Rebirth of the Thousand-Faced Movie King

Chapter 96: Aced, team destroyed

is it possible?


is it possible?

Several question marks in a row made Wang Dongming’s head a little big.

Although the technology had fully tested the computer just now, Wang Dongming felt more and more that Chen Ping had not really invaded their computer. It doesn't seem possible, but...who knows. After all, it is Beida Jade Bird and also has the word Beida... Who knows if this girl is a hacker genius.

But where is the time to look for evidence now?

If this guy's skills are really that good, even if he checks, he probably won't be able to find out.

In addition, leaks are not limited to hacking techniques.

What if there is someone artificial and a traitor?

Although this seemed impossible,... Wang Dongming immediately found a way to solve it: Xiao Xiao, stop dictating the current question bank and let several professors give questions on the spot.

Regardless of whether the question bank was stolen or not, Wang Dongming had to eliminate Chen Ping.

Immediately, under Wang Dongming's order, the host came to pose a question on the spot.

Four professors were invited, each of whom asked three questions, for a total of twelve questions.

As soon as this brand new rule came out, others were stunned.

What's going on? There was a question on the spot?

Hahaha, Chen Pingping made CCTV change the rules.

There is no way. It seems that it is difficult to eliminate Chen Ping from the previous question bank.

Countless people watched it with gusto.

did not expect.

A cultural variety show is full of ups and downs.

Hello, classmates, now I will give you questions. I will give you three questions in total. Please listen to the questions...

The first person to stand up was Ouyang Sheng, professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University.

In fact, he had already expressed doubts about Chen Ping.

You know, in the first three games, even he couldn't write some words.

But Chen Ping turned out to be very good at every word, advancing with perfect scores in all three games.

Although this cannot be said to be impossible.

However, Ouyang Sheng really didn't believe that an actor could achieve such a level.

The first question: Gao Yao, a native of the Xia Dynasty, was chosen as the successor by Dayu.

The second question: lei zu, it is said that she was the Yellow Emperor's concubine.

The third question: di ku, one of the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

The three questions Ouyang won were all names.

And these three people are very famous.

It's just that although they are very famous, the names of the three of them are very difficult to write.

However, these three questions were not difficult for Chen Ping, so he wrote them out in sequence.


For the students from the remaining three middle schools, these three questions were not difficult, and they were also dictated.

Professor Ouyang, you gave these three questions incorrectly.

I noticed that too.

Ouyang Sheng was a little depressed.

Although the names of these three people are difficult to write, they are often introduced in history.

Chen Ping was not only able to write it, but many middle school students also regarded it as the key point when they memorized the words.

I come.

After Ouyang Sheng, another professor from Beijing Normal University came forward.

[Please listen to the first question: you mian kao lao lao is a kind of food. 】

[Please listen to the second question: lao zao tang yuan is also a kind of food. 】

[Please listen to the third question: jiao tou is still a kind of food. 】

As soon as these three questions came out, all the contestants had not yet answered the questions, and the ordinary audience became happy.

Hahaha, these professors are interesting. The first professor named people, and the second professor named food.

Well, it's obvious from a glance that the first professor is very interested in history, and the second one is a foodie.

Unexpectedly, CCTV discovered a new way to play...

However, I can't write any of these three questions.

Although the guests were indeed forced to pose the questions, I did not expect that the first two professors achieved good results.

Although the first professor didn't get it right.

But the questions asked by the second professor may seem like they are all for you, but you may not be able to write them.

Professor Zhang, these questions you answered are really amazing.

It's not bad. I have to stump them a little bit anyway.

Well, I think Chen Ping will be eliminated once these three questions come up.

Several professors looked at each other and expressed their appreciation for the second professor's question.

Such questions are not only innovative, but also difficult.


They seem to have got it wrong.

These three food questions did not stump Chen Ping. On the contrary, they eliminated one of the schools.

I'm going

There are only two left?

Chen Ping...

Seeing another middle school being eliminated, the professor who just gave the question vomited some blood.

what happened?

Wang Dongming asked extremely anxiously.

The students have not prepared for these questions, so they have not written them out.

The host whispered to the backstage: Director, do you want to continue with the questions?


It’s hard to get off the tiger.

Now that I know it, I can only continue to ask questions.

It's my turn to give you questions now. The first question...

A third professor stood up.


He also felt the pressure.

Judging from the current situation, don't worry, one of the remaining two companies will be eliminated.

have to say.

Reality proved the third professor’s guess.

After he came up with the question, only Huanggang Middle School was left in the entire team competition.

I have a god...

There's only one family left.

Chen Ping is still here.

I'm thinking……

What are you thinking about?

Will they be destroyed by the group?


Say this.

Countless spectators, guests, hosts, studio staff... all gasped.

The group is destroyed.

They had never thought of such a situation.


Such an incredible scene happened in the Chinese character dictation competition.

This guy is a monster.


Is he really that awesome?

have no idea.

Is it going to be cheating?

You don't need to guess. CCTV thought about whether Chen Ping cheated before we did.

Yes. I didn't see that all three professors gave questions on the spot. CCTV just suspected that Chen Ping might have cheated. But...

But what?

Three professors have appeared, do you think Chen Ping is still cheating?

This is naturally even more impossible.

Since it's not cheating.


there is only one truth.

Chen Ping... is such a genius, so terrifying, and such a monster.

A once-in-a-century genius.


I want to say that Chen Ping will be my idol from now on.

In the three games, Chen Ping changed his handwriting from the original to ugly, step by step, and captured the hearts of countless spectators.

Seeing this, everyone had completely ignored Chen Ping's words.


At this level, the beauty and ugliness of handwriting no longer matter.


do not know why.

Now when they looked at Chen Ping's handwriting, they felt that it seemed to be quite pleasing to the eye.

Some viewers feel that this is a completely new kind of calligraphy.

Otherwise, if you keep looking at it, you will feel that this word seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

This is not a problem with everyone’s aesthetics.

This is really the impact Chen Ping gave everyone, it is really too big.

Host, are there any more questions here?

The fourth professor asked the host a few weak questions.

The host was also embarrassed and asked the backstage director room again.

The backstage director's office didn't know how to answer. Seeing that the scene was out of control, they could only reply: Get out.


After the fourth professor set the question... all students from Huanggang Middle School were also eliminated.

Chen Ping was the only one left at the scene.




At this moment, the entire screen is filled with Aced.


This means group destruction.

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