Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Donate

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The family property dispute will always be a dog blood show that everyone will enjoy.

The Barron family is the premier top-ranked family in the United States. Time magazine estimates that the wealth controlled by the Barron family has now exceeded $ 100 million.

What is more than $ 100 million?

So far in the United States, the family property is recognized as more than 100 million US dollars, even the Vanderbilt family, even the Rockefeller family is almost still, has not yet officially entered the "billion yuan club."

From the amount of wealth owned by the Barron family, it is possible to speculate how much money Li Mu currently has.

Although Time Magazine did not assess the amount of wealth owned by Li Mu, but because the Barron family ’s main property comes from 20% of the shares of Junma Group, most people believe that Li Mu ’s personal property should now be at 2 About $ 100 million.

Of course, this assessment is not accurate. In addition to the shares of Steed Group, Li Mu also owns the San Diego Investment Company, which is now rarely heard by most people, as well as the shares of Mobil Petroleum and Carnegie-Rime Steel. If these shares are counted, Li Mu's personal assets should be around 500 million US dollars.

Oh, this is not yet the value of Youth Island, Grand Bahama Island, Molokai Island, and Little Circle Island. If you count the value of these islands, Li Mu ’s wealth will further increase.

As a businessman, buying islands all over the world sounds a bit unprofessional. In fact, this is normal. Even in the 21st century, private islands have not disappeared. In the 19th century, this kind of thing is commonplace.

The engagement ceremony between Will and Claudia is set to take place on June 1.

June 1 does not have any special meaning in this era. It is not until 1949 that children will be associated with this day.

In less than half a month of preparation time, it is sufficient to say sufficient and not enough. After all, as long as you are willing to spend money, nothing can be done. However, in this era, it takes one week from the east coast to the west coast. Long time, so the time is still a bit tight.

Of course, Li Mu doesn't catch everything without any detail, and he can't catch it. There are so many things that Li Mu needs to deal with. Li Mu cannot spend time on Will and Claudia's engagement ceremony.

Beginning in late May, Hayes will also start a nationwide circuit speech to canvass for the presidential election to be held at the end of the year.

Although Li Mu is not personally responsible for this matter, there are still many links that need to be coordinated by Li Mu, so Li Mu is getting more and more busy.

"Tomorrow I will go to Boston, then Springfield, and return to New York at the end of the month. Will not miss Will's engagement ceremony." Hayes himself had plans.

Boston is Hayes' first stop. The city is not far from New York. At the same time, it is a traditional sphere of influence of the Republican Party. From here, Hayes also got a good start.

"Yes, I will let Sammy send a news report team to Boston with you, so that your daily trip will appear in the Times newspaper the next day ... well, remember what I prepared for you Those people-friendly activities must not be attended by you. This is a show specially prepared for you. "In order to make Hayes win, Li Mu can be considered exhausted.

Li Mu and Hayes are currently located in the election office near Columbia College. This was originally a small hotel. Hayes put the election office here, but also wanted to stay farther away from Li Mu and their riches. Otherwise, Hayes would have been It is possible to put the campaign office in Clinton Castle.

In recent months, although Li Mu has been trying to whitewash the Republican Party, the Republican Party ’s reputation in recent years has been too stinky. It ’s not easy to whiten it. If Hayes puts his election office in Clinton Castle, then maybe It will become the handle of the Democratic Party.

"Do you think those show shows are really useful?" Hayes has not yet understood the significance of show shows. After reading the script prepared by Li Mu for Hayes, Hayes even felt a little embarrassed.

"Do you think these shows will be useless?" Many times, although Li Mu was in the 19th century, he felt that he did not belong to this era, because the difference in thinking was really too great.

Without waiting for Hayes to answer, Li Mu continued to blaze: "The significance of making a show is not to let you be a clown, but to establish a positive image for you as much as possible. Now you see the script, you know that it is fake, of course. But voters do n’t know, they do n’t need to know what the truth is, they just need to know what we want them to know. ”

In the 21st century, even if you are a candidate for a class cadre, you know that you must first set an example. With this realization, it is no wonder that the biggest controversy ever occurred.

"Okay, okay, what you say is what." Hayes decided to do as Li Mu said. At least so far, Li Mu's decision has never been missed, so Hayes believes that Li Mu also does not Would be wrong.

Of course, this confidence comes from Li Mu's own success, not from the script that Li Mu provided to Hayes.

In fact, Li Mu's script for Hayes is very simple. It is even a bit vulgar in the eyes of the 21st century, but it is to visit the lonely old people, condolences to the new immigrants, and pay attention to the education of children.

In the 19th century, these "cheesy scripts" were still very powerful. After all, politicians these years have no awareness of showmaking at all. Their thinking has remained on purely focusing on ballot papers. There is no personal image at all. Say.

Therefore, Li Mu has reasons to believe that as long as Hayes is established as a pro-people and government-friendly image, Hayes' chance of success can be maximized.

"But this way, our funds have been greatly over budget." Eric Smith, the director of the campaign office, offered his own opinion.

Eric Smith was a former assistant to Hayes and now serves as the director of the Hayes campaign office. If there is no accident, the future Eric Smith will be the director of the Office of the President's Palace.

Regarding campaign funding, this is actually another bad debt.

In order to defeat Democrats in the general election, the Republican Campaign Committee provided about $ 5 million in funding for the presidential election. This money sounds a lot, but the problem is that after the party candidate is decided, the money has already been It took more than half of it, so even now, even if the Democratic Party does not expose the Republican party's bottom line, Li Mu feels that the Republican Party has rotted to its roots.

"Don't worry about funding. If it is not enough, I will find a way." Money is the most important thing that does not worry Li Mu. It is not too much to describe Li Mu with the daily gold, so as long as the problem can be solved with money In Li Mu's view, it is not a problem.

If it is really not enough money, Li Mu can pay all of Hayes's election expenses. After Hays successfully wins the presidency of the United States, he will surely double the money back to Li Mu.

"Of course I can't just let you out. You have done enough for me and for the Republican Party." Hayes was still a bit conscience and did not turn a blind eye to Li Mu's efforts.

"Maybe we can raise funds within the party ..." Eric Smith offered his own proposal.

"It's also a good idea to raise money. We only need one dollar for each person, and we can easily defeat the Democratic Party." Hayes thinks it is relatively simple. This is just like some Chinese in the 21st century, as long as the people in the country give him a piece of it. Money, he will instantly become like a billionaire.

The question is, why do you let everyone in the country give you a dollar?

Li Mu also wants to ask Hayes now, why do you let voters across the country give you one dollar each?

If you really want to do this, then Li Mu will not have to toss, because then the reputation of the Republican Party will be completely rotten, and the immortals will not be able to save them.

"Even if we want to raise money, we have to limit the fundraising to a certain range. For example, a beach club, we can force everyone to donate at least one thousand dollars, which is much simpler than letting everyone give you one dollar. The fundraising that Li Mu said and the fundraising that Eric said are not the same thing. What Li Mu said is more similar to "sharing."

The members of the beach club don't say that they are millionaires, at least all of them are 10,000 households. Finding a group of people to raise money is a robbery for the rich and the poor. There is no psychological pressure and the effect is much better. For oh.

"This donation will make us passive in the future ..." Hayes still had concerns.

In fact, Hays is right. If "fundraising" is really carried out in beach clubs, members of these beach clubs will definitely ask for returns in the future. This is equivalent to the infamous "political contribution". Every penny is Asking for return.

"Even if we would be passive, it would be better than looking for ordinary people to raise donations." Li Mu was so angry that he finally thought of a more reliable method but looked forward to it. This is immortality.

Leaving Hayes's election office, Li Mu turned around to find big names like Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan. How should the business be more effective in "fundraising."

"Is it a thousand dollars? I'm fine." Rockefeller's response was dull, and it sounded a little bit hilarious.

"Even if it is a fundraising, it doesn't seem to be our responsibility, it seems that it should be the election committee ..." Morgan also did not want to blend in, and the proposed solution was very official.

In fact, Morgan said that the election is the election of all Republicans. Because of the election expenses, the Republican National Committee should be responsible for it. It is really an overkill for Li Mu and their rich people to do this.

"What is so troublesome? If our President is willing to give me the management right of the Great Lakes Iron Ore, then I will pay the election expenses." Carnegie was very imposing, with a wealth of money.

Most of the iron mines that have been discovered in the United States are concentrated in the Great Lakes Basin. Carnegie has long coveted the iron mines in the Great Lakes Basin. If you give Carnegie the iron ore management rights in the Great Lakes Basin, Carnegie is very Make sure to build a steel empire within these two years.

"You have to say this and give me the management of the Pacific Railroad, and then I will pay all the Republican election costs." John Vanderbilt also had an idea, and his appetite was greater than Carnegie's.

After the closure of Mobile Billion Credit Company, Pacific Rail's shares have been torn apart and there are currently at least hundreds of shareholders.

The Pacific Railroad is also known as the main artery of the American economy. There are many benefits to controlling this railway. Of course, the Vanderbilt family who is determined to become a railroad tycoon will certainly not miss this opportunity.

"Let ’s say something realistic ..." Li Mu felt terribly a headache, but he still had to work up. "First of all, most of the Republican National Committee is beyond expectation. We have all read this year's annual financial statements. If the Republican nation The committee is a company, so this company has already gone bankrupt countless times, so if you want to raise funds, you can only rely on ourselves. 5 million is already the limit of the Republican National Committee. "

Li Mu has never put his hope on the Republican National Committee, which is why Li Muda talks. Even if the Republican National Committee starts to consider whether to add additional funds tomorrow, it may already be the next year to get the answer. By then, the election has come to an end, and it is meaningless to make no money.

"In fact, with regard to our personal claims, it is undeniable that each of us has our own personal claims, but I hope we can all treat them wisely. No need to say what the Great Lakes Iron Mine or Pacific Railroad, even Washington dare to give, Do you really dare to ask? "Li Mu pointed his finger at Carnegie and John Vanderbilt, and shot those two thorns first.

In fact, the Great Lakes Iron Mine and the Pacific Railroad are two hot potatoes. Don't look at Carnegie and John Vanderbilt talking lively. If Washington really dares to give them, these two people really don't necessarily dare to.

That's the rhythm of baking them on the fire in minutes.

"As for the amount of donations, I suggest that we do what we can. Donate more if you have more money, donate less if you have less money. We don't engage in hard allocation ... Well, I'll take a stand first, we are willing to donate One million dollars. "Li Mu first set an example for everyone, and then it depends on everyone's consciousness.

"Oh, Rim, you sly guy ..." Rockefeller saw Li Mu's sinister intentions at a glance. Needless to say, this scene will come to Hayes' ears sooner or later. If Hayes can't win the election, then do it. If Hayes wins in the end, maybe some people will be unlucky.

"Since you even say so, I'll donate ... 500,000 dollars." Rockefeller gritted his teeth, but he was still reluctant to take out so much.

"Our Morgan family is also willing to donate $ 500,000 ..." J.P. Morgan followed Rockefeller's rhythm.

"Our Vanderbilt family donated $ 500,000 ..."

"I'm a poor ghost here, so I donate ... 100,000 dollars."

In this way, it is easy to complete the task.

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