Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 512: Buy and sell

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To be honest, Li Mu really can't remember what good things Ryukyu can be worth.

In Li Mu's eyes, apart from the strategic location of Ryukyu, there is almost nothing worthwhile. When Ryukyu people paid tribute to the Ming and Qing empires, they made two feet of coral and messed with two linen cloths. It's a chat table.

It is indeed a bit "inch".

The Ryukyu people paid tribute to the Ming and Qing empires. The Ming and Qing empires not only happily smiled for the face of the kingdom of the heavenly kingdom, but also offered gifts. This kind of sale is actually very cost-effective, because the kingdom of heaven makes two feet Coral, get two pieces of sackcloth, but you ca n’t take it. At least you have to get some gold and silver treasures to get in a few cars.

Although Li Mu is a standard Han Chinese, it is definitely impossible to do business at a loss. If Ryukyu people want to get help from Li Mu, they must really come up with something that can make Li Mu eye-catching.

Even if there is no gold or silver jewelry, there is always a sincere heart. If you don't even have that heart, then it is better to leave it as soon as possible.

Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli probably didn't expect Li Mu to be so cowardly, or Li Mu was not so foolish. They looked at each other for a while, but they had nothing to say.

Li Mu was not in a hurry, neither looked at the embarrassed Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli.

Li Mu can give Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli a chance to persuade themselves, but there is only one such opportunity. If Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli do not seize the opportunity and persuade Li Mu within this limited time, then they will never have the opportunity to board the Governor's Island again. .

Li Mu is also very busy. Not much time is wasted on Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli.

Pan Tingzhen frowned, watching the expressionless Li Mu constantly, as if he had opened the pot.

Just three months ago, the Japanese Secretary of the Interior Okuhisa sent people to Ryukyu to implement the patriarchal reform in Ryukyu. The Ryukyu government was obliged to use the Meiji name, the Ryukyu government was not allowed to pay tribute to the Qing empire, and a town platform was set up in Ryukyu At the same time, they asked King Ryukyu Shangtai to go to Kyoto, Japan.

From the request of Okuhisa Litong, it is not difficult to find that Pan Tingzhen's ambition to acquire the Ryukyu wolf has become clear.

In order to resist Japan's step-by-step pressure, King Ryukyu Shang Tai sent envoys to the Qing Empire for support, but received no response from the Qing Empire.

In desperation, the Ryukyu government had to resort to the international community, and this led to Pan Tingzhen's trip to the United States.

Before meeting Li Mu, Pan Tingzhen had great hopes for getting help from Li Mu.

In Pan Tingzhen's view, although Li Mu has already acquired U.S. citizenship, after all, she has the status of "Staying in the United States, Harmony, and Childhood". I want to come and read the Holy Book for a few days, so as long as Li Mu can read a bit of incense, then Carrying forward the "benevolent" of the Confucian tradition, it is not difficult for Pan Tingzhen to achieve the goal.

What Pan Tingzhen never expected was that Li Mu, an American, looks more American than Americans. He doesn't talk about the slightest affection, and there is no "benevolent morality" ...

No, Li Mu has his own standard of benevolence, but Li Mu's benevolence is only for the Chinese in the United States. Pan Tingzhen, a Chinese of Ryukyu nationality, wants to enjoy Li Mu's benevolence, and it has to be slowly lined up.

Yes, Pan Tingzhen is also of Chinese descent. In 25 years of Hongwu, that is, in 1392, Zhu Yuanzhang selected 36 shipbuilders who are good at shipbuilding from Fujian and ordered them to go to Ryukyu to improve Ryukyu's shipbuilding skills and strengthen communication between Ryukyu and the mainland.

Pan Tingzhen is one of these 36 surnames. It has been more than 400 years since 1392. The Pan Tingzhen family still retains the Han tradition, wears Chinese clothes, speaks Chinese, and writes Chinese characters. None of these people even intermarried with local Ryukyu people. Keeping their pure bloodlines, although they have lived overseas for hundreds of years, Pan Tingzhen has never forgotten the direction of their ancestral home.

From this perspective, it seems that Pan Tingzhen is also eligible to enjoy Li Mu's benevolence, but unfortunately, Li Mu has very strict standards for his own people. Pan Ting really wants to get Li Mu's approval. It is definitely not working by mouth.

In fact, Li Mu's standards are high and high, and neither high nor high.

Regarding pedigree, Li Mu is not too valued, at least not so absolute. Li Mu has always believed that the criteria for judging his own people should be analyzed more from a behavioral point of view. Culture, proud of his Chinese ancestry, and willing to be close to the Chinese community and safeguard the interests of the Chinese, then Li Mu believes that this is a standard himself.

On the contrary, if a Chinese of pure blood, but he is unworthy and shameless, recognizes the thief as his father, and seeks to benefit himself by demeaning his tribe, then this is a standard enemy, and all the Chinese should deserve Alas.

In Li Mu ’s view, although Pan Tingzhen and their ethnic Chinese did not do anything to hurt the Chinese, they did not do anything to the benefit of the Chinese, so even though Li Mu was trying to curb the Japanese to help Ryukyu, they had to start with Pan Tingzhen squeezed enough benefits from them.

"Mr. Li, we have been in great trouble in Ryukyu. I and I came not far from each other. We have no long objects and are destitute. There is only one room for blood and heaven to learn from. If Mr. Li can help me in Ryukyu, then Pan This life will be sold to Mr. Li from now on, and Mr. Li will be driven by him, and Pan will never break his heart. ”Pan Tingzhen thought about it, and couldn't think of anything that could be exchanged for Li Mu's support. Can put herself on the shelf.

After Pan Tingzhen said, the robe end brought Li Mu to kneel in front of him, one head to the ground and never got up again.


Li Mu really has a headache. Feudalism has killed people. As long as people are desperate, selling as a slave seems to be the last option, and they are selling so thoroughly that they do n’t have self-esteem. It ’s really embarrassing to not buy.

In fact, people in the 21st century are also the same. Many people who always consider self-esteem more important than life are purely because they have not been forced to that share. It is really a matter of life and death. This kind of mouth-blowing has become a habit. People are more persuasive than anyone else, but those who seem to laugh and scold well-behaved and smooth on weekdays, maybe they can still have a insistence in their hearts.

Seeing Pan Tingzhen kneeling in front of Li Mu, Pan Wenli quickly rushed forward and followed Pan Tingzhen to kneel in front of Li Mu.

It seems that Pan Tingzhen only wanted to sell him, and didn't want Pan Wenli to be a slave like himself, so when Pan Wenli knelt down, Pan Tingzhen kicked him.

Li Mu didn't care about Pan Tingzhen's careful thought, but he didn't mean to help Pan Tingzhen up: "You want to sell yourself ... well, how much do you want to sell?"

Li Mu has become a trafficker. He has bought 50,000 to 60,000 people from the Qing Empire in the past two years. There is nothing more than one, and seeing the meaning of Pan Tingzhen is a full-fledged person. If it is high, then Li Mu really bought it.

"Master Li, there is a city named Shutian near Shuli. The people living in this city are descendants of my Han family. There are about 500 young people in the city. Pan knows that he is old and useless. Armed with all the strength and strength, Pan Mou must be innocent, in order to repay Li Ye's gratitude. "Pan Tingzhen voiced no sorrow and joy, and opened his bid without raising his head.

For 500 people, this price is really not low.

According to the price of the weapons produced by the Junma Weapons Company, to arm a person from head to toe, at least 50 US dollars are needed, and 500 people are 25,000 US dollars. If you go to the Qing Empire, you can exchange 3,000 or 4,000 women for a little money.

"You are quite contented. Come on, 500 is 500, but I have to tell you first that the current hot weapon is different from the previous cold weapon. If you want to use the maximum power of the hot weapon, you still need to use it. You only need to receive professional training for a period of time, otherwise it is nothing but the crowd of people. Even if you are given weapons, you ca n’t get rid of the Japanese, so you have to think about it, it ’s hard to sell yourself for a second time. Right. "Li Mu must provide complete after-sales service for the products he sells, otherwise this is tantamount to smashing his own signboard.

Pan Tingzhen was very obedient. Since he sold himself to Li Mu, then Li Mu was the first to look at it, and how to get started without hesitation.

However, after Li Mu finished speaking, Pan Tingzhen immediately fell on his knees again, and did not hesitate at the same time: "I still ask Li Ye to try."

"Under my door, first of all, remember to kneel before moving. Secondly, if your grandfather is short, just call me Rim." After all, Li Mu is still not used to these feudal dross. The necessary etiquette, although there should be, ca n’t Express it in a way that tramples on the self-esteem of others.

"Yes, Lee, Rem ..." Pan Tingzhen was not used to it, and he soon became unable to speak.

"Two ways ..." Li Mu raised **** to Pan Tingzhen, shook her, and was satisfied with Pan Tingzhen's obedience: "Alternatively, I can send a boat to take those people over and let those people receive training here, then Send them back ... Or, I can send someone over to train them locally in Tim Tim, and then say something else after the training ... "

"It's okay, it's okay, everything is up to you." Pan Tingzhen felt a little old-fashioned, and finally sold himself for a good price.

"Don't be too happy first, no matter which method you use, it involves a training fee. How are you going to settle this training fee?" Li Mu's business with people has always been to squeeze out all the profits, so Pan Tingzhen is still happy. Too early.

"This, this ..." Pan Tingzhen wanted to cry without tears. What should I do now?

Pan Wenli didn't say a word, walked a few steps to Li Mu, and learned how Pan Tingzhen had just kneeled down.

Okay, this is a real hit ...

Pan Tingzhen looked at Pan Wenli with a low eyebrow, and couldn't help tears, but he still didn't escape this.

"I said just now, come into my door and kneel without moving." Li Mu emphasized again.

Although Li Mu doesn't like it, this is the characteristic of the feudal era. If you don't follow the customs in the countryside, you will be regarded as a new one.

Fortunately, here is the United States. No matter what rules Li Mu has established, no one will make any noise. If it was in the Qing Empire, I am afraid that an old master would have jumped out and scolded Li Mu for not following the rules of his ancestors.

Pan Wenli was also very obedient. After Li Mugang finished speaking, Pan Wenli immediately climbed up, standing still behind Pan Tingzhen.

"Well, let me talk about the third rule. Now that we are all one family, we can't say two words. From now on, all your actions should be to serve the interests of our family. As for Can Ryukyu drive the Japanese away? After you exchange these weapons for the Ryukyu people, it is no longer your responsibility. At the same time, you should also think about what we should do in the process of the Ryukyu people driving the Japanese away. Get the most benefits ... "Li Mu is not worried that Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli will repent. Except for Li Mu, they have lost their way.

"Ri, Rimm, do you want?" Pan Tingzhen was not sure.

"In fact, I have always wanted to find a base in the Far East that can be regarded as a foundation. Since you are of Chinese descent, they should be very clear that the current Qing Empire is not our Chinese master, and of course Ryukyu is also the same. The King of Ryukyu will not stand on the stand of our Chinese people and serve the interests of the Chinese people wholeheartedly. You must have felt that you lived this old age. I will only ask you one thing. If I help the Ryukyu people treat the Japanese Drive away, but at the same time support a Ryukyu king close to the Chinese, or even support a Chinese ethnicity as a king, can you accept this situation? "Li Mu does not hide his true purpose, there is nothing to hide, whether or not In the case of Ryukyu, Li Mu, the Japanese, and the rulers of the Qing Empire could never live in peace together.

Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli never expected that Li Mu's real purpose was actually this.

At this time, there is no hesitation. It is not necessary to say how loyal Pan Tingzhen can be to the King of Ryukyu. Since he has entered Li Mu's family, he must serve Li Mu with his whole heart. There is no doubt at first.

However, Li Mu's idea was too shocking after all, and Pan Tingzhen couldn't give an exact answer for a while.

That is to say, Li Mu, a traversal person, can trample on all the rules in this era without any fear. People such as Pan Tingzhen who have been observant for a lifetime, even if there is a demon such as Li Mu, who deceives people and wants Pan Tingzhen to change those in his mind Inherent thoughts still take time.

"Don't hurry to give me the answer. You can think about it tonight. If you don't understand today, think about it tomorrow. When you think about it, and when will you tell me your decision." Li Mu is not in a hurry, anyway, it will or will not happen It does not have much impact on Li Mu, at most, it will only make Li Mu's road to success more difficult.

The bumps are also limited.

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