Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 470: Can't run away

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This picture of Jing Dadao Justice quickly occupied the headlines of all the media in New York.

Gloomy backgrounds, broken windows, hazy soldiers, and hateful eyes made the current relationship between the US and Japanese governments fraught with danger and uncertainty.

Where Oshima can't see it, there is also a broken stinky egg on the exterior, white egg white, and red egg yolk, just like the Japanese flag.

The front page of the "New York Times" reads "The War Is Continued". Although the US and Japanese governments have not declared war, the photos with Justice of Oshima are indeed very symbolic.

After seeing the newspaper, Arthur came to Governor Island to visit Li Mu.

"What do you want to do? Urge the US and Japanese governments to declare war? In this extraordinary period, you need to calm down." Arthur disapproves of Li Mu's method of controlling public opinion, which makes Arthur feel out of control.

"It wasn't yours who died, of course you wouldn't have any pain. If the New York City Police Department was attacked, would you still say that?" Li Mu was dissatisfied with Arthur's attitude. In this matter, Li Mu thought Arthur Did not give him enough support.

The relationship between Arthur and Li Mu is good, but this does not mean that Arthur will unconditionally support Li Mu to do anything. Arthur is the mayor of New York and a qualified politician. At this time, Arthur will consider more and weigh all aspects comprehensively. Party interests, and then make due response.

Li Mu is different. Li Mu is the owner of Junma Group and only needs to be responsible to the employees of Junma Group. As for the life and death of others, this is not within the consideration of Li Mu.

"I understand your mood. You really need someone to pay for this at home, but not now. The Sasebo smokeless powder factory has exploded. The Japanese have already paid the price. This matter should come to an end. It's enough." She was bitter, and did not want to see the contradictions intensify.

"If it is until the Sasebo smokeless powder factory explodes, then it is indeed enough to stop. Now it is not working. 15 people have died and 40 people have been injured. Three of them need amputation. They will be permanently disabled, which means that there are dozens. One family will be affected forever. You have to stop now. The 100,000 employees of Junma Group will never agree. "Li Mu now has the confidence to make such a request.

Just last month, the steed group finally had more than 100,000 employees, of which steed construction company had the largest number, with more than 35,000 on the roster, and then steed arms company, including the Chuntiantian factory, the New Haven factory, and Hartford. The German factory has more than 20,000 employees, followed by Junma Automobile, Junma Electric, Junma Telecom, Budweiser Beer and Chuntian Fried Chicken. The total number of registered employees has exceeded 100,000.

This number does not include Carnegie-Rime Steel, Mobil Oil, Bank of America and other companies in which Li Mu owns shares.

Of course, this is just a paper figure. The actual number is not so much. The Steed Group has begun to place large-scale personnel in Illinois and Ohio. Anyone who is willing to run a farm can obtain a large amount of land from Li Mu at a low price. These lands are near the railway, with convenient transportation, fertile land, and relatively secure safety, so many people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars to obtain ownership of 100 acres of land from Li Mu.

Note that this is the right of ownership, not the right of management, which can be passed down from generation to generation.

Although the population is continuously diverging, including the family members, the Horse Group has only 100,000 employees on paper.

The Steed Group is the first company in the U.S. to employ more than 100,000 people, and Washington is preparing to publicize it.

Once Washington confirmed the news, it also represented that the Steed Group became a benchmark for the American business community, and at the same time gave Li Mu a powerful amulet. As long as Li Mu did not treason in the future, no one could help him.

Li Mu talked about the scale of the enterprise, and even Arthur had to swallow it.

Businessmen in Chinese society have always been fat pigs. After fattening to a certain extent, they will face the fate of being slaughtered.

The United States is different. The United States is a capital-controlled country. The huge population base represents a large number of votes, and no one dares to despise it.

Especially for people like Arthur who want to make a difference in politics, large companies such as the Steed Group are the objects they must embrace anyway.

So when Arthur was facing Li Mu, he was particularly smitten: "Of course, of course, I'm not saying that's all it takes, but now is not a good time for revenge. Watanabe's accident was injured yesterday. You should Yes, this is now a diplomatic event. "

In fact, Arthur ca n’t say it. As a diplomat, Watanabe has diplomatic immunity. Even if Watanabe violates the US Constitution, the US government can only expel Watanabe from the United States without the right. The trial in the United States, which has now happened, really makes Arthur unable to explain.

"Yes, I heard it. I heard it was hurt by a potato. I just regret why it wasn't a stone!" Li Muhao didn't hide his hatred for the Japanese, even in the presence of Grant, Li Mu would so.

Western society is relatively simple. Although there are conspiracy and intrigue, it only exists in a small number of people. For most people, like it is like, dislike it is not like it. Don't drag.

There is no need for Li Mu to conceal his attitude, because Li Mu will never stop there. If, like Watanabe, the sounding words in his mouth turn around and find someone to smash black bricks, such behavior is destined to be cast aside by everyone.

"Watanabe has boarded a train to Washington this morning, and this matter is beyond our scope now, so Rim, at least in New York, to exercise restraint, you don't want New York to become Montana." Arthur came to Li Mu for a reason. At least Arthur could drag Li Mu away and not let Li Mu go to find Watanabe's trouble.

"Want to run, haha ​​..." Li Mu sneered again and again, no matter whether Watanabe took the Vanderbilt family train or Jay Gould's train, he did not want to escape Li Mu's surveillance.

"You, what do you want to do?" Arthur was frightened, and then he remembered Li Mu's relationship with this group of big brothers.

In this matter, the big guys in Manhattan are definitely advancing and retreating together. When the artillery rang, it would be worth two thousand dollars. As long as the battle was going, stocks would be hoarded, arms would be mobilized, and new orders would be generated. Thing.

As expected by Li Mu, Watanabe chose Washington Vanderbilt trains for Washington.

In the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between the Vanderbilt family and the Steed Group should be a life-and-death enemy, or at least a competitor, because in the automotive industry, there is fierce competition between the two major groups, especially in the just-before-traveled American cars. This was particularly evident in the second leg of the rally in Boston.

In this race, the Vanderbilt family team finished fourth, while the third and third teams were both the Steed Group.

Although still not on the podium, compared to the first race, the results of the Vanderbilt family team have greatly improved, which also made William Vanderbilt vow after the race, in the following In the race in Washington, the Vanderbilt family team must stand on the podium, the key is to beat the Steed Group.

The vow of William Vanderbilt convinced outsiders that the relationship between the Vanderbilt family and the Steed Group is really bad. Only the people in the circle know that the Vanderbilt Auto Factory is actually a vassal of the Steed Automotive factory. For cars The place in the rally, that doesn't make any sense, it's just the product of coordination.

The speed of 30 kilometers per hour is definitely not fast, and the word "Flying" is not touched, and it can't even catch up with riding.

But it can be awesome enough to be able to run at 30 kilometers per hour, especially for politicians like Watanabe.

Looking at the fast-regressing bushes outside the window, and the buffalo in the distant wilderness, Watanabe's face was a bit ugly, but he was still confident: "If one day, our Great Japanese Empire can repair this Rail network, then we do n’t have to flee New York hurriedly. "

To be honest, if it was not for such a low mood, Watanabe originally wanted to laugh at the Vanderbilt family.

The land on both sides of the railway belongs to the Vanderbilt family. Just looking at the lushness of vegetation, Watanabe knows that the land here is extremely fertile. As long as it is reclaimed, sprinkle a handful of seeds, even if it is left unattended, it will also fall. Can get rich harvest.

Thinking of this, Watanabe felt sad.

Japan is a country with a small area. The Japanese are okay and love to make people. So in order to feed such a large population, Japan has used every land in the country to the utmost. Seeing that the United States has such a fertile land, no one takes care of it. Watanabe did feel wasteful.

However, I have no time to feel this. Now Watanabe and his party can only use "kanghuang" to describe. Yesterday the crowd gathered in front of the Japanese Consulate in New York until 10 pm. No one knows what else the Junma Group is like. After the revenge, whether tomorrow's revenge will come more violently, so Watanabe made a decision overnight to evacuate New York.

The staff of the embassy was long overwhelmed. Watanabe ordered. Before dawn, the staff had packed their luggage, processed all the confidential documents, and made preparations for boarding.

The Vanderbilt family is a former shipping giant. The Japanese government bought a lot of scrap ships through the Vanderbilt family to dismantle steel, so Watanabe and William Vanderbilt have a good relationship.

Through William Vanderbilt, Watanabe even got a special train, which somewhat restored the confidence of the embassy staff and prevented them from collapsing.

I still do n’t know that the famous Oshima Majesty is standing behind Watanabe. The expression on his face is still unruly. Although he is getting farther and farther from New York, Oshima Majesty still feels resentment.

Escaping New York in such a embarrassing way is a standard shame for a real warrior. If possible, Oshima justice would rather fight the battlefield than bear the stigma.

Taking note of Oshima's righteous attitude, Watanabe shook his head slightly: "Oshima Jun, the Chinese have a famous couplet, and I will give it to you now, I hope you can appreciate it."

Watanabe finished speaking and came to the desk with a splash of ink.

Anyone with an aspiration would be able to break the boat and sink into a boat.

Hard-working people can live up to their wages, and they can swallow Wu.

It must be said that Watanabe's Chinese characters are beautifully written, much better than the authentic Han people such as Li Mu.

This is also the sorrow of Japan ’s East Asian cultural circle. The influence of Han culture is too great. As a country composed of a single nation, the vast majority of people speak Japanese, but there is no corresponding language. The official Japanese language is Chinese, whether it is the emperor's edict, or the title deed of the small people, is written in Chinese.

Watanabe, as a member of the upper class in Japan, naturally writes excellent Chinese characters. Even Watanabe himself is proficient in Chinese, but this is rarely known.

This is not uncommon. Many Japanese people can speak Chinese, and they must have a high enough status, enough wealthy people at home to understand Chinese, and people with low status generally do not even have the qualifications to learn Chinese.

"This couplet tells the story of West Chu King Xiang Yu and Yue King Gou Jian. They are both weak and strong representatives, but in adversity, they continue to strengthen themselves, eventually defeating powerful opponents and achieving their own hegemony. We are also facing The same situation can make us weak in national strength and barren in resources, but we have a self-improving heart. As long as we work hard and everyone does its job, then our great Japanese empire will one day prosper and prosper. The enemies will kneel in front of us for mercy, and we will become the strong in this world and get our true status. "Watanabe Shinchun is kind and tempting, the expectations implied in his eyes are moving.

"Yes, I will remember your teachings." Justice Oshima was grateful, bowed to 90 degrees, and his upper body was parallel to the floor.

At the Japanese Consulate in New York, Watanabe has supreme authority. He is good at using various methods to encourage morale, to promote younger generations, and to troubleshoot the embassy staff.

Watanabe was waiting for a few words of encouragement, and a noise of horseshoes came quickly, followed by a group of knights swiping their horses, and passing by the window.

These knights wear clothes made of animal skin with feathers on their heads and colorful oil paint on their faces. The key is that they all carry weapons and they look advanced. They are either pistols or shotguns. gun.

"Indian?" Justin Oshima exclaimed, a sudden uneasy in his heart.

The train has now left New York, and Mercedes is on the land of Pennsylvania. Although it was a paradise for Indians, at least 50 years ago, the Indians have never appeared on this land.

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