Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 565: Restraint

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Not long after Kenneth Commons was brought into the police station, Bresta received a call from Arthur.

Arthur's call was not to ask Bresta to let go, but to understand the situation.

"The Echo newspaper publicly slandered the quality of the steed car company's products. Rimm called me and told me about it on the phone, so I called Kenneth Commons. To understand the situation ... "Bresta did not hide Li Mu's phone number, anyway, Li Mu and Arthur had a good relationship.

"So what did you ask?" Since Li Mu was involved, Arthur was not good at expressing himself.

As the mayor of New York City, even if Arthur's relationship with Li Mu is so good, when Li Mu's Steed Group and other companies have conflicts, Arthur also needs to have a bowl of water on the surface, which involves a credibility issue of the government. .

Although the current US government has little credibility.

"Not yet, I have not organized an interrogation against Kenneth Commons, and the police at the scene have not yet returned. It will take three to five days to conclude," said Bresta. You will never wrong a good person, nor will you let a bad person go.

To say that the efficiency of government agencies at this time is actually disgusting enough. There is no such thing as asking no more than 24 hours this year, and the United States has not introduced the "presumption of innocence" principle. People at the police station were likely to be tried as suspects, which is why Samuel Tilden couldn't wait to see Arthur.

There is another principle of reciprocity here. Although Samuel Tilden is the governor of New York, it is not something he wants to do in New York City. In this case, if Samuel Tilden Call Bresta directly. It is estimated that Bresta will make the governor unable to step down, so Samuel Tilden has to go around this big circle.

The reason for this situation is related to the United States' democratic system. The reason why Bresta can serve as the director of the New York City Police Department was directly appointed by Arthur, and Arthur's power comes from the New York City Council and Samuel · Tilden also has no relationship, so they do not belong to each other. To put it bluntly, no one is a bird.

"Let your men pay attention, don't make trouble until the end." Arthur still reminded that if he was going to be hard with Mr. Governor, then the chain of evidence must be dead.

"Okay, I'll let them pay attention." Bresta promised, now that people are being held in the New York City Police Department, Bresta has to decide whether to round or flatten.

It turns out that some things are really doomed.

That night, Bresta brought back an unexpected surprise when the police who seized the newspaper returned to the police station.

Kenneth Commons has a good habit of writing written records no matter what he does.

In the safe at Kenneth Commons's office, the police found a plan that had not yet been implemented. The target of the plan was Li Mu and his steed group.

In the plan of Kenneth Commons, The Echo will begin intensive coverage of Li Mu and the Steed Group in September, that is, two months later. The report focuses on some of Li Mu's early dark history, including Including Li Mu's fraudulent operation of a lottery in Washington, and Li Mu's inadvertent slap when he knocked down Amis, and how Li Mu merged several other arms companies in a way that killed people.

Kenneth Commons is still relatively smart. By September, the election campaign had reached a climax. By targeting Li Mu and his Steed Group, voters across the country could know how Li Mu established the Steed Group step by step without a name. The business empire, in turn, will make voters question the Republican Party's determination to reform.

At that time, we can draw a conclusion: Look at it. People who support the Republican Party are Li Mu. If the Republican Party continues to govern, then people like Li Mu will surely become popular. At that time, the US political scene will remain dark ...

Coincidentally, Li Mu originally planned to focus on the Democratic Party ’s black materials in September or October. If Bresta accidentally hit Kenneth Commons' plan by accident, he would not know the US voters at that time. How desperate it should be.

"Rim, there's a good thing here, and I think you'll be happy to see it." Since it's been a success, Bresta must ask Li Mu for his credit in time.

"What did you find?" Li Mu's alertness is still good, and you can hear the unusualness in Bresta's tone.

"Let ’s meet again, it ’s not clear on the phone." Although the operator of the phone was all from the Junma Group, Bresta had to speak to Li Mu in person.

Soon, in the study on the second floor of Governor's Island, Li Mu finally saw the plan.

At the beginning, Li Mu didn't care much. To the extent of Li Mu, attacks in the general sense had no effect on Li Mu. These materials compiled by Kenneth Commons sounded appalling, but in fact, they could not affect Li Mu and Steed. The group made a real impact. After all, most of them were things without proof, and Li Mu could completely push them all.

However, with the deepening of understanding, Li Mu still found some things that made him frightened, such as the school affiliated to Steed.

When Bresta had just written this document, she almost skipped the part about the horse-affiliated school. With Bresta's political awareness, it was impossible to see how much influence the concentrated coverage of the horse-affiliated school would have on Li Mu and the horse-horse group. .

The biggest problem of Junma Affiliated Schools is the admissions policy. Although Li Mu, as a private school, has complete autonomy in enrollment, this kind of thing can be said and done, after all, the admission policy of Junma Affiliated Schools In fact, it contains obvious racial discrimination clauses, and no one can discuss such matters. If it is to be discussed, Li Mu and his horse-affiliated school will be nailed to the cross in a minute.

Do not underestimate the power of public opinion. In the white world, they dare to discriminate against white people. I am afraid that even the dead parties in the Senate cannot publicly support Li Mu in this matter.

In Li Mu's opinion, if this plan really poses a certain threat to Li Mu and the Steed Group, then this is the part of the Steed Affiliated School.

"How's it? I'm efficient enough!" Bresta's face was full of praising me, praising me, praising me ...

"Wait a minute ..." Li Mu couldn't attend Quabresta, picked up the phone and immediately dialed Mrs. Henry: "Mrs., we have to change our admissions policy. From now on, the horse-affiliated school will be changed to paid admissions. All students will You must pay a certain fee according to the corresponding grade, and all other auxiliary conditions at the time of registration are canceled. We will discuss it when I return to Springfield in two days. "

The previous enrollment model of Junma Affiliated School is similar to compulsory education. All students are basically free of charge. Therefore, Li Mu has to subsidize millions of dollars to Junma Affiliated School each year.

Now, in the 19th century, compulsory education is a thing of the past. Even the children of rich people cannot guarantee 100% education. The children of poor people do n’t even think about it, so the reputation of the school affiliated to Steed will only increase. It's getting bigger, almost everyone is rushing.

The level of education this year is actually very primitive, so the emphasis is on practical skills. Every year, there are horse school affiliated schools that summer camps can participate in. It is particularly outstanding. So let ’s say that Springfield ’s school-age children, even New York and Boston, are willing to The children were sent to the school affiliated to Steed Horse, even if it was a "donation", they were willing.

If you put it in the past, you really can't find the temple with the pig's head, even if you want to donate to the horse-affiliated school.

Now it's different. In order to block the crowd, you can only open the gate of the school affiliated to Steed.

Of course, it ’s not easy to get back in. It ’s not easy to get in. After all, the tuition is definitely not cheap. The children of the poor are probably still unable to afford it. If it is a child of the Junma Group, it ’s easy to say. The money is returned to them, so the "tuition fee" will not affect the true one.

Mrs. Henry on the other end of the phone was very happy, so loud that Bresta could hear: "Rim, we should have done this already. Do you know how much pressure we have to bear for this admissions policy? Our cafeteria purchase When people go to the market to buy things, they will be scolded ... That's all right, we can finally straighten our legs ... "

Li Mu never knew that Mrs. Henry had such a big grudge against the admissions policy. Speaking of which, Li Mu would really like to thank Kenneth Commons. If it were not for him, Li Mu would probably not have taken this seriously.

Mrs. Henry kept talking for ten minutes and then hung up the phone. Thanks to Junma Communication Group for the telephone line laid in the spring. It did n’t disconnect in ten minutes.

At the end of last year, the research on signal transmission in Steed Lab finally achieved a breakthrough, and long-distance calls became possible.

However, it is not easy to lay long-distance lines. At present, long-distance calls have been realized between New York, Boston, Springfield and other major cities.

It is already a very good one. After all, this is a good start. As the work continues, Li Mu believes that one day the telephone communication between New York and San Francisco will be realized.

Of course, considering the distance between the two cities, it is estimated that it will take a day to connect to the phone.

It doesn't take a day or half a day. The current call is still transferred manually. One relay station and one relay station will pick up, and at least ten or twenty times.

When the call was hung up, Li Mu frowned and said, "Did your people see this document when they got this document?"

"Who can see? At present, the newspaper's headquarters in Echo is still under seizure, and no one can enter. The gate is a sentry post that I personally set, unless someone can witchcraft." Bresta had very good arrangements for himself. confidence.

"That's good, find someone to put this document back, as we don't know." Now that the opponent's tricks are known, Li Mu doesn't want to take extra steps. If this plan is taken away, it is equivalent to remind the Democratic Party to collect Li Mu With more black materials from Junma Group, Li Mu would not give them this opportunity.

"Oh, you are such a sly guy ..." Bresta threw the proposal on the floor, stomped it with his feet, made a disguise, and then ordered someone to put the proposal back to Kenneth Comans Office.

Since it was a play, it was necessary to complete the set, and it was not until the third night that Kenneth Commons was released.

Arthur's phone still worked, at least Kenneth Commons was held in a separate cell and was not locked up with other prisoners, so Kenneth Commons' chrysanthemum was kept.

This is the first time in his life that Kenneth Commons has been in a police station, so Kenneth Commons has no idea what he missed.

As he walked out of the police station, Kenneth Commons glanced back at the brilliant police badge at the gate of the police station, took a sigh of indignation, and rushed into the car before the guards responded.

"How are you doing? Are they not abusing you?" It was Samuel Tilden's assistant David Oliver who came to pick up Kenneth Commons.

"No, but they kept me in a small black room for three days, so I will expose their wrongdoing in the newspaper, and I will certainly not let them go." Kenneth Commons insisted that he and He Evil forces fight.

"Kenny, forget it. If it weren't for Mr. Tilden's phone, I'm afraid you wouldn't have been able to get out of it so easily. Mr. Tilden also talked to Rem on the phone. Recently, I'm afraid you have to share For one thing, don't stir things up easily. We need to accumulate strength and take the opportunity to give them a hard blow instead of the piecemeal now. "David Oliver was still calm.

"Is that so? You have to know that since there is a first time, then they can come a second time. We can't always be beaten passively, we have to fight back." Kenneth Commons said he couldn't take this breath. .

"Calm down Kenny. Although Mr. Tilden did not get any promises, I believe that Steed Group and the New York City Police Department can remain sane. We are now in a delicate balance. Do n’t destroy him easily, otherwise the consequences will be unthinkable. "David Oliver straightened.

In fact, the Democratic Party is not incapable of fighting back. After all, Samuel Tilden was the governor of New York. He really hurried Samuel Tilden, and the New York State Police can search the headquarters of Time Magazine.

If we really get to that step, it is really the rhythm of a full-scale war. There is no room for renewal. Everyone must fight with each other.

Obviously, it is not the last moment yet.

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