Rebirth of the Thousand-Faced Movie King

Chapter 54: The first sight of Yang Guo leads to a lifelong mistake

Pat, pat, pat.

The whole place was shocked.

It can be said.

It was definitely a sensation.

For such a famous scene, it would be extremely difficult for future generations to re-interpret it.

Many people even dare not act in such a famous scene.

Because no matter how good the acting is, you can't surpass the original work.

If your performance is even slightly inferior, the four directors will scold you to death.


Chen Ping and Yuan Bingyan's interpretation re-interpreted this famous scene.

And the acting is no worse than the original version.


In some ways, it's even more.

For example, the moment when Chen Ping revealed his face.

Chen Ping's unveiling shocked not only Guo Xiang in the play, but also everyone in the audience.

Come on, our two actors, step forward.

Amid cheers, Chen Ping and Yuan Bingyan walked out of the stage.

The host Dapeng walked up excitedly: Chen Ping, don't you want to talk about it?

Dapeng said as he handed the microphone to Chen Ping.

say what?

For example, your appearance.


What everyone is most concerned about is Chen Ping's appearance.

To know.

Chen Ping was mediocre before.

Unexpectedly, in this blink of an eye, he turned out to be so handsome.

Many actresses even had their hearts beat faster when they saw Chen Ping.

This kind of appearance is simply unbearable.

Although they are weird.

They even wanted to know whether Chen Ping had undergone plastic surgery.

But this is impossible.

First of all, Chen Ping didn't have time to have plastic surgery.

Because everyone was rehearsing, Chen Ping didn't leave, and it was impossible to have plastic surgery.


Although Chen Ping's appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes, if you look closely, you will find that Chen Ping's five views have not actually changed.

This is definitely not plastic surgery.

But it hasn't changed, but the whole face shape and the whole temperament are not comparable to before.

Hasn't my appearance always been mediocre?


Chen Ping's words of high-level Versailles almost made him squirt, Dapeng said: You are just mediocre, why should others still live? All the actors in the audience raised their hands who thought they were more handsome than Chen Ping.

After finishing speaking, no one in the audience raised their hands.

It's not that he doesn't have the guts, it's that he was completely outclassed by Chen Ping.

I don't know how to explain this.

How could Chen Ping say such a thing? I'm just a loser.

The reason why I am so beautiful is because I cheat.

Not only does this car drive well, it also drives without leaving any traces.

I think this has something to do with Chen Ping's state of mind.

At this time, Er Dongshen said: I feel that Chen Ping is a very reserved person, so before this, his character has always been reserved. This also leads to the fact that although Chen Ping's appearance is actually very good, he is not special. Outstanding. But today Chen Ping just showed up, and we can appreciate Chen Ping's true appearance. I have to say that today's Chen Ping surprised me.

Beauty is something that everyone likes.

Even though Er Dongshen has always liked actors with strength and acting skills, there is nothing better than an actor who has both good looks and acting skills.

Director Liu Ming was very straightforward and said directly: Chen Ping, I have a movie. I wonder if you are interested in cooperating with it?

This statement made everyone in the audience even more excited.

You know, although Liu Ming is not very qualified, no one dares to underestimate his strength.

A series about young lovers, but even Er Dongshen had nothing to say about it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ming actually extended an olive branch to Chen Ping directly at the scene.

Thank you, Director Liu Ming. If there is an opportunity to cooperate, of course I am willing.

This is also a scene talk.

Chen Ping would not think that Liu Ming would definitely use him.

Chen Ping's words were not a complete agreement or rejection.

After all, this is an informal occasion, and it is unknown whether there will be cooperation by then.


Chen Ping actually didn't really want to film a film directed by Liu Ming.

It's not that he dislikes Liu Ming.

The main reason is that the movies Liu Ming shoots don't have much depth and always reflect his petty bourgeois sentiments, which Chen Ping dislikes very much.

Bingyan, come on, tell me how you feel.

Zhao Wei on the side then turned the topic to Yuan Bingyan: The role you played as Guo Xiang today was really great, especially when I saw Chen Ping's face revealed, your look was very touching.

Actually, I was a little dumbfounded. I didn't expect that Chen Ping after the unveiling was actually different from the Chen Ping before. Fortunately, the dumbfounded look in his eyes seemed to be quite appropriate for the occasion.

What do you think is the difference between Chen Ping now and Chen Ping before?

let me see……

It seemed that he had not thought about this problem. Yuan Bingyan looked at Chen Ping, thought about it for a while, and then said: I think it's about the same. Although there are big changes, if you look closely, it seems to be the same.

That's why I say that you did a great job in portraying Guo Xiang's expression when he saw Yang Shicha.

Zhao Wei applauded Yuan Bingyan.

They are all people who have been here before. Judging from Yuan Bingyan's appearance, there is nothing she doesn't understand.

In fact, it is the same for Guo Xiang.

At that time, Yang Guo had already been planted in her heart, even though Yang Guo was not a handsome man, he was not ordinary-looking.

But to her, Yang Guo is the most handsome big brother in the world.

Director Kai Ge, why don't you comment?

After Zhao Wei finished speaking, he looked at Chen Kaige.

The famous writer Lin Yanni has a saying. She said that once you meet Yang Guo, you will miss your life.

Chen Kaige looked at Chen Ping and said with emotion: I thought this sentence could only appear in Jin Yong's martial arts novels before, but when I saw Chen Ping today, I believed it.

This time, because of Chen Kaige's words, the audience applauded for a long time.

Once he met Yang Guo, his life was ruined. This is about Yang Guo.

Except for Xiao Longnu, all the women who had met Yang Guo had missed their lives.

Cheng Ying, Wushuang, Gongsun Lv'e, Guo Xiang... any of the women here are so beautiful that you can't stop liking them.

However, after the four women met Yang Guo again, they could no longer tolerate other men.


Except for the above ones.

Guo Fu, Wan Yanping, Yelu Yan... also fell in love at first sight after meeting Yang Guo.

But in the end, because she knew it was impossible to marry Yang Guo, she married someone else.

As for Guo Fu, when she met Yang Guo again 16 years later, she finally realized that she had always liked to go against Yang Guo and made things difficult for Yang Guo, not because of anything else, but because she liked Yang Guo.

This is said in the Shen Diao novel.

Because only such characters in novels have such peerless youth.

but now.

Chen Kaige placed these words on Chen Ping.

Everyone knows what this sentence means.

Okay, no more competition next time.

Well, just surrender.

I almost want to quit.

After Chen Ping and Yuan Bingyan left the stage, the other actors felt depressed.

Chen Ping, who had been mediocre before, unexpectedly gave them a big move at a critical moment.

This move hit them so hard that they still haven't woken up yet.

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