Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 534: Stand in line

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In fact, this "democracy" in a democratic country really needs double quotes.

If you want to gain true democracy in a democratic country, you must ensure that you are standing with the majority at all times, otherwise you may become the object of autocracy.

People like Li Mu have gone beyond the concept of democracy in the ordinary sense. Considering the number of voters that the Steed Group can influence, Li Mu's will is a reflection of democracy itself.

This is still Ulysses Grant on the stage. If Hayes can win this year's election and enter the presidential palace next year, then Li Mu's words will be more powerful. Perhaps Washington will not take a similar one at that time. Problems trouble Li Mu.

Democracy in the United States is indeed very confusing. At least the Japanese now do not understand how much power Li Mu has in the United States, so the Japanese also hope that Ulysses S. Grant can stand for them in a fair manner justice.

"Although the power of the Junma Group is large, Li Muben is a Chinese after all, so it is absolutely impossible for white people to trust Li Mu completely. For these white Americans, the Junma Group is now a piece of fat, as long as they have enough For reasons, I believe they will never miss this opportunity to swallow the Steed Group. "On the second floor of the Japanese Embassy in the United States, Ambassador Tono Ono vowed.

To be honest, despite the unprecedented defeat in New York, the Japanese are still unwilling to believe that they are defeated by Li Mu. From the perspective of the Japanese government, it is impossible for a Chinese in the United States to build such a large force. Therefore, the Japanese government is more willing to think that Li Mu is more likely to be launched by a certain force to serve as a shield spokesperson, which may be more acceptable to them.

To say that the mentality of the Japanese is also very magical. Perhaps even better Japanese cannot achieve this level in the United States, let alone the Chinese who are becoming increasingly ill.

"I think we should still strive for more sympathizers who are sympathetic to us. First of all, we should reduce the influence of the Junma Group from the official level. As long as the influence of the Junma Group has fallen to a certain level, then someone will certainly take the initiative to deal with it. Steed Horse Group. "Counsellor Xixiang Kangsheng suggested increasing the offensive against the gold yuan, as long as funds were in place, there were no corners to dig.

The corruption of the U.S. government is indeed well known, and Steed Group is not short of enemies in Washington. As far as Xixiang Kangsheng knows, Steed Group has just clashed with the Texas Cotton Farmers Association recently. Southern MPs show their goodness, then those Southern MPs must be happy to attack the Junma Group and Li Mu.

"Purchasing members should still be cautious. In fact, we should not give people as much as possible. After all, Li Mu is now a U.S. citizen. We must work up our minds on this issue." Ono Shouxing did not dare to do too much, practical They ca n’t afford to play this kind of game, they have to argue that the capital is rich, and the dignified Japanese government ca n’t really fight the Steed Group.

It is no joke to say that Li Mu is a rich country. The Japanese government ’s annual income is not necessarily as much as that of the Junma Group. You must know that the Junma Group is now mainly making money for the rich, and it is also making the world ’s rich. Money, the Japanese government ca n’t compare the selling money earned by exporting women. Not only is the total amount incomparable, but it is not in the name, it is a bit humiliating.

"The reform of the empire is at a critical period. As long as we survive this stage, the empire will be in sight, so we must be careful. The tragedy of Sasebo must not happen again." .

The loss of the Sasebo Smokeless Powder Factory not only caused young officials and trained craftsmen, but also the hope of the imperial renaissance in the hearts of the Japanese. Although there is no evidence that this was the action of Li Mu ’s people, In fact, everyone knows that, except Li Mu, there is no reason and no strength to deal with the Sasebo smokeless powder factory.

You know, it takes courage to fight against a country, especially a country with tens of millions of people.

After the Sasebo smokeless powder factory exploded, the Minister of the Japanese Consulate in New York went missing. To date, there is still no news and it has become a headless case. Therefore, Ono Shouyuki only dared to raise a protest without pain and itching. And Li Mu tore his face completely.

"On this issue, I think what we are doing is still a bit conservative, we should act more fiercely, so that the Presidential Palace can face our demands squarely." Xixiang Kangsheng has different opinions, which is another way of samurai The spirited guy would rather stand dead and die than live on his knees.

"Xixiang Jun, you have to pay attention to your attitude. This is a collective decision of the cabinet, not someone can subvert." Ono Shouyuki warned Xixiang with a severe voice of dissatisfaction.

"Yes, I will pay attention." Although Xixiang Kangsheng was unwilling, he could barely suppress it.

"Mr. Ambassador, Mr. Hamilton, please go to the Presidential Palace now." An embassy staff member came in to report.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Ono Shouyuki was overjoyed, and the President's Palace was able to respond so quickly, which made Ono Shouyuki feel that everything was going well.

With the joining of the Steed Group, the Washington Monument, which has been in ruins for more than ten years, was finally completed in February this year.

A lawn has been planted around the monument, and sculptures will be placed in the future. This will become Washington's largest square, echoing the Presidential Palace, and becoming Washington's newest landmark building.

The carriage passed through Washington Square and arrived at the lawn in front of the President's Palace. When Ono Shouxing got off the car, watching the carriage parked around the BMW cars produced by the Steed Group, he could not help but sighed secretly, feeling unconsciously like the sky. gray.

In fact, Ono Shouxing's mood is not enough to lose. If Ono Shouxing knows that the weapons equipped by the guards who protect the Presidential Palace are all produced by the Junma Group, and their clothing is also produced by the Junma Group. despair.

In fact, since the explosion of the Sasebo smokeless powder factory, the Japanese have not been treated very well in the United States. Every time Ono Shouxing comes to the Presidential Palace, he can always feel the alienation and hostility from top to bottom. This makes Ono Shouxing feel Very uncomfortable.

This time it was the same. After showing his intention to Hamilton's secretary, Ono Shouxing waited for an hour before he got the opportunity to meet Hamilton.

"Mr. Ono, please sit down and have a drink?" Hamilton wore only a vest outside his shirt, and his bow tie was neat, but even Hamilton was laughing, and his face could not hide his tiredness.

"Thank you for not, I can't drink anything now." Ono Shouxing really has no appetite.

"Well, let me just make a long story short ..." Hamilton was in no mood to make fun of the circle. As Secretary of State, Hamilton was busy with work. He only had 20 minutes to declare Ono's attitude to Washington.

"You speak, I'm listening ..." Ono Shouxing looked forward.

"About what happened in Ryukyu, I have to say, I'm sorry ..." As soon as Hamilton spoke, Ono Shouxing felt something bad.

"... Listen to me now!" Hamilton cocked his finger and did not allow Ono to interject: "You should know that 20 years ago our US government signed the Ryukyu Repair Treaty with the Ryukyu Kingdom Government, and then the Ryukyu Kingdom Government again Signed the Ryukyu Treaty and the Ryukyu Treaty with France and the Netherlands, but now your government wants to turn an originally independent Ryukyu kingdom into your Ryukyu fanatic. I do n’t know what position you can take If this happens, I hope you can give me a reasonable answer. "

Sure enough, Hamilton's words were not polite at all, and in this way, Hongguo Guo tore off the Japanese government's shame.

Democratic government, of course, always stand in the position of the majority, waving the stick of democracy to teach lessons, so although Hamilton did not get the consent of the French and the Dutch, but the representative of the peace of mind France and the Netherlands.

Anyway, the French and the Dutch did not object, did they?

"Dear Mr. Hamilton, With regard to the merger of the Kingdom of Ryukyu and our country, this is not a annexation. It is the protection of the Kingdom of Ryukyu by our government at the request of the Government of the Ryukyu Kingdom, just like your Washington government and Dexa. The relationship between the governments of the Republic of Sri Lanka is the same, and I think it is understandable. "To be an ambassador, Ono Shouxing was naturally sharp-spoken, and what he said seemed to be an explanation, but in fact it was insinuated.

This is the proud achievement of Washington's annexation of Texas at that time. At least Washington officials think so, but comparing this incident with the Japanese government's annexation of Ryukyu, it sounds like a big brother who wouldn't say second brother. meaning.

"If, as you said, it is of course unquestionable ..." Hamilton's skin is also thick enough, as if he did not hear the irony in Ono's jargon, and his expression is still Gujing Wubo: "But the situation I have learned is not Not so. The Ryukyus did not want to merge with you, nor did they ask for protection from you. Instead, your government was determined to go it alone, trying to make it a reality and forcing us to accept all of this ... "

"No, no, no ... Mr. Secretary, the truth is definitely not what you said, in fact this is our internal affairs, no other country has the right to interfere. The problem now is an employee of an American company founded by a Chinese in our country. On the land, there was a conflict with our subjects. We should now discuss this issue, not the Ryukyu Kingdom, which is no longer in existence. "Ono Shouxing insisted on this issue, and there was no room for discussion at all.

Don't talk about it, don't even think about it ...

If Ono Shouxing dare to discuss with Hamilton whether the Ryukyu Kingdom should exist, then Ono Shouxing will not have to return to China. It is more straightforward to return to the embassy and suicide by cesarean.

"Mr. Ono, please pay attention to your words. There are no Chinese here, only Americans. I don't want to hear similar words. Regarding why Junma Group employees appear in Ryukyu, I think this is normal. This is" Ryumei The Treaty's rights to American citizens, you have no right to question it at all. "Hamilton's expression was ugly.

What a joke!


If possible, Hamilton would like to bleach Li Mu with a washing tub. If Ono Shouxing wants to attack Li Mu's legal identity, Hamilton would not agree first.

"I have no intention of targeting anyone, I am just stating the facts. Mr. Secretary of State, in my opinion, compared with Ryukyu, the friendly relations between Japan and the United States are more important. As for the" Ryumeni Repair Treaty, "please believe me, Citizens will have greater rights in Ryukyu, and we will fully guarantee it. Please rest assured. "Ono Shouxing dares to say anything now, anyway, it is not white and black words falling on paper, if the United States can not interfere with Japan's annexation Ryukyu, it's OK to let Ono Shouxing call Hamilton's father.

"Are you kidding me? We never need any supernational treatment. We only need what we deserve, and we don't need anything else. So, Mr. Ambassador, I would like to ask you and your government to seriously consider my request. The United States of America will definitely maintain a unified position with the Kingdom of Ryukyu in this matter. "Hamilton has already begun to watch, and the work of the Secretary of State is extremely busy, and there is not much time wasted on the Japanese.

"Well, Mr. Secretary of State, I will pass on your opinion to the Chinese government. Before that, can you please ask the people of Junma Group to exercise restraint so as not to cause more serious consequences." Ono Shouxing said It is also very hard. On this issue, Ono Shouxing has no room for negotiation.

"I repeat to you again, Mr. Ono, Steed Group is a private company. We cannot interfere with the operating decisions of a company. Instead, as members of an elected government, I and the government I represent will fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of American citizens. "Hamilton didn't care what the Japanese thought. The destructive power of Li Mu had been verified during the Cuban War of Independence. Hamilton was very confident in Li Mu.

After Cuba's independence, it has now become a firm younger brother of the United States, so Hamilton is actually very happy on this issue. If Ryukyu will be the next Cuba, then whether it is Hamilton or Ulysses S. Grant, Will be rejoicing.

"Okay, I see." Ono Shouxing picked up his hat and didn't want to stay for another minute.

Hamilton's words have firmly stated the attitude of the United States government in this matter. There is no doubt that the United States government is firmly on the stand of the Junma Group, so if the Japanese government still wants Ryukyu, this matter will not be possible. Get a peaceful settlement.

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