Rebirth of the Thousand-Faced Movie King

Chapter 60: Very Jianghu flavor, this is the Yang Guo in my mind

I'll go, this is so handsome.

It's very Jianghu. This is Yang Guo in my mind.

Ah ah ah, my girlish heart is about to turn into a cute one.

I love it for this appearance. I love it.

Chen Ping, I love you.

Husband Chen Ping, my wife is here.

Chen Ping, I want to give birth to a monkey for you.

No wonder the title says that once I see Yang Guo, I will lose my life. I'm afraid I will lose my life if I see Yang Guo like this.

The barrage filled the sky, like snowflakes.

At this time, if you hadn't seen Chen Ping reveal his face just now, then you really wouldn't be able to see what Chen Ping's face looks like.

If you want to see Chen Ping's true appearance, you can only choose to turn off the barrage.

And those users who turned off the barrage and watched Chen Ping's face again, after seeing that incredibly handsome face, just like them, countless barrages flew out.

Brothers, Brother Ping has revealed his face, everyone, look quickly.

Nima, you have such a face that you can be fooled. What are you doing?

I finally know what a surprise is.

Chen Ping had previously given an advance notice, saying that it would surprise many fans.

Many fans watched the first two episodes and felt good about it, thinking this was a surprise.

Unexpectedly, the real surprise lies behind.

However, the more surprising thing is the Penguin official.

After Penguin officially tripled its efforts to promote the third episode of Actors Please Be Here, the backstage on-demand data of Actors Please Be Here exploded.

30 million times.

50 million times.

100 million times.

200 million times.

300 million times.

Just one episode exceeded 300 million views that night.

Mr. Cheng, it's exploded, it's exploded, it's exploded.

The technical director who had been monitoring the background data excitedly reported to Cheng Liang.

Cheng Liang was also excited and asked immediately: How much is the data?

To know.

At this moment, Cheng Liang has been waiting for the data from the background.

He was actually quite depressed before.

For Actors Please Take Their Place, he previously gave three times the publicity intensity.

Although this may seem like nothing, there are a lot of sarcastic voices inside Penguin.

In particular, several colleagues who were competitors with Cheng Liang bluntly said that Cheng Liang had ruined the show and could only increase its popularity through promotion.

This made Cheng Liang feel unhappy for a while.

He was just unhappy and could only endure it for the time being.

Penguin is a big platform. Even in the film and television industry, Penguin has two teams.

Whoever does the best job among the two sets of people will be let go.

This is a typical horse racing mechanism.

If you want to win, no matter how much you say, it’s useless. The key is data.

Only data is the best proof.

For this reason, he also bet on Actors Please Take Their Place.

Of course, he had not dared to do this before.

But after Chen Ping's reveal in the third episode, he believed that this would be a breaking point.


Mr. Cheng, the number of visits has exceeded 300 million.

so much?

How many hours has it been online?

Less than 3 hours.

How many do you expect to break in 24 hours?

800 million people.

Okay, okay, okay...

Cheng Liang was overjoyed and said hello three times in a row.

However, holding back his excitement, Cheng Liang said: I want specific data analysis.

Mr. Cheng, I'm summarizing it for you.

Stop summarizing, I'll go to your technical department.

After that, Cheng Liang and the technical director came to the technical department.

Retrieve data.

At this time, the on-demand viewing of Actors Please Take Your Place has exceeded 320 million.

What attracted the most attention in this episode was the time period from about 1 hour 11 minutes to 1 hour 35 minutes.

This time period is also the time when Chen Ping plays.

In other words, basically most people came here for Chen Ping's reveal.

It is clear.

Cheng Liang made the right bet.

Good boy, it seems your potential is much more than this.

Staring at Chen Ping on the monitor, Cheng Liang felt very happy.

He previously invited Chen Ping to participate in this show just because Chen Ping had played Chao Xiaoshu before.

Cheng Liang felt that Chen Ping's acting skills were good, but other than that, he never thought about what Chen Ping could bring to him.

After all, it's not just Chen Ping who has good acting skills in this show.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ping would give him such a big surprise in the third episode.

However, Mr. Cheng, although our Actors Please Take Their Place became a hit, many viewers have posted from time to time, saying that Chen Ping is suspected of having plastic surgery.

Oh, do they have evidence?


The technical person in charge shook his head: Many industry experts have come out to analyze it, and there is no trace of Chen Ping's plastic surgery at all. On the contrary, many other celebrities have dug up their plastic surgery history.


Cheng Liang almost sprayed water.

Regarding the issue of Chen Ping's appearance, they know better than anyone else.

The second and third episodes were aired only one day apart.

Chen Ping was ordinary one day, but shocked everyone the next day. How could Chen Ping have time to have plastic surgery?

As for why Chen Ping is so handsome?

Maybe Chen Ping used magic.

Anyway, Cheng Liang couldn't figure it out.

Of course, he didn't want to find out.

It's hard to explain this kind of thing, if you insist on giving a reason.

Then listen to Er Dongshen.

Chen Ping has always been reserved before, which also makes his whole temperament and appearance to be restrained and not extroverted.

When he is restrained, you may not see what Chen Ping has.

It's like a luminous pearl in the daytime, you feel it is just an ordinary pearl.

But at night, you realize that Chen Ping is so dazzling.

Brother Ping, can you sign your name for me?

Brother Ping, from now on, you are my idol.

Brother Ping...

What does it mean to become famous overnight?

Chen Ping, this is it.

Overnight, through Actors Please Take Your Place, Chen Ping became popular all over the Internet.

At the same time, Chen Ping's popularity on the KuaiDou platform increased from 300,000 to 3 million.

This is a 10x improvement.

Of course, the 3 million followers here does not mean that Chen Ping only has 3 million fans.

The 3 million followers here are from the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of viewers who followed Chen Ping’s KuaiDou account.

Relatively speaking, these 3 million followers are more hardcore.

This is not a swipe, nor is it an official recommendation. This is what live fans automatically search for and add to follow.


When Chen Ping came to the set for filming the next day, a group of extras surrounded Chen Ping.

Well, buddies, we are all actors, there is no need to sign.

It's necessary, Brother Ping, it's really necessary... You don't know how popular you are now. If I can get an autograph from you, I can add tens of thousands of followers to my account quickly.

Holy crap, is it that exaggerated?

That's not an exaggeration at all... Um, um, can we take another photo together?

OK, no problem.

Everyone is an actor.

Chen Ping also came from group performances.

I know it’s not easy to perform with a group of people.

Most of the time, the extra actors can barely make ends meet.

Many actors have also started live broadcasting. Although they don't make much money, they can still improve their lives.

Chen Ping's show today was in the afternoon, and there was no show in the morning. Chen Ping did not postpone it and refused to accept anyone who came.

After being busy for an hour or two, Chen Ping was freed from the crowd of extras.

Although very tired.


The feeling of explosion, to be honest, is quite refreshing...

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