Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 445: priority

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As the mayor of New York, if you want to clean up a newspaper in New York and give them a lesson, it should not be too easy.

Especially when the mayor is rich in capital and has both political and economic resources, it is simply inadequate.

The reason why the US government is a capital-controlled government is that politicians must receive capital funding when they run, so that they will have sufficient economic strength to kill competitors. Once politicians themselves have huge economic resources, The possibility of human restraint is reduced to a minimum, and it often wins people's trust.

The reason is very simple. Once the poor ghosts have the opportunity to make money, they tend to eat ugly without any means. No matter what kind of money, they must do everything to get it back. There is no way, they are really scared; and how much is the rich man in this regard? It will converge a bit. At least they do n’t have to worry about their livelihood. Even if they ca n’t take charge, they still live well. So for some small money, rich people do n’t care about it. It ’s often these “small money” that are related to the livelihood of the people. maximum.

Arthur is now undoubtedly a rich man. The rose company stock that Arthur owns is worth tens of millions of dollars. This money has been washed by Columbia Investment Company. It is the legitimate income of Arthur, so Arthur has an advantage in this regard. Even if no one supports Arthur, Arthur can do something in the future.

Li Mu no matter how Arthur gradually promotes the disclosure of the accounts, and even how Arthur wants to deal with the "New York Tribune", after the press conference, Li Mu will know what happened at the press conference. If Horace Gerry Lei does not target Gloria, but only on "Time", Li Mu will not deal with losers like Horace Greeley at all, but when Gloria is involved, Li Mu will not downplay it.

Will is currently also in New York. When he heard what happened at the press conference, Will burst into a thunder: "Tiger, take someone to seal the New York Tribune. Damn, I have been looking for trouble. Some time ago, The attack on Montana's war hasn't been calculated, and now bullying Gloria's head again, I'm going to pay that **** Horace Greeley. "

Horace Greeley is Grant's deadly opponent. The political dispute between the two has risen to the ultimate level. No matter what the Grant government does, Horace Greeley needs to pick out bones in the eggs, and even for the "Westward Movement "Holes Greeley also has to confide in this newspaper about such a national policy.

Just before George Dewey strategically retreated, trying to lead the Indians out of the mountains and hanged him, Horace Greeley attacked George Dewey and Will, their military generals, in the New York Tribune, saying George Dewey, a naval officer and now an army general, was war minister Bernard fainted, and said that handing a unit such as the Army Cavalry Division 1 to a little sheriff is not disappointing to the lives of young Americans Responsibilities, etc. Anyhow, how disgusting people come.

It is said that the United States is engaged in a war, and domestic public opinion should be unified. Such acts as the New York Tribune are absolutely not allowed, but because of Horace Greeley's qualifications and his status as an opposition party, all this It became a grandeur, and its full name, the full implementation of the "power of supervision," was really disgusting to Will's gang.

At that time, Will had the idea of ​​teaching the New York Tribune, but it was beyond his reach, and it was temporarily put on hold. Now Horace Greeley once again made up for it, Will was planning to count the new hatred and the old hate together.

"Yes, general, execute your order immediately." Yan Hu didn't contradict this order at all.

If you ignore your hair and skin color, Yan Hu is now a copy of Will, with the same tall body and the same tall and straight figure, and in her early twenties, has become a senior general of the US Army, and the future is unpredictable.

Unlike Li Mu, who has always been respected, Yan Hu is hot now. When Yan Hu returned to New York from Springfield, Clinton Castle became very lively. In the past, those members who often lingered at Clinton Castle disappeared and were replaced. It is their female dependents.

No way, the halo on Li Mu is too dazzling, the chairman of Steed Group, the "king" of New York, the "superior emperor" of the United States of Cuba, the "planner" of Hawaii, the largest farmer in Indiana and Illinois, these identities It's enough to just take out one. It's an eye-catching thing to focus on one person. So although Li Mu's personal image is very good, few families are interested in Li Mu.

Just as Gloria was not provoked in New York, Li Mu was also ignored. Now Li Mu and Gloria's affiliates are well known. In the case where Chu Xue is not known to the public, two people can be considered together. When I grew up, I guessed, so no one thought of Li Mu.

"Seizure-will it be too late?" Li Mu did not have such recklessness as Will, and there were many ways to retaliate against Horace Greeley. Such a blatant war deceived people with the least technical content.

"Hmm, nothing, Horace Greeley is anything. This guy is a fool. As a founder of the Republican Party, he is mingled with Democrats. Such a person will never become President, if he becomes president, the United States will split directly. "After becoming a general, Will spoke even more recklessly.

"Hehe, it ’s just using each other. Even with the support of Democrats, Horace Greeley ca n’t compete with Mr. President. No matter what the Democrats do, the Democrats have n’t had the chance to take office in recent decades, so Democrats just want The method is disgusting to us. "Li Mu saw thoroughly that the politicians were the group with the least bottom line, and told them that the martial arts were for the cows.

"This is a trivial matter. You don't need to worry about it. You still win the War Department's bid with dim sum. It's about the future of the US Army. You can't lose to the British." Will doesn't want Li Mu to manage these trivia. Li Mu's time is precious and should be dealt with more important things.

A direct consequence of the Montana War was the establishment of a standing army in the United States. Sherman was not incapable of command. In the Civil War, Sherman also performed well, but relied on a group of sailors ashore and militia in the states. It is not easy to win the Indians who are fighting for the right to survive.

George Dewey airborne to Montana with the prestige of defeating the Spaniards. At the same time, he also brought the decent army that had been tempered by the Cuban war. Compared with the systematically trained army, the Indians' combat effectiveness was not worth mentioning. Regardless of weaponry or tactical skills, the regular army must be better, so the Montana war ended with the victory of the US government.

The United States did not have a standing army before because the army did not have value, and there were no countries that were too powerful around the United States. It was sufficient to send marines for small-scale operations, so there was no room for the army.

It ’s different now. The Army completely proved its worth during the Montana War. So the War Department now not only does not lay off the first cavalry division, but also forms the second cavalry division and the third infantry division on the basis of the first cavalry division. It is basically determined the existence of the Army.

Since the Ministry of War decided to establish a standing army, it requires a large amount of weapons and ammunition. Recently, the Ministry of War has issued bidding requirements to major US arms companies, including the Steed Weapons Company, Chuntian Arsenal, New Haven Weapons Company, Kazakhstan Teford Rapid Weapon Company and many more.

Well, in fact, all of them are subsidiaries of the Junma Group. The War Department also knows that the Steed Weapons Company is nasty, but everyone has a tacit understanding. No one has exposed this. When the telegraph was sent, the War Department gave Enfield in the UK also issued a copy, which is a bit of a school test.

In the case of Hawaii, the relationship between the United States and Britain was a little tense, so the invitation of Enfield to the Ministry of War to borrow this incident was also a signal to ease the relationship.

Of course, the signal is the signal, and the facts are the fact. If the Steed Weapon Company loses to the British in the bidding, it is estimated that the entire Ministry of War will not give Steed Weapon a good look.

"Don't worry about this, what's in Enfield? The world's first new rifle loaded in the breech? Don't be funny, Steed Weapons has launched a magazine-type Springfield rifle. The British have no chance in this regard, let alone pistols. , Do you think that the British crudely crafted single-handed robbers can be compared with Steed Weapons Company's python? I am afraid that your soldiers will not think so; the British's only chance of victory is artillery, but as long as Steed Weapons Company is half a year, the British There will not be any advantages in artillery. Steed Weapon Company can completely swallow the orders of the War Department, not only this one. All future orders of the War Department only need to contact Steed Weapon Company. "Li Mu on Steed Weapon The company is confident that apart from seniority, Enfield has no advantage in front of Steed Weapons Company.

The only shortcoming of Junma Weapons is artillery, but now this is being made up. After the New Haven Artillery Factory is completed, Junma Weapons will fill this last shortcoming. By then, Junma Weapons will be the largest in the world. Of arms companies, no one.

"Half-year-hehe-" Will remembered the announcement from the War Department some time ago and couldn't help shaking his head and grinning.

The Ministry of War did not purchase artillery this time. It will not be until half a year before the Ministry of War purchases artillery.

Like Will's thinking, the War Department is in line with the development rhythm of Steed Weapons Company, otherwise this time period will not be so clever.

Hmm, it ’s no secret that the military company and the soldiers are a bit messy, not to mention that Li Mu and Bernap are old friends. Bernap has accepted Li Mu ’s invitation and will work at the Junma Group after retirement, so although Bernapp didn't say anything, but no matter what Bernap is doing now, he must give priority to the Steed Group.

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