n’t give Li Mu a face, then Li Mu does n’t have to smile and meet each other. It ’s Li Mu ’s style that he gives his teeth and his eyes: “New York City Government Of course, a museum can be built, but this requires the consent of all New Yorkers, and of course you can donate a museum directly if Mr. Alexander wishes.

It doesn't really cost much to build a museum, as long as the New York City government is willing to build it.

The problem is that the construction of a museum requires the consent of the parliament, which was frightened by municipal projects during the Tweed administration, so the current city council will not approve similar projects at all.

According to the style of the Tweed period, a thin sheet of cost paper can give you a cost of $ 7,500. If a museum is to be built, it must not cost tens of millions.

It is also because of the constraints of the parliament that although Arthur wanted to build a museum during his administration, he was powerless. When it came to Edward Jeffrey, Edward Jeffrey was not willing to toss this trouble at all, so Li Mu took over these artworks Is the best result.

"Of course it is also possible to donate by me. The city government also uses taxpayer's money to buy art. The money should not be wasted on those works of art. It should be used for its own value." Alexander Stewart is unambiguous. The old man is over 70 Compared with the average life expectancy of people in this era, Alexander Stewart can already be called longevity, so since it has not been a few years to live well, Alexander Stewart is also not afraid.

The point is that Alexander Stewart can afford this money. After all, he is also worth tens of millions of dollars. Donating part of it is trivial.

"Then we will wait and see, I hope you can do it." Li Mu is not entangled in this matter. Although this may make Li Mu make less money, how can Li Mu care about this now?

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